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Name: Peter Joshua F.

Gayta Date: 09/03/2021

Course/Year: BSBIO-1ST YEAR-2ND SEM Subject: SocSci.10

In this activity, you will engage in a free association exercise of ideas you associate with
“globalization.” In the diagram, you will find rectangular objects. List inside the rectangular ones the
terms/concepts you can associate with globalization. Then, out of these concepts/terms, develop your
definition of globalization and write it on the lines found on the






Own Definition about Globalization:

Globalization is a term used to describe how trade and technology have made the world into a
more connected and independent place. In economic terms, it refers to the growing economic
integration of the world, as trade, investment and money increasingly cross international borders,
globalization is not new, but a product of the industrial evolution. Globalization can take in different
forms, whether to cultural exchange in gaining access to cross border transactions to take control of
international monopolization, with globalization progress, development and fair trading to other
countries, the integration and cross-culture between countries would prove successful in cooperation
and fair settlement in trading without the result of conflict or dispute to each other’s agreement.

1. Is it possible to make friends with someone who lives outside the Philippines? Is it possible
to stay in touch with them? What makes this possible?

Ans. Yes, getting to know with a friend who lives outside the Philippines is not difficult as it
is, since where now in the age of technology, communicating with one another using technology feels
is almost same as having a conversation in personal meeting. With technology, a device that is
suitable for this kind of necessity is called a cell phone or CP, with this kind of device, you can do
virtual conversations with each other, talk about relatable social trends and other stuff, though making
a friend from outside using technology is no difficult thing to do, but the disadvantage of it, is the
person you try to befriend with through the cell phone, could he/she might act friendly to you in later
to try to access in hacking your accounts and exposing yourself who you are. It is something that
should be avoid in making friends through internet, though not all people are true to their identity
when it comes to communications through technology, sometimes making a friend in personal is the
most accurate thing to get know with from that person, though making friends through internet is also
acceptable but only find the right one to know with.

2. Identify a local clothing brand (shirts, shoe brands, bags, etc.). Are their products made in
the Philippines? If not, why do you think they choose to manufacture their products abroad?

Ans. a Local clothing brand in the Philippines named Team Manila is known for street wear
style which can be traced back to the ‘70s,  growing roots from the Californian surf and skating
culture, and eventually encompassing other elements of sportswear, hip-hop, and popular culture
along the way. Now, street-wear is synonymous with urban culture, with an emphasis of combining
comfort with style. This renowned clothing band has been around since 2001 and now known for its
cool, casual graphic tees that have the nationalistic themes displayed loud and proud-the brand’s
practically bursting with pinoy pride. The brand logo, for example, is the national hero Jose Rizal with
sunglasses. Its designs draw inspiration from urban lifestyle and culture, and the imagery of the city of

3. What sports do you like to play or watch? Is this sports famous only in the Philippines? Do
you watch the local and/or international tournaments of this sports? How are you able to watch the
international tournaments?

Ans. The sports that I watch is basketball, it is commonly famous in the Philippines, and
usually it is seen from local communities where they are held during tournament events or special
occasions. This sports is usually seen as well in international tournaments via Television since I live in
the Philippines, this basketball sport is originated from western culture as is completely developed
and played by younger generations until today. Though is hard to afford such kind of luxury to travel
just to watch it personally, why not watch your favourite sport through television or other viewing
devices along with your friends and your family.

1. OP-ED: Does Globalization still exist?

By: Masuda Bhatti

Ans. The reason of this topic tell us that if globalization still lives on until today even the
Start of global pandemic which cause the one-third of economies have been shut-
Down due to lockdown procedures, even the world economy has shrunk in excess
Of six percent in the last five months alone. This also rise to the conflict among
Countries against china since the first spreading of the viral strain that originated in
One of the villages in Wuhan, China along with the rise of global economic
Shutdown which leads hundreds of unemployed personal leaving them without
Jobs or other important things.

2. OP-ED: Globalization hurt factory workers. Why not workers?

By: Dean Baker

Ans. This issue talks about how globalization has been a major force in depressing wages
Of less-educated workers in the United States. This is largely undisputed. But it
also was not inevitable. Globalization unfolded this way because of policy decisions —
which could be reversed to structure globalization in ways that exacerbated income
inequality. Though millions of U.S. workers lost jobs. After staying nearly constant in the
three decades from 1970 to 2000, manufacturing employment fell by more than a third —
almost 6 million jobs over the next decade. While others who had advance degrees and
certifications are allowed to work as doctors and lawyers allowing them to have
protectionism in applying to U.S. residency program, while those who work only under
manufacturing employment would only pressure to low income wages.

3. The reality of globalization.

By: Elfren S. Cruz

Ans. This issue talks about on how globalization became more influential in each passing
Month, showing the reality we live in on how technology became more relevant and
Global economies begin to compete each other that will result in more geographic
Concentration of wealth and talent. Even though individuals, companies, or
Governments are always on the lookout for new processes or innovations and so
Economic and power structure of the world is never stagnant.

1. What was the Thirty Years War? Why did it happen? What were the main issues of
the conflict?

Ans. The thirty Year’s War, in European history, a series of wars fought by various
nations for various reasons, including religious, dynastic, territorial and commercial
rivalries. Its destructive campaigns and battles occurred over most of Europe, and,
when it ended with the treaty of Westphalia in 1648, the map of Europe had been
irrevocably changed. The war is conventionally held to have begun 1618, when the
future Holy Roman emperor, in his role as king of Bohemia, attempted to impose
Roman Catholic absolutism on his domains, and the Protestant nobles of both
Bohemia and Austria rose up in rebellion. A few years passed, in 1625 the king of
Denmark saw an opportunity to gain valuable territory in Germany to balance his
earlier loss of Baltic provinces of to Sweden. The king of Denmark is defeated and
the peace of Lubëck in 1629 finished Denmark as a European power, but the
Sweden’s king, having ended a four-year war with Poland, invaded Germany and
won many German princes to his anti-Roman Catholic, anti-imperial cause.

2. What is the Treaty of Westphalia? What were the main points of this Treaty?

Ans. The Treaty of Westphalia, which brought to an end the Eighty Year’s War
between Spain and the Dutch and the German phase of the Thirty Year’s War. The
peace was negotiated, from 1644, in the Westphalian towns of Munster and
Osnabruck. The Spanish-Dutch treaty was signed on January 30, 1648. The treaty
was also extended that tolerance to allow the minority religion of the territory to
practice freely. The Peace of Westphalia established important political precedents
for state sovereignty, inter-state diplomacy, and balance of power in Europe. As a
result of Treaty of Westphalia, the Netherlands gained independence from Spain,
Sweden gained control of the Baltic and France was acknowledge as the preeminent
Western power. The power of the Holy Roman Emperor was broken and the German
states were again able to determine the religion of their lands.


After I watched and read about the relationship between Philippine and China, I
agree that the relationship between these two countries developed strong ties to each other, aside
from the arbitration and bilateral agreements which issues about the territorial dispute among the
Spratly islands and Scarborough Shoal but this issue is still on resolve under diplomatic negotiations
between our political leaders and theirs, but enough with the negative perspective views, the reason
we made a strong bond from that country is because of the benefits that we’ve gained from them.
Continuous exporting of resources starting from cloth, food and brand wears and other by-products
have made a huge impact in developing and expanding the economy in the Philippines this is almost
a symbiotic relationship in which one would benefit the other as long fair settlement to both factions
is agreed upon. Though unlike china, there other countries that Philippines established long lasting
friendship and alliance, with those countries such as japan, Russia and India have made strong bond
to Philippines, though this is out of topic, but the reason of it is because of integration of economies
therefore expanding of brands, capitalism, growth and monopoly power is something in terms of
relation is what other countries seek.

1. What is the World Systems Theory?

Ans. The World Systems Theory is a multidisciplinary, macro-scale approach to world
history and social change that emphasizes the world-system (and not nation-states) as the
primary (but not exclusive) unit of social analysis. World-system refers to the inter-regional
and transnational division of labour, which divides the world into core countries, semi-
periphery countries, and the periphery countries. Core countries focus on higher skill,
capital-intensive production, and the rest of the world focuses on low-skill, labour-intensive
production, and extraction of raw materials. This constantly reinforces the dominance of the
core countries. In definition of the theory refers to the division of labour, be it inter-
regionally or transnationally. Currently, the theory divides the world into the core, semi-
periphery, and periphery countries.

2. How did colonialism shape the current global political and economic hierarchy?
Ans. Colonialism has shaped modern society of today, as though some countries who are
still part of colonialism such as our country Philippines, Africa and other colonized still
under the influence western culture until today. Countries with major influence over
economy and mega-structure are competing in exploiting countries that are decolonized
along with untouched geographic locations that are untouched which they will exploit and
will politically integrate with that country which leads to conflict and dispute towards its
community in disagreeing to collaborate their cultures with theirs. Mixing with other
cultures while removing its originally and tradition will start a revolt to the indigenous
community though others might give independence in choosing nationality and religion and
the right to choose the culture they live, as colonialism still lives on today, countries now
develop different tactics and ways of integrating economic development without conversion
nor exploitation but in a way to give independence and to share benefit to one another, as of
now, supporting ones needs is the key of better development in globalization.

The WGI Dimension: Control of Corruption

- It is one of the dimensions in WGI indicators that captures the perception of the
extent to which public power is exercised for private gain, including both petty
and grand forms of corruption, as well as “capture” of the state by elites and
private interests.

Answer the following questions:

a. What does you’re assigned dimension measure?

- The assigned dimension that I picked indicates that its measure among the
others, to the point that is fairly-average unlike those other countries
measurement that shows outstanding results though this dimension in the
Philippines shows impressive changes from the past year.

b. What does it mean if the country scores high and low in this dimension?
- If the country scores in this dimension means that the performance of the
government is poor and public power is not exercised therefore corruption is
very active and cannot progressively to achieve peace within the community, but
if the country scores is low, then it means the government maintains a good
stable hold against the corruption while exercising and balancing the use of
public power and also hearing out the voices of its people while carrying out
executing ideas that will support and improve the community.

c. What is the rank or result of the Philippines in your dimension?

- The rank that the dimension that I assigned is only at the 6 th place therefore that
Philippines is slightly performing better after the past years, this tells me, that only
half of the corruption is mainly prioritize and finding some solutions that might be
effective to eliminating corruption one at a time but due to the crisis of the first
spreading of the virus, health protocols were strictly followed but characterized by
the government in response to COVID-19 characterized as abusive enforcement and
major violations of human rights and media freedom, but the reason of it is that
the government wants only its people to be cautious during even pandemic crisis,
though it’s not have to be strict but proper guidelines and cooperation to other
kinsmen can lessen the influence of corruption.

d. Explain why the Philippines’ rank declined, stagnated or increased in this

- The rank of this dimension in the Philippines is stagnant, therefore the control of
corruption in the Philippines is mild and stable even the lack of equipment and
facilities but still Philippines rose to be a slight corrupted country due under the
presence of a government where its laws are not meant tarnished and always
active to the response of its people.


Actions needed for
this issue to be
undertaken is to
develop and
POVERTY YES YES NO implement rapid
and sustained
economic growth
policies and
The only way to
supress this issue
To develop good
development and
reducing violence
and conflict due
poverty inequality.
Ways to stop this
problem is to stand
up to your own
RACISM YES NO YES beliefs and culture
and to advocate
others in learning
the importance in
appreciating others

1. Aside from the problems/issues you have listed above, name one of the major problems
The world is facing today?

Ans. One of the major problems that the world is facing today and is called health in
Developing countries it is statistically shown that aside from malnourishment,
Access to clean and affordable living conditions has lagged in the development
World. As technology and globalization expand to greater heights and have access
To almost anything, the downside of it that too much environmental land mass
Were replace to structural infrastructure and because of it now rises the problems
Health conditions with lack of quality of healthcare and poor segregation would
Increase the total health problems due to living an unhealthy urbanized area.
Developing countries lack not only technical know-how, but also the resources and
Public health systems required to prevent such outbreaks.

2. What organizations take care this type of problem? Why?

Ans. As the problem relates to health problems in a developing country due to lack of
Healthcare establishments and medical centers but one organization is fit for this
Kind of problem and that is the World Health Organization (WHO) is the
Organization that aims at fighting diseases and preventing them from spreading,
They play a major role in providing safe drinking water and adequate waste
Disposal for all. The organization itself promotes the research required to develop
Appropriate technologies relating to all aspects of health. They also aid different
countries to reinforce their health system by building up infrastructure, particularly
health, manpower, health institutions & services for the individual family and
community. With WHO, decrease of life expectancy will slowly decline and also the
implementation of health protocols will improve healthier lifestyle.

In this task, our aims are to:

1. Explore the role of the UN Security Council in keeping peace around the world; and

2. Make an action plan for peace in Darfur.

How it will help the people


The fighting between the pro By agreeing each other in This will help the people in
government and the anti- terms of transitioning the Darfur in slowly progressing
government groups country to be diplomatic and in restoring their livelihood
judicial and granting people and to handle conflicts
freedom and equality to each without the use of violence

The lack of action from by End harassment, threats, and This will maintain
Sudanese government and its arbitrary arrest and detention disciplinary act towards the
links to the pro-government of human rights activists, people of Darfur in
militias. students and others who seek maintaining peace and order
to exercise their right to to bring changes that will
freedom of expression and to benefit the necessities to
Release all detainees who have progress and development.
not been charged with a
cognizable offense.

The millions of people living Raise money for the refugee Since residents are caught in
in refugee camps in Sudan, camps and establish media a crossfire between to
Chad and the Central African contact, establish contacts waging countries, they must
Republic. with local officials (school, be transferred to relocation
community, religious, etc…) area where conflict cannot
reach them and provide
them shelter and resources
for them to recover.
The lack of food, clean water, Establish communication and By lessen the rehabilitated
shelter and medicine for the relation towards the people area from filth and garbage
people living in refugee living in refugee camps and by doing segregation while
camps. implement segregation policy also monitoring the
and provide support aide. sustainability of resources
and equipment.
The Fact that the Sudanese By accepting the peacekeeping By giving the people of
government rejects UN help. plan in halting off the long- Darfur a chance to
conflicted war while granting experience peace and to
access to the allied forces in restart a new life with less
providing the benefits in conflict and to enter the era
rebuilding the livelihood of the of progress and
people and establishing new development along with
governance as well. making friendly alliances to

In this activity, watch a video that features “Covid-19: what will happen to the global economy?”
Through the links below:

After watching the video, answer the questions in the Analysis section.

1. Does the economic shock caused by imposing the lockdowns prove more costs than the
pandemic itself? Why or why not?

ANS. Yes, because as coronavirus continues its march the world, governments have turned
To prove public health measures, such as social distancing, to physically disrupt the
Contagion. Yet, doing so has severed the flow of goods and people, stalled economies,
And is in the process of delivering a global recession. Economic contagion is now
Spreading fast as the disease itself. As the virus began to spread, politicians, policy-
Makers, and markets are informed by the pattern of historical outbreaks, looked on
While the early window for social distancing is closed. Now, much further along the
Disease trajectory, the economic costs are much higher, and predicting the path ahead has
Become nearly impossible, as multiple dimensions of the crisis are unprecedented and
Unknowable. The truly unprecedented possibility. Months of social distancing could
Disrupt capital formation and ultimately labour participation and productivity growth.
Unlike financial crises, an extended freeze of this magnitude damaging the supply side
Would new territory for policy makers.

2. Which countries are more vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19? Why?

ANS. The countries that are more vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19 where Japan,
Ukraine and Moscow, Bolivia, Peru and Mexico because due to the lack of response to
The global pandemic, though some of these vulnerable countries are advanced and
Have the capabilities to counter the spreading of the virus but still coordinated
Humanitarian response plan is a must to stop the virus in circling the virus around the
Globe. These vulnerable countries still need to respond these approaches such provide
Resources to stop the spread of COVID-19, build capacity to curb the outbreak and
Provision of resources to avoid economic collapse. Both financially and technical
Support will be necessary to limit the impact on the most vulnerable countries.

3. Has the pandemic made globalization liable to the losses and failures in various aspects?
Why or why not?

ANS. No, why because not all aspects of globalization are temporary banned due to the
Lockdown protocols, there are still ways in transacting and exporting gross domestic
Products (GDP) to other countries via limited access to travel. Though globalization
Suffers a declination to product transportation due closed borders, travel bans,
Paralyzed supply chains, and export restrictions, In fact, globalization was already in
Decline well before the outbreak, having reached its peak before the 2008 financial
Crisis and having never recovered since then. But during this pandemic certain
Highlights the risks inherent in overdependence on global supply chains, prompt a
Renationalization of production, and put stress on the notion of international
Interdependence. This likely result to the acceleration of changes towards a new,
Different, and more limited form of globalization.

1. What is the current agricultural export status of the Philippines? Has it increased or decreased
as compared to the past five years? What are the factors contributing in its present status?

Ans. As of the current agricultural export status of the Philippines in this year decreased
Annual rate of -5.2 percent after an upwardly revised 1.7 growth in December amid
Weakening global demand to the coronavirus pandemic, production declines were noted
For crops, livestock, poultry, and fisheries. Though according to the scenario analysis,
Under business-as-usual, agricultural output continues to grow to meet the burgeoning
Requirements of domestic as well as foreign market. Rice production is expected to
Increase dramatically and account for an even greater share of the countries agricultural
area. Sugarcane, Banana, Other fruit, root crops, and especially other crops exhibit
robust output trends. This enables per capita consumption of most food items to
continue increasing, despite simultaneous growth in population. Resource limitations
such as scarcity of land present significant yet surmountable challenges for agriculture.
Other factors that still contribute from this is that electric and metal products are still
Stable in the top in exporting shipment such also manufactured goods and even personal
Protective equipment and medical supplies shared the highest to the total exports in the
current month. Deepening globalization of Philippine agriculture is beneficial to consumers.
Expanded trade promotes specialization, which in the Philippine setting leads to
diversification given structural bias towards traditional commodities. Land and other
resources are expected to move towards sub-sectors with brighter income opportunities for
farmers. Such re-allocation though entails adjustment which imposes costs on agriculture.
This recommends closer engagement with global agricultural trade, with concomitant
measures to compensate losers, ease the burden of adjustment, and facilitate the transition to a
more dynamic and competitive agriculture.

2. How do economic forces facilitate the deepening of globalization?

Ans. Since we all know that globalization is the process by which businesses or other
organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale, so it
is really obvious that economic forces facilitate the deepening of globalization through
businesses in world market. As we all know, market is composed of products, consumer of
the supplier and in order for business to occur communication must take place, so people
from other country must know or understand something about the people they'r e having
business with, they must know about the language that these people are used to, they must
know what might trigger their anger to avoid conflicts, Through this process of learning about
their business partners from different count ries globalization is taking place, how?, because
their business partners will also do the same, they will also learn or discover something about
them and their country and through that there's a connection that might make globalization to
prospher. The best example of this in the past is the galleon trade, The Manila galleons sailed
the Pacific Ocean 250 years, bringing america and other parts of the world luxury goods such
las spices & porcelain, in exchange for silver. According to what I've learned and Read in the
book, The route also created a cultural exchange that shaped the identities an culture of the
countries involved, so this really proves that
3. How is the Philippines central to the history of economic globalization?

Ans. For me, Philippines Is central to the history of economic globalization primarily because
Of The Galleon trade. As we all know manila galleons were Spanish trading ships which for
two and a half century linked the Philippines to the world across the Pacific Ocean, making
one or two roundtrip voyages per year between the ports of Acapulco and Manila, which
were both part of New Spain. This Trade created connections throughout the world in the
past through exchanging of goods like Spices, Silk 1 etc. This trade also allowed people in the
pa st to be aware and be familiar with the people they're having business with, know a little
bit about their way of living and most Importantly create a medium of communication that
was suitable for both supplier and consumers. As trade took place, it did not just create a
world that was connected through trade but also a world that created a cultural exchange
that shaped the identities and culture of the countries involved. The best example of this, in
the past is the introduction of noodles in the Philippines. This noodles was first introduced
here in the Philippines in 1950 by Ma Mon Lu k but he first coined it as mami. As time passed
by, Filipino adopted this dish in their culture and has become one of Filipino delicacies. It
was later sort of customized in Lipa Batangas back in 1968, and created their own Filipino
Version that is still being served today especially if there's an occasion such as birthdays,
weddings, and even inaugurations.

Try to explain what the diagram/figure below is trying to tell?

Ans. This image tells me about the Regional trade agreement of Germany,
France, Spain, North America, and Japan, a treaty that is signed by two or more countries to
encourage free movement of goods and services across the borders of its members. The
agreement comes with internal rules that member countries follow among themselves. When
dealing with non-member countries, there are external rules in place that the members adhere
to. Quotas, tariffs, and other forms of trade barriers restrict the transport of manufactured
goods and services. Regional trading agreements help reduce or remove the barriers to trade.
Benefits that will come from this is boosting economic growth, volume of trade and quality
and variety of goods. From these three things, member countries benefit of this trade
agreement particularly in the form of generation of more job opportunities, lower
unemployment rates, and market expansions. Also, since trade agreements usually come with
investment guarantees, investors who want to invest in developing countries are protected
against political risk and also trade agreements open a lot of doors for businesses. As they
gain access to new markets, the competition becomes more intense. The increased
competition compels businesses to produce higher quality products. It also leads to more
variety for consumers. When there is a wide variety of high-quality products, businesses can
improve customer satisfaction.

1. Since world markets are becoming open and free to everyone, what do you think are ways
to establish a fair and just trading deals?
Ans. There are ways to establish a good clean open free trade to the world markets in
other countries since free trade enables lower prices for consumers, increased exports,
benefits from Economies of scale and a greater choice of goods. To have greater impact
in an free trade in world marketing, one must have the advantages in doing so such as
increased economic growth and more dynamic business climate, without free trade
agreements, countries often protected their domestic industries and businesses. This
protection often made them stagnant and non-competitive on the global market. With the
protection removed, they became motivated to become true global competitors, along
with expertise, as Global companies have more expertise than domestic companies to
develop local resources. That's especially true in mining, oil drilling, and manufacturing.
Free trade agreements allow global firms access to these business opportunities. When the
multinationals partner with local firms to develop the resources, they train them on the
best practices. That gives local firms access to these new methods and lastly, technology
transfer, since Local companies also receive access to the latest technologies from their
multinational partners. As local economies grow, so do job opportunities. Multi-national
companies provide job training to local employees. These are strategies and policy
needed in establishing a well multi-functional world market where opportunities and
business integration can rise up to the economic world.

2. What do you think are among the most damaging effects of economic globalization? How
should governments respond to these effects?

Ans. To put it simply, globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. In
economics, globalization can be defined as the process in which businesses,
organizations, and countries begin operating on an international scale. Globalization is
most often used in an economic context, but it also affects and is affected by politics and
culture. In general, globalization has been shown to increase the standard of living in
developing countries, but some analysts warn that globalization can have a negative effect
on local or emerging economies and individual workers. Not everything about
globalization is beneficial. Any change has winners and losers, and the people living in
communities that had been dependent on jobs outsourced elsewhere often suffer.
Effectively, this means that workers in the developed world must compete with lower-
cost markets for jobs; unions and workers may be unable to defend against the threat of
corporations that offer the alternative between lower pay or losing jobs to a supplier in a
less expensive labour market. The situation is more complex in the developing world,
where economies are undergoing rapid change. Indeed, the working conditions of people
at some points in the supply chain are deplorable. The garment industry in Bangladesh,
for instance, employs an estimated four million people, but the average worker earns less
in a month than a U.S. worker earns in a day. In 2013, a textile factory building collapsed,
killing more than 1,100 workers. Critics also suggest that employment opportunities for
children in poor countries may increase negative impacts of child labour and lure children
of poor families away from school. In general, critics blame the pressures of globalization
for encouraging an environment that exploits workers in countries that do not offer
sufficient protections. Studies also suggest that globalization may contribute to income
disparity and inequality between the more educated and less educated members of a
society. This means that unskilled workers may be affected by declining wages, which are
under constant pressure from globalization. Regardless of the downsides, globalization is
here to stay. The result is a smaller, more connected world. Socially, globalization has
facilitated the exchange of ideas and cultures, contributing to a world view in which
people are more open and tolerant of one another.


Name of the Institution/Economic Dunkin’ Donuts- food and

Organization. beverage company and

The origins of Dunkin’ Donuts go

back to World War II when
Rosenberg worked at the Quincy
Shipyards and realized that the
workers had few options available
to them for lunch. Following the
war, Rosenberg borrowed $1,000
History of the Institution/ and used $1,500 in bonds to start a
Organization. company he called Industrial
Luncheon Services and served
sandwiches, coffee, donuts, and
snacks out of old telephone
company trucks that he had
converted into what we now know
as food trucks.

In 1948, upon realizing that half of

his sales were coming from coffee
and donuts, Rosenberg opened a
restaurant in Quincy,
Massachusetts, called Open Kettle
that sold coffee for ten cents and
donuts for a nickel. While the
shop was quickly a success and
grossing over $5,000 per week,
Rosenberg was not happy with the
name, so he opted to change it.
Noticing that customers dunked
their donuts in their coffee, the
Open Kettle was renamed Dunkin’
Donuts in 1950.

Before long, Rosenberg opened

Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants across
Massachusetts in towns like
Somerville, Natick, Saugus, and
Shrewsbury, where customers
could watch as the bakers made
the donuts. Rosenberg credited
Howard Johnson and his chain of
franchised ice cream stores with
giving him the idea to franchise
Dunkin’ Donuts. In 1955, the first
franchised restaurant was opened
in Dedham, Massachusetts, selling
52 varieties of donuts, enough to
have a different special each week
of the year.

By 1963, the company had opened

its 100th restaurant and grew to
over 1,000 locations by 1979.
Today, more than 12,000 locations
are operating worldwide with
3,200 international restaurants in
46 countries. Dunkin’ Donuts is
sometimes co-branded
with Baskin-Robbins, the other
brand franchised by
parent Dunkin’ Brand, Inc.

William Rosenberg-the founder of

the international coffee and donut
chain Dunkin’ Donuts, Jon
Luther- Dunkin' Brands Chairman
& Chief Executive Officer.

Major Country Leader’s Will Kussell-President & Chief

Brand Officer for Dunkin' Donuts

Robert Rodriguez-President of
Dunkin' Donuts U.S.

Srinivas Kumar-previously Vice

President of International
(Americas, Canada, Middle East
& Europe) for Dunkin' Brands.
Indicate here the map of interconnections or routes reached by the chosen
organization/company. Then, put a mark where we can find the location of
the Philippines in the map of interconnections.)

1. How does this institution influence the global economic activity?

Ans. In the economic activity, in order attract and retain its customer, Dunkin’ Donuts
Must continuously pay special attention to the economic state of this, and every
Other country in which their stores are located. Because many Americans are in a
Position where money is tight and sometimes scarce, Dunkin’ Donuts has develop
A strategy where the customer’s dollar can go far as it possibly can. By offering
Coffee, baked goods, and a wide range of specialty goods at fairly lower prices than
Most of its competitors, Dunkin’ Donuts is able to gain access to a wide consumer
Base. The strategic partnerships the company formed have helped its growth locally
And globally. Dunkin’ Donuts is a partner of many college and professional football
Teams, basketball teams and NHL teams, too. The partnerships create a major buzz
Because of the personalities, teams and popular athletes that it features in its
Promotional campaigns. Tying-in their sports promotions with their DD Perks
Membership program match the fast-paced lifestyle of the sports
Personalities and fans. Their innovative menu and evolving concept, as well as their
Flexibility in terms of image and application, allow franchisees to continue to grow
And prosper while other less-proven or dynamic brands are stepping back in showing
Concern of for customers and build lasting relationships in a fast-paced business world.

2. How does it affect the Philippine economy?

Ans. As a food franchise, this helps the Philippine economy in developing strong
Relationships to other brands this will develop to strong market share in building
Customer satisfaction and loyalty in keeping it relevant to the taste of its consumers
This aim should be needed in the economy by giving the satisfaction needed for
The Consumer to indulge thus gives the opportunity to improve and expand the
Product by allowing other chain franchises to integrate with the agreement in
Sharing profits and allowing to start their own franchise out of it but still have
The ownership and supervision in organizing that kind of franchise and so on
This will develop to global expansion.

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