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Name : Amishasharon Rajavijai Sahidha

Roll Number : 111120011

Ex. No: 7

To conduct the performance test on single stage double acting reciprocating pump and to
plot the operating characteristics.

 Reciprocating Pump Test Rig
 Stop watch

A Reciprocating pump is a Hydraulic machine which converts mechanical energy into
hydraulic energy, used to lift water from lower level to higher level. A Reciprocating pump
consists of essentially a plunger or piston and a cylinder. The rotation of the crank connected to
the plunger causes the plunger moves to the right during suction stroke. This causes the
atmospheric pressure on the water surface to force the water up the suction pipe or water is
sucked through the suction pipe and the suction valve is opened which pushes the water into the
cylinder. On the return stroke of the plunger (plunger moving to the left) called delivery stroke,
the water pressure closes the suction valve and opens the delivery valve forcing the water up the
delivery pipe. Again, in the suction stroke, the water is sucked from the sump and the cycle
repeats. An energy meter is provided to measure the input to the motor and a collecting tank is
provided to calculate the discharge from the pump. Pressure and vacuum gauges are provided in
the delivery and suction sides of the pump to measure the heads, respectively.

Double acting reciprocating pump setup


1. The Dimensions of the Collecting Tank is Noted and the Area of the Collecting Tank
is calculated
2. The Difference in Levels (X) between the Suction and Delivery Gauges are Noted.
3. The Energy Meter Constant (E) is Noted Down from the Energy meter provided in the
Test Rig
4. The Pump Specifications Such as Stroke Length(L), Piston Diameter (D), Number of
Strokes are Noted Down.
5. With the Delivery valve fully opened, the pump is started and the speed is measured
with the help of Tachometer.
6. The following readings are taken by closing the delivery valve gradually.
i. Pump Speed
ii. Suction head (Vaccum) (Hs)
iii. Delivery head (Hd)
iv. Time Taken for 5 revolutions of Energy Meter Disc
v. Time Taken for 10 cm Rise of Water level in the Collecting Tank.
7. Take 5 or 6 Set of Readings by Gradually Closing the Delivery Valve.
8. After taking the five or six readings, the delivery valve is fully opened and the motor
is switched off.
9. The observations are tabulated.

 Diameter of the piston, D = 200 mm
 Time taken for 10 cm water rise = 22 sec
 Stroke length of the piston, L = 40 mm
 Area of the cylinder, A = 23.08 x 102 mm2
 Area of the Collecting Tank (A) = 0.125 m2
 Speed of the motor = 1200 rpm
 Speed of the pump = 240 rpm
 Number of Revolutions of Energy Meter Disc = 5
 Time taken for 5 rev of energy meter disc = 43.5 sec
 Efficiency of the motor, ηm = 60.12 %
 Density of water = 1000 kg/m3
 Specific weight of water = 9810 N/m3


Taken for
Taken for
Total 10cm rise
Pressure Gauge Vaccum Gauge Discharge 5 Motor Motor Motor Theoretical
Head of water in % slip
Sl.No Reading Reading (Q) Revolution input output efficiency discharge
(H) Collecting
s of Energy
Meter Disc
kg/cm2 m kg/cm2 m m Sec m3/s Sec W W % m3/s %

1 0.082 0.816 0.082 0.816 0.968 22 5.68 x 10-4 43.5 275.86 165.88 60.12 7.6 x 10-4 25.27


i) To determine actual discharge (Qa):

���� �� ��� ���������� ���� ���� �� ����� �����
�� =
���� �����

ii) Total head (H)

H= Hs + Hd + Z

Hs = suction head in m
Hd = delivery head in m
Z = Difference in Datum Head in m
iii) To determine the Pump output:

Pump output = γ Q H (W)

γ = Specific weight of water (Known value) (N/m3)
(Weight of the water lifted = ρ.g = 1000 x 9.81)
Q = Discharge (Calculated value) (m3/sec)
H = Total head (Measured value) (m)
iv) To determine the theoretical discharge (Qth)
Q�ℎ =
A = area of the cylinder or piston in m2
L= stroke length in m
N = speed of the pump in rpm
v) To determine the slip percentage (%slip)
Q�ℎ − ��
%Slip = × 100
�� – actual discharge
Q�ℎ - theoretical discharge
vi) To determine the motor Input power :
�� × 3600
����� ����� = � �

Ne = Number of Revolution in the Energy meter (Known value)
t = Time for ___ revolutions of Energy meter (Measured value) (sec)
E = Energy meter constant rev/kWh

Department of Mechanical Engineering


vii) To determine the Motor output

motor output =
N = speed of the motor
T = torque in Nm
If spring balance. Torque, T= S × r × g
S = spring constant, N/m
g= gravitational force, m/s2
r= radius of brake drum in m
viii) To determine the motor Efficiency (ηm):
����� ������
Motor efficiency = ����� �����

ix) To determine the pump efficiency

���� ������
pump efficiency = ����� ������


A graph drawn Between Total Head (H) in X- Axis and Pump Efficiency in Y – Axis

Department of Mechanical Engineering


A graph drawn Between Total Head (H) in X- Axis and Discharge (Qa) in Y – Axis


Motor input = 275.86 W

Pump Output = 5.39 W
Theoretical discharge, Qth = 7.6 x 10-4 m3/s
Percentage slip = 25.27 %
Motor output = 165.88 W
Efficiency of motor = 60.12 %
Efficiency of pump = 3.25 %
Overall efficiency = 1.95 %

1. What is meant by positive displacement pump?
Positive displacement pump (PDP) is a type of pump in which a moving fluid is captured in a
cavity and then discharges that fixed amount of fluid. The displacement of fluid takes place by
some parts like plunger, piston, diaphragm etc. some of these pumps have expanding cavity at
the suction side and a decreasing cavity at the discharge side. The liquid is sucked at the inlet
side when the cavity expands and discharges it when the cavity decreases.

Department of Mechanical Engineering


2. How do you classify the positive displacement pump?

Positive displacement pumps, which lift a given volume for each cycle of operation, can be
divided into two main classes, reciprocating and rotary. Reciprocating pumps include piston,
plunger, and diaphragm types; rotary pumps include gear, lobe, screw, vane, and cam pumps.

3. Define percentage of slip.

The difference between the theoretical and the actual discharge is called slip of the pump. This
is the amount of water which leaks internally, if the pump is in good condition, the slip should be
below 1.0%. If slip is above 5.0%, the pump needs to be overhauled. However, at operating
pressures, the amount of slip is relatively constant as long as wear is not rapid. The output
therefore can still be classed as constant. If the actual discharge is more than the theoretical
discharge, then the slip of the pump becomes negative. In that case the slip of the pump is known
as negative slip. It occurs when delivery pipe is short suction pipe is long and pump is running at
high speed.
% Slip = (Qth - Qa) x 100
% Slip = (1 - Cd) x 100

4. List the applications of reciprocating pump.

 It is used in vehicle washing centers.
 It is used in small hand-operated pumps such as cycle pumps, football pumps, etc.
 It is used as an important part of the hydraulic jack.
 It is commonly used in gas industries.
 It is also used in oil refineries.
 Used in petroleum industries.
 It is also used in the pneumatic pressure system.

5. Compare the centrifugal pump and reciprocating pump.

The basic and main difference between centrifugal pump and reciprocating pump is that
centrifugal pump use kinetic energy of impeller so it continuously supply fluid but in
reciprocating pump piston sucks the fluid and then pushes it out which does not gives continuous
supply. There are some modified reciprocating pumps are available which gives continuous

Department of Mechanical Engineering

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