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Class No.

Holy Rosary Academy of Las Piñas City SY

Values Education 9 First
Quarter Quiz No.1

Name: RITIK Score:

Section: PATRIOTIC Date: 10/2/2021 _

I. Read each item carefully, and write the letter of the correct answer in the space

A _1. It is the way we see, understand and interpret the world; our mental map.

A. Paradigm B. Personality C. Character D. Habit

B __2. It is the “paradigm of I” replying upon oneself to get what one wants and

A. Dependent B. Independent C. Interdependent D. Interact

A _3. It is the behavior that people pause to allow themselves the freedom to

choose their respond based on principles and desired results.

A. Proactive B. Behavior C. Reactive D. Character

B _4. In this stage you are interdependent.

A. Private Victory B. Public Victory C. Private School D. Victory

A _5. We experience this kind of success when we self-mastery and self discipline.

A. Private Victory B. Public Victory C. Private School D. Victory

II.Elaborate each phrases below, write your answer in the space provided.

6-10. “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we
were at when we created them.”

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we
created them.” These wise words were spoken by Albert Einstein and represent the first hurdle
we face when it comes to solving problems. I have seen it time and time again: when people try
to solve problems, the solution they come up with usually makes things harder than they were
before. You’ve probably experienced this yourself. Let’s say there is a problem with an internal
form in your organization. What is the solution to this problem, more often than not? Another
form that you need to fill out before or after that form.
11-15. Your paradigm in life. (Please use the diagram)

My personal paradigm influences our attitudes, worldviews, emotions and outlook on life.
Thus it is of the upmost importance that we evaluate which paradigm we currently live in, and
take steps to attain paradigms that affect our life more positively.

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