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Human Resources Planning and Career Development

1. What are the issues that Beverly faces as a supervisor? Identify the specific performance
improvement results she should seek.
Beverly faces the hardship to manage the employees under her supervision like Bob whose has
an attitude problem and Tony Lanelli’s inaction towards the issue. I think Beverly must talk to
Bob sincerely about what did he perform in the organization and recommend some tips to be a
better one. To Beverly and Tony, they must cooperate and help each other how to take Bob in a
better situation and attitude performance.
2. Do you agree that Bob should be transferred to another department if he does not
perform well? If you are Tony, what would you have done differently?
I am not agreed that Bob should be transferred to another department if he does not perform well
because the only solution to this problem is to train well the employee. If I were Tony, I will
suspend Bob about his attitude and then I will give a scheduled date for him to be trained well
without pay for him to perform well if he wants to go back to work but I think Bob can improve
his performance through this.
3. How would you address the case with HR planning?
This case must be taken on inventory of human resources where the present employees who can
be trained, transferred or promoted anticipated need. Bob is in need of training and lessons to let
him realize what he is doing that can really affect the organization’s performance.
4. Given Bob’s career stage, what steps should Beverly do to save or improve Bob’s
declining performance?
I think Beverly must talk to him sincerely and tell what she is going through with Bob’s
performance. She must also take the corrective action or steps to let Bob also take the action to
have his improvements and eliminate negative and declining performance.

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