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12 Department of Education-Region


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Quarter 2: Week 14

Name_________________________________ Second Quarter – Week 14

Grade and Section_______________________ Date__________________

The Roles and Significance of Filipinos’ Indigenous Social Ideas to National


Background Information
Indigenous people are culturally distinct societies and communities. They are distinct
social and cultural groups that shared collective ancestral ties to the lands and natural
resources where they live, occupy or from which they have been displaced. The land and the
natural resources on which they depend are inextricably linked to their identities, cultures,
livelihood, as well as their physical and spiritual well-being. They often subscribe to their
customary leaders and organizations for representation that are distinct or separate from those
of the mainstream society or culture. Many indigenous people still maintain a language distinct
from the official language distinct from the official language or languages of our country or
region in which they reside.
The term indigenous as used in the Philippines refers to the ethnolinguistic groups or
independence, throughout the colonial era. The term indigenous when applied to the Philippine
population can be a deceptive misnomer, connoting alien migrant populations who have over
time become the majority ethnolinguistic and cultural group in the land and thereby pushing
indigens to the fringes of socio-cultural inclusion, such as in the Americans, Middle East,
Australia, or New Zealand. Contrarily, the vast majority of people in the Philippines descend
from the same Austronesian and Australo-Melanesian ancestral population indigenous to the
archipelago, regardless of cultural, religious, ethnolinguistic, or tribal affiliation
Culturally-indigenous peoples of northern Philippine highlands can be grouped into the
Igorot (comprising many different groups) and singular Bugkalot groups, while the non-Muslim
culturally indigenous groups of Mindanao are collectively called Lumad. Australo-Melanesian
groups throughout the archipelago are termed Aeta, Ita, Ati, Dumagat, among others.
Numerous culturally-indigenous group also live outside these two indigenous corridors.
The Indigenous group (ethnic groups) throughout the world share five main
characteristics which are 1.) Unique cultural traits, such as language, clothing, holidays or ritual
practices. 2.) Sense of community, 3.) A feeling of ethnocentrism, 4.) Ascribed membership
from birth, and 5.) Territoriality; they occupy specific geographical area.
The IP are revered by many for the ancestral knowledge they hold, and the rich
traditions they managed to preserve even after centuries of colonial rule. They are renowned
for their artistry and creativity; their unique celebration and rituals, and music and oral literature.
However, less attention is given to the issues that affect them, and the challenges they face in
their everyday lives. The Philippines is home to almost a hundred indigenous and cultural
group. Scattered across the nation, the indigenous peoples comprises about 15% of the
country’s 92 million inhabitants (2010). Because they represent a minority of the population,
and they have cultures and identities distinct from that of the dominant society, they are often
grouped together with other marginalized and vulnerable sectors. They are deprived of basic
health and human services, underrepresented in the body politic, discriminated against and
are treated like second-class citizens. These things are what “Dayaw”: Indigenous People
Month” is all about. More than a celebration a cultural and heritage. Dayaw is a commitment to
recognize the contribution of our fellow indigenous brothers in the forging and strengthening of
our national identity, and their active roles in the conservation of the environment and its
resources. Moreover, it aims to give the indigenous peoples a platform to reinforce their
collective rights and privileges as Filipinos, as well as to voice out their plights and concerns.
Dayaw is also a demonstration of solidarity among Filipinos. It sends out message that despite
the cultural and linguistic barriers, and differences in the ways we dress, or the way we live our
lives, we still share a worldview that puts great value on the concept of peace, reciprocity, and
social meanings. Furthermore, Dayaw aspires to cultivate a mindset that is more respectful
toward the diversity and integrity of the indigenous people and their practices, to dispel the
negative stereotyping, and to develop a kind of appreciation that doesn’t promote exotification.
Throughout the initiative of National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCAA), the IP Month
has been celebrated throughout the country for years. Previous IP month festivals were
observed in key cities in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.The Kalimudan:Panaghi-usa sa
Mindanao (Mindanao indigenous peoples Gathering) was held at the Magasaysay Park in
Davao City, where about 18 Mindanaoan ethnic groups participated. The two-week festival
featured the architecture, vernacular, rituals, customs, traditionals, performances and artworks
of the indigenous peoples of Mindanao.
The IP play an integral role in the safeguarding of our natural environment and
biodiversity. They see the nature as a sacred entity, and share a spiritual bond with it. For them,
nature is not just an economic reserve, but the primary source of life and its different aspects,
most especially culture. Because of this cosmology, the indigenous peoples treat nature with
utmost reverence. They adopt resource-use practices that involve sustainable use and
maximization of resources in their immediate surroundings. And through time and accumulated
experiences, the indigenous people develop an innate understanding of their surroundings’
landforms, flora and vegetation, which plays an important part in their extensive ecological
Indigenous People (Ethnic Group) Participation in the 20th Century
We see the involvement of IP in political actions and conflict today. The sudden
resurgence of the term ethnicity in the social science literature of the 1960’s and early 1970’s
took place not only to describe certain manifestation in the Third World, but also in reaction to
the emergence of ethnic movements in the industrialized and affluent world especially in the
United States of America, Canada, and Western Europe.
In the 20th century, however, we see that the IP, not as marginalized groups and
therefore expected in due time to weaken and be integrated into the mainstream of society,
have emerged as major political elements and major collective actors in several societies. The
choice to be integrated is a decision made by the ethnic members themselves and consistent
with their goal of self-determination, that is, the idea of determining for themselves what they
want to be in the future. In addition, communication as well as transportation has made it
possible for people to reach far-flung areas. At this age and time, there are no areas impossible
to people to reach and occupy.
The emergence of ethnic conflicts as a reality of 20 th century is confirmed not solely by
ubiquity, but also by the intensity of their occurrence. In the Philippines, for instance, we have
been witness to the frequency of ethnic conflicts between Muslims and Christians. The
government has considered these to be the major threat to internal security since the 1960’s.
Conflicts between ethnic groups became more intense between the 1980’s and onward
to the 1990’s. This is true in the case of the Catholic and Protestants in Ireland; Chinese and
Malays in Malaysia; Jews and other minorities, on the one hand. All these occurrences manifest
serious ethnic conflicts in the 20 th century. The ethnic conflicts are often accompanied by
violence, force, loss of lives, social and economic displacement, and to large extent, destruction
of property.
We need not go out of the Philippines-conflicts in Mindanao have economically and
socially displaced a lot of Muslim ethnic groups. Many of them must move to Metro Manila and
resided in areas where they have difficulty adapting to environments completely different from
their places of origin.
The ethnic conflicts of the 20th century have escalated because of the use of more
sophisticated technology. In effect, ethnic conflicts have been aggravated because weapons
acquired through free trade are made available to the actors, so that these are not only
accessible to dissidents but to civilians as well to resist the armed forces of the state. In
addition, techniques of guerrilla resistance now constitute exportable knowledge, and
international fraternization among resistance groups has been established. The members of
these international fraternities exchange knowledge of guerrilla tactics and the art of resistance.
This is true in the case of the Muslims in the Philippines receiving trainings and financial
assistance from Libya, Saudi Arabia, and other Muslim countries. They have international
networks of collaboration instead of the diplomatic channel that exist between mutually wary
sovereign countries and the great powers. In effect, professionalized killing is no longer
monopolized by the state armies and police force.
There are numerous symbols that can be used to identify ethnic groups and distinguish
one group from another. These include their houses where people reside, the food they eat,
the kinds and even colors of the clothes they wear, their musical instruments, and other cultural
There are number of symbols which distinguish an ethnic group from the others. But at
the moment, these ethnic symbols cited would be sufficient to exemplify their values for ethnic
identification. The most significant contribution of these ethnic symbol is to give each of the
ethnic group identity, a trait, a characteristic that is considered a unique trademark, and at the
same time reflects its cultural tradition and heritage.
In the face change and acculturation, however, clothes worn by a particular group as a
symbol of its identity is no longer used because of their prohibitive costs. In fact, weaving, for
which the people of Northern Luzon are noted, is a dying industry. The old people knew the
industry have not been able to pass on the trade to the younger generation. Even the making
of pottery in some parts of Northern Luzon is a rare industry. Fewer women are involved in
pottery-making, which is now also considered a dying industry.
The Negritos and the Badjaos do not have an indigenous concept of land being
individuality owned. The forest, the chosen habitats of the Negritos, belongs to everybody.
When the Negrito harvest crops, everybody participates as everybody also partakes of the
fruits of the land. On the other hand, the Badjaos, being seaferers, do not really have a concept
of land ownership. However, at present, some of them have decided to be more sedentary by
building stilt houses along the coastal areas. On account of their adaptation pattern, other
Muslim groups have look down on the Badjaos. They are considered inferior to the rest of
Muslim group.
Through cultural minorities have various adaptive strategies in extracting environment
resources for economic subsistence, such as hunting, foraging, and swidden agriculture, these
groups have maintained the same concept and attitude towards land. Land to them is an
alienable property. It cannot be transferred from family to family. It is not only a symbol of wealth
but is wealth in itself. Because of this concept, these group have been developed a strong
attachment to the land; it is viewed not only as the burial ground of ancestors but also the site
of their cultural heritage. No member of any cultural group were therefore, voluntarily give up
his rights to his land. Yet other individuals from other ethnic groups disregard this concept, and
use their education, knowledge of the Constitution, and political connection, in order to grab
the land from these cultural groups. Cases of land-grabbing, particularly in Mindanao, were
rampant in the early sixties. Christian Filipinos registered pieces of land with the Register of
Deeds in their names and had the title as evidence of ownership. It was too late when the
cultural minorities realized that they were stripped of their valuable possessions. Minorities do
not only lose their land to development projects, as in the case of the irrigation dams, but also
multinational companies which need land for their plantations.
There are some cases that minority groups cited their demand, example is the people
of the Cordilleras. They enumerated it as follows 1.) In politics, the Cordillera people demanded
the establishment of the CAR (Cordillera Autonomous Region) under a democratic coalition
government which guarantees genuine regional autonomy which is granted to them, 2.) In
culture, they asked for the institutional rectification of discriminatory practices against the
Igorot’s, the prohibition of vulgarization and commercialization of indigenous culture and the
promotion of a progressive consciousness, and 3.) In economics, they demanded the right to
the use of ancestral land, to the disposition, utilization, and management of all-natural
resources within the ancestral domain, and to all socio-economic development.
The most important objective of all indigenous group throughout the world is to achieve
the right to self-determination. The idea is to enable to decide their future for themselves.
Decisions about problems concerning them must be done by the people themselves. To put it
in another way, it is the desire of the people to free themselves from outside intervention. This
is also one way of saying that the perception of the people of the country is definitely different
from that outside.

Evaluate the roles and significance of Filipinos’ indigenous social ideas to national development


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.

_________________1. There are more than five hundreds indigenous people communities in
the Philippines.
_________________2. Indigenous Peoples’ rights to ancestral domain, self-governance and
empowerment, social justice and human rights and right to cultural identity is under the
Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997.
_________________3. Indigenous arts and crafts are the highlight of every IP month
_________________4. Indigenous people are socially distinct societies and communities.
_________________5. Indigenous people have the same culture with other groups.
_________________6. There is no conflicts with the different indigenous people in the
_________________7. Culture was the basis for the grouping and categorizing of Filipino as
majority cultural groups and the minorities.
_________________8. Ethnic groups are communities of people occupying a common
territory, having the same cultural heritage, a language of their own, and common ancestry.
_________________9. In the time of the Spaniard in the Philippines, they used religions as
the single criterion in classifying Philippine ethnic groups.
_________________10. The most indigenous group in the Philippines are the Aetas.

Directions: Enumeration: Give or write what is being asked.

Main characteristics of Indigenous People


Role of Indigenous people


Demand of the peoples of Cordillera



Directions: Write at least 3 sentences that best describe the Indigenous People in the

1. Human Rights

2. Ancestral Land

3. Culture

4. Government Participation

5. Philippine Economy

Directions: Write three indigenous group in the Philippine and describe them in 5 sentences.




Directions: Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. When the concept of ethnicity or indigenous brought out, what comes to your mind? Why?

2. Do you agree that migrant Filipino workers can be categorized as cultural minorities when
working abroad? Explain why.

3. What do you think the role of the Indigenous People for the betterment of the Philippines?
1. If you are the President of the Philippines, how can you address to needs and rights of the
indigenous of the Philippines?

2. As a member of the society, what is your attitude toward the minority groups of the

Abulencia, Arthur S., Sadera, Jefferson,Zapatos, Ma. Lorella C.,Reyes, Wensley M. and
Serafico, Nikolee Marie A., Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Haus of Serah
Printing and Trading Corp. 2017.

Panopio, Isabel S. and Rolda, Realidad S., Society and Culture: Introduction to Sociology and
Anthropology. (Revised Edition). Katha Publishing Co., Inc. 2007.

Tatel Jr.,Carlos P., Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Rex Printing Company, Inc.
Answer Key

Activity 1
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True

Activity 2
1. Unique cultural traits, such as language, clothing, holidays, or ritual practices
2. Sense of community
3. A feeling of ethnocentrism
4. Ascribed membership from birth
5. Territoriality; they occupy specific geographical area
6. To cultivate a mindset that is more respectful toward the diversity and integrity of the indigenous people and
their practices, to dispel the negative stereotyping, and to develop a kind of appreciation that doesn’t promote
7. Indigenous peoples play an integral role in the safeguarding of our natural environment and biodiversity.
8. In politics, the Cordillera people demanded the establishment of the Cordillera Autonomous Region under the
democratic coalition government which guarantees genuine regional autonomy.
9. In economics, they demanded the right to the use of ancestral lands, to the disposition, utilization and
management of all natural resources within the ancestral domain, and to all socio-economic development.
10. In culture, they asked for the institutional rectification of discriminatory practices against the Igorots, the
prohibition of vulgarization and commercialization of indigenous culture and promotion of a progressive

Activity 3
Answers may vary, it depends how the student give and explain their ideas

Activity 4
Answers may vary, it depends how the student give and explain their ideas

Activity 5
Answers may vary, it depends how the student give and explain their ideas

Prepared by:


Teacher II

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