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1. Older patients have increased width of the pulp chamber, however the apical
foramen decreases with age.
A. First statement is correct, second statement is incorrect
B. First statement is incorrect, second statement is correct
C. Both statements are correct
D. Both statements are incorrect

2. Diameter of the apical foramen in adult teeth
A. 0.2mm
B. 0.3mm
C. 0.4mm
D. 0.5mm

3. This location can be reliably detected by an apex locator
A. Anatomic apex
B. Apical foramen
C. Apical constriction
D. Radiographic apex

4. The narrowest part of the pulp canal
A. Minor apical diameter
B. Major apical diameter
C. Apical foramen
D. Anatomic apex

5. Leads laterally from the main pulp canal to the periodontal area
A. Coronal pulp chamber
B. Radicular pulp canal
C. Accessory canal
D. All of the above

6. Overall occurrence of accessory canals
A. 60 percent
B. 45 percent
C. 33 percent
D. 10 percent

7. Contains an increased density of cells and extensive vascular system
A. Odontoblastic zone
B. Zone of Weil
C. Cell rich zone
D. Pulp core
E. C and D

8. The following are nerves found in the dental pulp except
A. A beta


B. A gamma
C. A delta
D. C fibers

8. Which of the following statements are true?
A. A fibers are unmyelinated, located at the pulp periphery while C fibers are
myelinated, located in the deeper part of the pulp proper
B. A fibers are myelinated, located at the deeper part of the pulp proper while C
fibers are unmyelinated, located at the pulp periphery
C. A fibers are unmyelinated, located at the deeper part of the pulp proper while C
fibers are myelinated, located at the pulp periphery
D. A fibers are myelinated located at the pulp periphery while C fibers are
unmyelinated located at the deeper part of the pulp proper

9. Chronic apical periodontitis may appear in the following forms except
A. Chronic suppurative apical type
B. Granuloma
C. Periapical cyst
D. None of the above

10. Grossman equivalent of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis is/are except:
A. Acute serous pulpitis
B. Acute suppurative pulpitis
C. Chronic hypertophic pulpitis
D. None of the above

11. Types of pulpal degeneration according to Grossman
A. Calcific
B. Fibrous
C. Atrophic
D. Fatty
E. All of the above

12. If the response to electric current resistance is less the 15 ohms with continuous
pain for more than 30 secs, the condition is
A. Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis
B. Acute serous pulpitis
C. Acute suppurative pulpitis
D. Chronic ulcerative pulpitis

13. Partial tooth fracture that extends from a mesial to distal direction
A. Cracked tooth
B. Split tooth
C. Vertical root fracture
D. All of the above

14. This is usually associated with a narrow periodontal pocket.
A. Cracked tooth


B. Split tooth
C. Vertical root fracture
D. All of the above

15. Which of the following conditions may manifest with sensitivity to pressure and
A. Normal pulp
B. Reversible pulpitis
C. Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis
D. Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis
E. Pulpal necrosis

16. The following state will exhibit variable clinical symptoms
A. normal pulp
B. Reversible pulpitis
C. Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis
D. Previously initiated therapy

17. No response to thermal tests
A. normal pulp
B. reversible pulpitis
C. Irreversible pulpitis
D. Necrotic pulp

18. Painful response to biting and percussion with periapical radiolucency
A. Chronic apical periodontitis
B. Acute exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis
C. Acute apical abscess
D. Chronic apical abscess

19. Sinus tract is the pathognomonic sign of which of the following conditions?
A. Acute apical abscess
B. Chronic apical abscess
C. Condensing osteitis
D. Asymptomatic apical periodontitis

20. The following are considered additional tests done for an endodontic diagnosis
A. transillumination
B. selective anesthesia
C. test cavity
D. fracture-detecting device

21. Internal resorption is an acute process. Calcified canals indicate endodontic
A. The first statement is true, the second statement is false
B. The first statement is false, the second statement is true
C. Both statements are true


D. Both statements are false

22. The following tests are to be used for pulpal diagnosis except
A. Cold test
B. Electric pulp test
C. Heat test
D. Fracture detecting device

23. If an xray was shot from a distal side of the tooth, the root that appears on the
mesial is the _______ root, and the root that appears on the distal is the ________
A. lingual, buccal
B. buccal, lingual
C. either A or B
D. none of the above

24. Indicates the spread of inflammation from the PDL to the overlying
A. cold test
B. electric pulp test
C. percussion test
D. palpation test

25. EPT tests for the presence of what nerve fibers?
A. A beta
B. A gamma
C. A delta
D. C fibers

26. A pus-filled canal will elicit what response in the pulp?
A. true positive
B. true negative
C. false positive
D. false negative

27. Wearing of gloves will elicit what response in the pulp?
A. true positive
B. true negative
C. false positive
D. false negative

28. The preparation of a flat surface by the excision of the apical portion of the root
and subsequent removal of attached soft tissues
A. root end resection
B. hemisection
C. root resection
D. non surgical endodontics


29. A method to create an apical barrier in a necrotic tooth with an open apex
A. Apexogenesis
B. Pulpotomy
C. Apexification
D. Apical barrier technique

30. The following maxillary teeth have an ovoid access cavity preparation except
A. Central incisor
B. Lateral incisor
C. Canine
D. First premolar

31. The outline of the access cavity of mandibular teeth are except
A. Ovoid
B. Trapezoid
C. Triangular
D. None of the above

32. How many percent of lower central incisors have two orifices?
A. 95
B. 80
C. 10
D. 5

33. Manufacture to appear to form a series of intersecting cones
A. Broach
B. Reamer
C. K file
D. Hedstrom

34. Barbed broaches are manufactured from what shape of wire?
A. Triangular
B. Square
C. Round
D. Diamond

35. K file is used with a reaming motion action to enlarge root canals. It has few
spirals or flutes than a reamer
A. The first statement is correct, the second statement is incorrect
B. The first statement is incorrect, the second statement is correct
C. Both statements are correct
D. Both statements are incorrect

36. Advantage of Ni-Ti files are the following except
A. remain better centered within the canal space
B. faster instrumentation
C. superior rigidity
D. high resistance to torsional fracture


37. Gates glidden with an ISO size number 100 has what diameter?
A. 0.5mm
B. 1.0mm
C. 1.5mm
D. 1.25mm

38. Which of the following irrigants has a solvent action on organic tissues?
A. Sodium hypochlorite
B. Chlorhexidine
C. Ethlyene-diamine-tetra-acetate
D. All of the above

39. The best and ideal concentration of sodium hypochlorite used as an irrigant
A. 0.5%
B. 0.9%
C. 5.25%
D. none of the above

40. Peridex is
A. Sodium hypochlorite
B. Chlorhexidine
D. Any of the above

41. What is the primary function of calcium hydroxide?
A. interappointment dressing
B. antibacterial
C. cauterizing activity
D. encourages calcification

42. Gutta percha becomes plastic at which temperature?
A. 37 degrees Celsius
B. 50 degrees Celsius
C. 60 degrees Celsius
D. 100 degrees Celsius

43. The following are four groups of sealers
A. zinc oxide eugenol
B. calcium hydroxide
C. resin
D. glass ionomer
E. all of the above

44. A narrowing occurring in the coronal part of an apical zipping, resulting to a
hour glass shaped canal
A. Ledge
B. Strip


C. Elbow
D. All of the above

45. The first step in managing instrument separation is to remove or bypass the
instrument. Instrument separation does not always lead to endodontic failure.
A. The first statement is correct, the second statement is incorrect
B. The first statement is incorrect, the second statement is correct
C. Both statements are correct
D. Both statements are incorrect

46. Indication/s of intracoronal tooth bleaching
A. Intrinsic source of discoloration
B. Acceptable root canal has been performed
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

47. Bleaching agent that is easier to control and safe
A. hydrogen peroxide
B. sodium perborate
C. carbamide peroxide
D. any of the above

48. Negative to percussion and mobility but with lateral displacement
A. Concussion
B. Subluxation
C. Lateral luxation
D. Extrusion

49. Storing solution of an avulsed tooth from the least to most preferred:
A. Saline < water < saliva < cold milk < hank’s solution < viaspan
B. Water < saline < saliva < hank’s solution < viaspan < cold milk
C. Water < saliva < saline < cold milk < viaspan < hank’s solution
D. Water < saliva < saline< cold milk< hank’s solution < viaspan

50. The following types of traumatic injuries are generally splinted for 2 weeks
A. Extrusion
B. Avulsion
C. Lateral luxation
D. Intrusion


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