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Tusk is a great hero for gangs and initiating team fights in Dota2. He is fun to play with, and
not so hard to handle, although he can take the team to victory, he also can lead to defeat, if
you will use him in wrong way. That’s why you should read this guide to get away from such



Guide for Tuskarr Ymir the Tusk in Dota 2 v 6.84c

 1

 2

 3

 4

 5

 6

 7
 8

 9

 10

 11

 12

 13

 14

 15
 16

 17

 18

 19

 20

 21

 22

 23
 24

 25

Ice Shards

This is a great nuke that makes an obstacle that is impossible to overcome. It has great damage
and low cool down, so we can use it couple of times during team fight. It should be used carefully,
so you won’t block your allies, if of course that was not what you wanted. It’s very effective to finish
those enemies who run away because it has long range of action.

This is interesting

 Max range that shards fly on is 1600

 Shards can destroy trees.


This is main spell for gangs and initiation. You should calculate the distance towards the enemy and
your speed, because snowball disappears after 3 seconds of use if you won’t hit the target. During
its action we became invulnerable, so we can hide from serious spells that enemy has. It’s
important to know your team’s abilities and choose targets, that we will take with is in snowball

This is interesting

 Speed of Snowball equals 150% or our speed but it cannot be lower than 200.
 Snowball doesn’t take illusions with him but does take units that Tusk controls, like 
 It crosses the obstacles and destroys trees.

Frozen Sigil

It is used after snowball reaches its target, to reduce enemy’s move and attack speed. We should
not place the seal near long ranged heroes because we will lose it and enemy will get nice amount
of gold.

This is interesting

 It will follow the Tusk, until you give it another order.

 Seal has move speed 310, 220/240/260/280 HP, 400/400 vision, and gives 90/100/110/120
gold for killing it. So try not to lose it.
 Destroys from fixed number of hits
 3/3/4/4. Each hero hit will count as 1 point, anyone else will deal 0,25 points.

Walrus PUNCH!

This spell gives us more control and nice damage. It works well with items that reduce armor and
with Battle Fury. With this item our ultimate will give splash damage. When this spell is activated we
cannot miss a hit on enemy.
This is interesting

 It does physical damage, strikes through magical immunity. But you can’t hit target that is
using  Ghost Scepter.
 Spell should be used after 10 seconds from activation or it will disappear.
 Does not stack with  Crystalys or  Daedalus.
 Battle Fury works with Tusk’s Ultimate.

Early game for Tuskarr(up to 15 minute)

What I should do?

First items to get are:  Tango, 3x  Iron Branch,  Healing Salve,  Gauntlets of
Strength. They will let us stay on lane without troubles, because we will have opportunity to
heal and we will have some stats to last hit creeps.  Gauntlets of Strength should be
upgraded to  Bracer, then we get  Magic Wand to solve mana issues.

The next item should be  Boots of Speed, with further upgrades. We can upgrade it to 
Power Treads, which will be the most common variant, it will give us attack speed, strength,
that let us deal good damage from hits, as long as he is controlled, and in critical situation we
can turn it to intelligence and use some spell.
Phase Boots is a choice for gangs and damage. You should use them before snowball and
then we will roll much faster.  Arcane Boots will be a great choice for new players that
cannot control mana well yet. That’s why you should choose the boots depending on your skill
and play style. If you farm well, then it’s great to buy  Bottle, because we gang a lot and
walk besides runes all the time. It will solve our mana issues and will help with health
regeneration. You should not get it if you already have  Arcane Boots.  Medallion of
Courage helps us to reduce enemy armor before our ultimate, and in mid and late game, this
item will help us to kill Roshan much faster. If you kill a lot on lane, it’s great to buy  Urn of
Shadows, we will have couple of charges till midgame that will help us with gangs. We should
go to lane with support. And if he has lots of control, we can try to kill on level 2. Ice Shards for
5 seconds and snowball will help us out with that. We should decide who should be
transported to enemy and who shouldn’t, because if we will take Sniper or Drow Ranger close
to them we will hear a lot of bad words.

Middle game for Ymir(from 15 till 35 minute)

What I should do?

On this game stage we should get big advantage for our team. We try to get  Drum of
Endurance as fast as we can, so our snowball will be faster, and we need some more strength.
After we get  Armlet of Mordiggian. We turn it on to survive or when we use Walrus PUNCH
to give maximum damage from procast.

To use  Armlet of Mordiggian correctly we need quite a strong skill, that’s why new players
better buy  Battle Fury.  Battle Fury will give us great mana and health regeneration,
great addition to damage and splash damage for 35% of our damage. If we cannot gang, we
try to buy  Pipe of Insight, we will initiate team fights and it’s very easy to use Pipe after
Snowball, when our enemy is not going to run away, and stays for fight.

It’s better to gang with support, who has a lot of control. We use Ice Shards, to prevent enemy
from running away, and roll in snowball, then our support’s control should be used, walrus
PUNCH and if by that moment your enemy is still alive, Ice shards open up. Our main goal in
midgame is to not let enemy carry farm. We should save our carry in team fights, even if we
have to die for that, because he will win the game later. You should always think of who and
where you roll in your snowball, so you won’t lose the game for your team.

Late game for Tusk(from 35 minute)

What I should do?

In late game our main goal is initiating fights. We choose items from that. If our team needs
tank, then we get  Heart of Tarrasque. It will let us to live longer in team fights and will give
some damage. @ Shiva's Guard(item:657) increases armor a lot and gives very useful
slowdown, though if we use Frozen Sigil well then we might have enough of control. We should
think of enemy’s pick and decide. With  Desolator we will kill supports from our procast
even on this game stage. Especially if our team has some items that lower armor, or some
spells to do that. Heaven’s Halberd will help us to fight with strong carry and give us 45
damage. That a great middle variant between defensive and offensive item.

We should try to roll on carry in team fights, because he does lots of damage, and we should
prevent that. You should not take all your allies with you, especially if enemy has huge AOE
damage. We will kill all our team in one second then. If the initiation was not perfect or our
allies didn’t fight, then it’s better to retreat with help of Frozen Sigil, to try once again later. It will
be perfect if we will tank some spells during the initiation. You should use Walrus PUNCH
when enemy has lower than 50% of HP, if health is higher, then the spell should be used only
to save someone.
Full inventory view

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