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What are the Uses of Online Classes?

You are safe inside your home

With Covid-19 cases escalating by the thousands every day, it won’t be surprising if

we just decide to stay inside our homes for the next couple of years. Online learning

reduces the risk of contracting the virus. Students only need to go turn on their gadgets

and enter their virtual classrooms. It’s education without leaving your home (Isla, 2020).

You don’t need to commute or travel

This is probably the biggest advantage of online learning in the Philippines. You

don’t need to catch a ride at the crack of dawn just to make it to your 7am classes.

There’s no need to queue at the bus station or at the MRT and waste precious hours. You

also don’t need to spend money for transportation or parking fees. This money can go to

other important expenses or priorities (Isla, 2020).

You get to enjoy more time with your family

Online learning also means an increased time shared between children and their

parents. There is a more active participation as parents create a positive learning

environment and support their children with whatever they need for the online learning

set-up. And because there’s no need to travel to and from school and sit through hours of

traffic, you also have more time to spend with each other throughout the day (Isla, 2020).

You have the freedom to learn wherever you want

As long as there is a stable and reliable internet connection, of course! You can study

anywhere you want in the house that is conducive to learning. Whether it’s in the living

room, the lanai, or your bedroom, it’s a lot cozier and more comfortable than your usual

chair and desk in the classroom (Isla, 2020).

You can get enough rest and sleep

With online learning, you can set your alarm, do your morning routines, and then turn

on your computer to start your day of learning. During your lunch break, you can enjoy a

delicious home-cooked meal. And when classes are over, you can rest or even take a nap

before you tackle your homework. In short, you can study and relax in equal measure

(Isla, 2020).

You can take advantage of available technology

In the classroom, almost everything is prepared by your teachers. All you need to

do is show up for class, pay attention, and learn something. With online learning, you are

responsible for the tools and apps you will need to be able to follow the lessons,

participate in discussions, and submit your assignments. If you’ve never used an app

before, you need to learn how to create an account, as well as navigate the app. Online

learning also encourages you to be resourceful when it comes to research and

presentations by using alternative methods and making most of what you have at home

(Isla, 2020).

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