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CLIL Essentials

2.7 Classroom language Participant worksheet

Purpose of classroom language for the teacher – Answer sheet

Purpose Example
The first man walked on the moon on July 20, 1969.
1. Relaying knowledge
Let’s look at the information in the pie chart, the diagram
2. Making associations and the visual. Do you see any connections between

Can everyone repeat after me….photographer

3. Modelling

So in other words…/ basically…/ to summarise..

4. Rephrasing/Summarising

Let’s brainstorm the causes of global warming.

5. Activating prior knowledge/ideas

This is called a pie chart. The different segments (teacher

6. Pre-teaching vocabulary
points) show the percentages of water wasted in …

Discuss with your group which invention had the largest

7. Developing communication skills
economic impact in the 19th century.

For homework, Google volcanoes and find the answers to

8. Encouraging learner independence
the questions.

Most of your answers are fine. However, no. 9 is not quite

9. Giving feedback
right. Can you look at that one again?

Can you check the answer to number 3 with Jim?

10. Encouraging peer feedback

Look at both sets of information. What assumptions can

11. Inferring /drawing conclusions
you make?

If we add this to the test tube what do you think is going to

12. Hypothesising / predicting

Watch what I am doing. If I turn this switch on, the bulbs in

13. Demonstrating
the circuit on the left light up. If I turn this switch on,
however, the lights ….
Complete these sentences using the information from the
14. Providing a context/framework
graph: Australia has the….climate. Alaska has the
….climate. Scotland has the …climate

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