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Name : Daffa Azhar Zakiyah

ID Number : 031900012

Study Program : Electromechanical Engineering

3.1 Noun
Circle all the nouns in the following sentences.

1. Psychologists now believe that people who get what they want are not
necessarily as happy as they thought they would be.
2. Dr. Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard psychologist, thinks that in the future we’ll
wonder why we made today’s choices.
3. We may make perfectly good choices for ourselves toeday, but we don’t
kow who we’ll be in the future.
4. Credit cards are a great convenience until we ovrespend!
5. Check your credit at least once a year

3.2 Subject Pronoun and Ob ject Pronoun

Write your correction for each sentence on the lines provided.

1. Him and me share a job.

Correct : He and I share a job.

2. Tim and him share a job.

Correct : Tim and He share a job.

3. This pizza is for Betsy and I.

Correct : This pizza is for Betsy and me.

4. The argument is between Marcus and I.

Correct : The argument is between Marcus and me

5. Tim and me are happy about the new arrangement.

Correct : Tim and I are happy about the new arrangement.

3.3 Verb
Circle all the verbs–both action and linking–in each of the following sentences.
1. Time flies.
2. The newly cleaned mirrors glitter and gleam.
3. My house is cold in the winter.
4. The child felt sad.
5. I am the president of our social club.

3.4 Adjective
Circle all the adjectives in the following sentences.

1. The smooth-haired dog is a beagle.

2. Lise is organized.
3. I have a well-informed friend.
4. Richard, tall and tan, returned from a long vacation.
5. A sleek car arrived at the front door.

3.5 Adverb or Adjective

Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. He plays basketball (good/well).

2. The (good/well) weather encouraged us to take a long walk.

3. Nina hasn’t been (good/well) since she left the office with a fever.

4. It’s a (good/well) thing she went home.

5. Fortunately, everyone in the office has stayed (good/well).

3.6 Preposition
Find the prepositional phrase in each of the following sentences. The first one is
done for you.
1. A new bank opened in town.
in town
2. Don’t position all the furniture against the walls.
Against the walls
3. One bottle inside the carton was smashed.
inside the carton
4. Please place the key between the doors.
between the doors
5. I opened the car door and left my coffee cup on top.
on top
6. Please tell me more about Larry.
about Larry

3.7 Conjunction
In each of the following sentence, circle the conjunctions and decide what kind it
is–coordinating, correlative, or subordinating.

1. Abby and Michael are siblings.

And (coordinating)

2. I had to decide between having a big breakfast or saving room for lunch.
Or (corrdinating)

3. Karra had always loved sewing, but she didn’t take sewing lessons until
she was in her thirties.
But (coordinating), until (subordinating)

4. Neither the new computer nor the old one is working now.
Neither...nor (correlative)
5. Until the clock strikes 5 P.M., we’ll work!
Until (subordinating)

3.8 Function of Words

In each of the following sentences, identify the underlined word as subject, verb, object,
or modifier. The first one is done for you.

1. You should paint the room white. verb

2. The paint comes in three shades of red. subject
3. The salesperson gave us a paint chart from which we chose a color. modifier
4. Then she mixed the paint. object
5. Paint is an easy solution to a decorating problem. subject
6. A comment appeared in our local newspaper. subject
7. Then the losing candidate made a comment about the voting equipment. object
8. I don’t comment on other people’s parenting skills. verb
9. You nurse that bird back to health and then release it in the forest. verb
10. A release regarding his decision appeared on his blog. modifier

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