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Science / Biology / Pathology

NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology

Terms in this set (177)

Bruxism is the pathologic form What is the difference between bruxism and
that causes attrition attrition?

Perimolysis what is term for erosion from gastric secretions?

Dilaceration Abnormal bend or curve in tooth?

If Maxillary incisor has dilaceration, what might it

have been caused from?

what is a single enlarged tooth in which the tooth

Gemination (twinning)
count is normal?

what is an enlarged tooth in which the tooth count

reveals a missing tooth?

Concrescence What is a union of teeth by cementum?

dens in dente AKA dens Deep surface invagination of the crown or root that
invaginatus is lined with enamel?

What is the tooth most common to have dens in

Max lateral
dente/dens invaginatus?

NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology

most common to have lingual Problems associated with dens in dente?

teeth may become


What is a tooth with large pulp chamber that's

Taurodontism (Bull's Teeth) furcation is close to the apex and is common in
Down Syndrome?

Enamel Pear AKA Ectopic tooth enamel on root surface? AKA?


Max lateral AKA Peg lateral Most common microdont tooth?

Anadontia What is no teeth?

Hypodontia What is fewer than normal teeth?

oligodontia What is missing 6 or more teeth?

Partial Anadontia What is Hypodontia AKA? (fewer than normal teeth)

Ectodermal dysplasia What is the syndrome associated with hypodontial?

Hyperdontial What is increased number of teeth?

supernumerary teeth What are the extra teeth called>?

Mesiodens; between max Most common supernumerary tooth and where is it

centrals located?

NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology

Cleidocranial dysplasia
Two syndromes associated with supernumerary
Gardners syndrome teeth?

Cleidocranial dysplasia What syndrome has HYPOPLASTIC clavicals?

What syndrome has premalignant colon polyps,

Gardners syndrome
osteomas and epidermal cysts?

What is an enamel defect of permanent tooth

Turner's tooth
caused by an infection in a primary tooth?

Amelogenesis inperfecta What is an hereditary defect of enamel formation?

Dentinogenesis inperfecta What is a hereditary defect of dentin seen with

(AKA hereditary opalescent obliterated pulp chambers?

What is AKA Pink tooth of Mummery caused by an

Internal resorption enlargement of pulp chamber or canal by

Melanotic macule Flat, brown lesion (frekle)?

Focal argyrosis Amalgam tattoo AKA?

Fordyce's granules Intraoral sebaceous glands?

Dilated superficial veins prominent on ventral


What syndrome is caused by too little steroid

Addison's disease cortisol and creates "bronzing" of the skin and
NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oralmucosa?
Hypoadrenalcorticism Addisons disease AKA?

Syndrome caused by excess pituitary gland ACTH

Cushings disease production leads to weight gain, "buffalo hump",
and "moon face" and poor wound healing?

Hypercotisolism Cushings disease AKA?

White, hyperkeratotic, course, nodular, wrikled

Nicotinic stomatitis
appearance to hard palate in smokers?

the orifices of minor salicary In Nicotinic stomatitis; what are the scattered red
glands are inflamed "dots" on the soft palate?

What is a milky white lesion on buccal mucosa that

disappear when stretched?

A hyperkeratotic line of buccal mucosa along plane

Linea alba
of occlusion?

Candida albicans What is the most common fungal infection?

What are local factors that contibute Candidiasis?

Steroid Inhalers

What are systemic factors that contribute to
Uncontrolled Diabetes

Pseudomembranous What is a candida in a white plaque that wipes off?

candidiasis (Thrush)
NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology
Erythematous candidiasis Candida red areas?

Red atrophic area, midline dorsal tongue, often in

Central papillary atrophy
immunoCOMPETENT individuals? (form of candida)

Median Rhomboid Glossitis Central papillary atrophy AKA?

Fissured areas at corner of the mouth from

Angular cheilitis

Vit B2 Riboflavin Angualr Cheilitis looks that what vitamin deficiency?

Nystatin, Clotrimazole Topical TX for Candida?

Fluconazole (diflucan), Systemic TX for Candida?


On the tongue, areas of erythema (atrophy of

Geographic tongue
filiform) surrounded by raised, white border?

Erythema migrans
Geographic tongue AKA?
benign migratory glossitis

Hairy tongue Elongation of filiform papillae?

Dude didn't brush his tongue

Causes of hairy tongue?


Fissured tongue AKA scrotal or Fissured and/or grooves on dorsal tongue surface?
furrowed tongue

NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology

Down syndrome Trisomy 21 AKA?

increased salivary production; Oral manifestations of down syndrome?

NOT Xerostomia, fissured
tongue, macroglossia, mouth
breathing, hypodontia,
taurodontism, periodontal

mental retardation
Down syndrome...
heart defects...may need pre-
med antibiotics

altered immune system

risk of leukemia

What is the most common "tumor" of the oral


Its a smooth, pink, firm, elevated (that's what she

nodule, fibroma
said) lesion?

reactive hyperplasia of fibrous What causes a fibroma?

connective tissue in response
to irritation or trauma

a connective tissue lesion wart-like, pedunculated,

soft-lesion caused by HPV?

Verruca vulgaris What is skin warts AKA?

condyloma acuminatum Genital warts called?

NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology

Inflammatory fibrous "Fibroma" around denture flange, especially ill-
fitting denture?
AKA Epulis fissuratum

Excise tissue and remake TX for Epulis fissuratum/ inflammatory fibrous

denture hyperplasia?

Papillary hyperplasia of the Papillary lesions under maxillary denture, especially

if denture is never removed?
AKA Pseudopapillomatosis

Excise tissue and remove TX for papillary hyperplasia of the palate?


Exuberant tissue response to local irritation or

Pyogenic granuloma trauma, highly vascular, has a hormonal influence,
common in kids and young adults on gingiva?

Pyogenic granuloma common in pregnant women

Pregnancy tumor

Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis

non-painful, pulp polyp lesion, exophytic lesion in
AKA pulp polyp, pulp carious teeth in kids?

Endo or EXT Tx for Pulp polyp?

Clinically similar to pyogenic granuloma out side of

Peripheral giant cell granuloma
gingiva, has multinucleated giant cells?

similar microscopically to Peripheral giant cell

Central Giant Cell Granduloma granuloma, but is located INSIDE bone and is
unilocular or multilocular radiolucency?
NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology
Gingival hyperplasia (lots of Increased number of cells?
people in asia)

Phenytoin (dilantin)...seizure Causes of gingival hyperplasia?


Calcium channel
blockers...Procardia or
Nefedipine (hypertension

transplant meds

Smokers, more keratinized Who has a drecreased incidence of aphthous

tissue-stronger ulcers?

Only on movable mucosa

Where does aphthous ulcers occur?
(never on hard palate of

What is the most common reported cause of

aphthous ulcer?

Traumatic lesion, common on What is a painful lesion caused by trauma (usually

tongue, lips, buccal mucosa biting)?

HSV-1 What virus causes oral herpes?

HSV-2 What virus causes genital herpes?

Vaicella Zoster Virus What virus causes chicken pox?

Epstein-Barr virus What virus causes MONO?

NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology
HUMAN HERPES Virus-8 what Virus causes Kaposi's sarcoma virus?

Primary Herpes Simplex

Mouth vesicles, then ulcers, any oral location,
AKA Acute herpetic erythema, usually occur between 1-5 years old?

Cold Sores, fever blisters, recurrent lesions of HSV

Herpes Labialis
on the lips?

Prodromal burning and tingling before a lesion?

Where can recurrent HSV occur on an

Anywhere in the oral cavity
immunocompromised pt?

Herpetic whitlow HSV on finger?

chickenpox; vericella-zoster Erythema, vesicles, pustules, crusted lesion over

virus body?

Vericella zoster virus in adults, uni-lateral erythema

and vesicles?

Mononucleosis; epstein barr Fever, lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis,

virus hepatosplenomegaly, rhinitis, palatal petechiae?

ORAL Hairy LEUKOPLAKIA; white, furrowed lines on lateral surface on tonge,

Epstein-Barr Virus May be 1st manifestation of HIV infection?

HHV-8, vascular neoplasm, multiple bluish-purple

Karposi sarcoma
macules and plaques, seen with HIV pts.

NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology

Herpangina; "Her vangina got a Vesicles or ulcers of posterior oral cavity, flu-like
virus from his cox in the back symtoms, coxsackie virus?
of her throat"

vesicles or ulcers of mouth, hands, and feet, flu-like

Hand-Foot-Mouth disease
symtoms, coxsackie virus?

Treatment for autoimmune disorders causing

vesiculobullous disease
blistering diseases AKA?

An acute ulcerative codnition of skin and mucous

Erythema multiforme
membranes; bulls eye or target lesions?

immunologic response to food, causes of erythema multiforme?

chemicals, drugs, or microbial
infection, recurrent HSV

Severe form of Erythematous multiform (Major); its

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome when 2 mucosal surfaces are involved and usually
triggered by a drug?

Lupus erythematosis; Chronic "Butter-fly"rash; mucosa and skin ulcerations?

discoid (cutaneous)

Lichen planus
3 Desquamatous gingivitis?


Disease of skin, can affect oral mucosa;

Lichen planus
desquamative gingivitis?

fine, lace-like network of white lines in lichen

Wickhams striae
NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology
REticular type the lace-like type of lichen planus?

The type of Lichen planus with red areas with

Erosive type
blisters and ulcerations?

desquamative gingivitis; blisters within the


Pemphigoid; Going into the Desquamative gingivitis; blisters is

basement subepithelial/submucosal (basement membrane)?

traumatic severence of salivary gland; most

mucocele; TX-Excision
common on lower lip?

"Mucocele of the floor of the mouth"; most common

is obstuction of wharton's duct?

Calcification within gland or duct, may cause

Sialothiasis (salivary stone)
obstruction/swelling when eating?

Benign mixed tumor

Most common tumor of the salivary glands?
AKA (PLEOMORPHIC commonly found in parotid gland with intraoral site
ADENOMA) of hard-palate?

Virus transmitted through saliva/respiratory


secretions, flu-like symtoms, BILATERAL parotid

AKA Epidemic parotitis

Basal cell carcinoma-sun What are the 3 most common cancers of the skin?
exposed skin

Squamous cell carcinoma-sun

exposed skin

NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology
Melenoma Pigmented tumor of skin?

Lesions of the lateral border of tongue and floor of

Malignant; benign
mouth? Dorsal tongue?

Pt. chews tobacco; wrinked, corrugated white

Smokeless tobacco keratosis

lesion at site of placement, gingival recession, tooth

AKA Snuff dippers lesion
staining and decay?

Squamous cell carcinoma AKA Most common form of oral cancer?

Epidermoid Carcinoma

because squamous cell

epithelium is the tissue found in
the oral cavity?

Smoking and Alcohol x2 Major risk factors for squamous cell carcinoma?

Leukoplakia...which cannot be What does Squamous cell carcinoma often starts

wiped off out as?

Dysplasia (carcinoma-in-situ) pre-malignant lesions that are not invasive yet?

floor of mouth and lateral what are the most common sites for squamous cell
border of tongue carcinoma?

What is the primary risk factor for Squamous cell

sun exposure

What is the first place Squam. cell carc. metastasizes

Lymph nodes

NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology

What are radiation effects?

Radiation caries


NO Is Aging associated with Xerostomia?

Drugs, head/neck radiation, What is the etiology of Xerostomia?

Sjogren syndrome-

Loss of papillae and What can Xerostomia do to the tongue?


Loss of papillae from Xerostomia can look similar to
vitamin deficiency from what vitamins?
folic acid



An epithelium lined pathologic cavity often filled

with straw-colored fluid?

A cyst in which the lining of the lumen is derived

Odontogenic cyst from epithelium produced during tooth

Epithelial Rests of serres? What are the remnants of the dental lamina?

Epithelial Rests of Malassez, (

What are the remnants of the Hertwigs epithelial
I and E get together to form root sheath?
HERS and stay in Malassez)

NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology

Remnants of both HERS and dental lamina cause
Odontogenic cysts
what cyst?

Radicular cyst
A well circumscribed unilocular radiolucency at the
AKA periapical cyst, apical apex of a necrotic tooth? TX: extraction/endo
periodontal cyst therapy

A radicular cyst that was left behind after an

Residual Cyst; TX-removal

Dentigerous cyst; Mandibular A cyst arround the crown of an impacted tooth?

3rd molars, maxillary canines usually what teeth?

Primordial Cyst Cyst that occurs in place of a tooth?

Unilocular or multi-locular, usually posterior

Odontogenic Keratocyst
mandiblem high occurance rate. Can be Associated
with Basal Cell Carcinoma ?

Gorlins syndrom What syndrom is OKC associated with?

What unilocular radiolucency is found between

Lateral periodontal cyst roots of mandibular premolars and CANNOT

Globulomaxillary cyst;
What non-odontogenic cyst is found between
"a glob is like a booger, and Maxillary lateral incisors and canine?
this cyst is found where
boogers come out of, between
lateral and central"

NBDHE Board Review 2013 Oral Pathology

This cyst is found on the midline of the anterior
Nasopalatine duct cyst

maxilla, may appear "heart-shape" due to anterior

AKA Incisive canal cyst
nasal spine?

The best radiograph to view the Nasopalatine duct

Occlusal radiograph, then PAX

Nasolabial cyst
What is a soft tissue cyst and often lifts the ala of the
AKA nasolacrimal cyst nose?

-oma What is the suffix for benign neoplasm?

What is a malignant neoplasm of the epithelial
(drive a car outside) tissue?

What is a malignant neoplasm of mesenchymal

tissue (muscle, bone, connective tissue, etc)?

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