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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021


Εισαγωγή στο Speaking Syllabus 2021 και τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις LRN ............................... 3

LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 How to use the Syllabus for the LRN Speaking Exams 2021:........... 8

LRN B1 Topics for the January 2021 Speaking Exam .................................................................... 9

LRN B1 Topics for the June 2021 Speaking Exam ........................................................................ 11

LRN B1 common Topics for both the January and June 2021 Speaking Exams ........................ 13

LRN B2 Topics for the January 2021 Speaking Exam .................................................................. 14

LRN B2 Topics for the June 2021 Speaking Exam ........................................................................ 16

LRN B2 common Topics for both the January and June 2021 Speaking Exams ........................ 18

LRN C1 Topics for the January 2021 Speaking Exam .................................................................. 19

LRN C1 Topics for the June 2021 Speaking Exam ........................................................................ 21

LRN C1 common Topics for both the January and June 2021 Speaking Exams ........................ 24

LRN C2 Topics for the January 2021 Speaking Exam .................................................................. 25

LRN C2 Topics for the June 2021 Speaking Exam ........................................................................ 27

LRN C2 common Topics for both the January and June 2021 Speaking Exams ........................ 30

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021

Εισαγωγή στο Speaking Syllabus 2021

και τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις LRN

Η Esolnet Hellas σας ανακοινώνει πως το LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 είναι πλέον διαθέσιμο για να το
εντάξετε στην προετοιμασία σας για τις Εξετάσεις του Ιανουαρίου και του Ιουνίου 2021.

Πρόκειται για ένα ουσιαστικό εργαλείο που πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθεί σωστά προκειμένου οι Υποψήφιοι να
αποκομίσουν όλα τα γλωσσικά οφέλη από τη χρήση του και να είναι έτοιμοι να ανταπεξέλθουν με απόλυτη
επιτυχία στις Προφορικές τους Εξετάσεις.

Α. Τι περιέχει το Syllabus για τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις

• Υπάρχουν 8 θέματα για τις Εξετάσεις του Ιανουαρίου 2021 και
10 θέματα για τις Εξετάσεις του Ιουνίου 2021.
• Σε κάθε Επίπεδο υπάρχουν 3 κοινά θέματα που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν και στις δύο
Εξεταστικές Περιόδους.
• Τα κοινά θέματα για το Β1 είναι τα: 1,2,3
• Τα κοινά θέματα για το Β2 είναι τα: 1,2,3
• Υπάρχουν 10 θέματα για τις Εξετάσεις του Ιανουαρίου 2021 και
15 θέματα για τις Εξετάσεις του Ιουνίου 2021.
• Σε κάθε Επίπεδο υπάρχουν 5 κοινά θέματα που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν και στις δύο
Εξεταστικές Περιόδους.
• Τα κοινά θέματα για το C1 είναι τα: 1,2,3,4,5
• Τα κοινά θέματα για το C2 είναι τα: 1,2,3,4,5

Β. Γενικές Οδηγίες για το Syllabus για όλα τα Επίπεδα

• Τα κοινά θέματα είναι σε bold και επαναλαμβάνονται στο τέλος του Syllabus κάθε Επιπέδου.
• Κάθε θέμα ακολουθείται από 4 Ερωτήσεις. Η πρώτη Ερώτηση αφορά το Section 2 και οι άλλες
τρεις Ερωτήσεις αφορούν το Section 3 της Προφορικής Εξέτασης.

Γ. Τα Prepared Topics και Πώς να τα Χρησιμοποιήσετε

• Δύο εβδομάδες πριν τις Εξετάσεις αποστέλλονται τα Prepared Topics για κάθε Επίπεδο.
• Υπάρχουν 5 Prepared Topics για το Section 2 της Προφορικής Εξέτασης κάθε Επιπέδου (B1-B2-
C1-C2) σε κάθε Εξεταστική Περίοδο (Ιανουαρίου και Ιουνίου 2021).
• Οι Υποψήφιοι πρέπει να επιλέξουν και να προετοιμάσουν μόνο ΕΝΑ από τα πέντε θέματα του
Επιπέδου τους. Χρειάζεται προσοχή να μην επιλέξουν κατά λάθος θέμα από άλλο Επίπεδο.
• Παρόλο που και οι δύο Υποψήφιοι μπορούν να επιλέξουν το ίδιο θέμα, καλό θα ήταν να διαλέξουν
διαφορετικό θέμα, έτσι ώστε να μην χρειαστεί να επαναλάβουν τις ίδιες ιδέες όταν θα
ανταλλάσσουν απόψεις.

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021

Δ. Γενικές Οδηγίες για τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις

• Οι Υποψήφιοι εξετάζονται στις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις σε ζευγάρια. Τα ζευγάρια μπορούν

να καθοριστούν εκ των προτέρων.
• Ο Φορέας δεν επιτρέπει τη συμμετοχή ενός Υποψηφίου στις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις και 2η
φορά ως “Dummy”, για τη δημιουργία ζευγαριού με Υποψήφιο που δεν έχει εξεταστεί,
παρά μόνο στην περίπτωση που δεν υπάρχει κανένας άλλος Υποψήφιος για να γίνει ένα
• Οι Υποψήφιοι δεν επιτρέπεται να έχουν μαζί τους σημειώσεις ή κάποιο άλλο βοήθημα
κατά τη διάρκεια της Εξέτασης. Δεν απαιτείται να ετοιμάσουν κάποιο project σχετικά με το
θέμα τους και ούτε επιτρέπεται να το έχουν μαζί τους κατά τη διάρκεια της Προφορικής
Εξέτασης, σε περίπτωση που το έχουν ετοιμάσει.
• Δεν επιτρέπεται να κρατούν σημειώσεις την ώρα που ο άλλος Υποψήφιος παρουσιάζει το
θέμα του.
• O Εξεταστής δίνει σε κάθε Υποψήφιο ένα φύλλο με τίτλο “Candidate’s Prompts” το οποίο
A. Τα 5 Prepared Topics για το Section 2, από τα οποία ο Υποψήφιος θα επιλέξει αυτό που
έχει προετοιμάσει.
B. Prompts για το Section 3 μαζί με ιδέες για κάθε Prompt.
• Παρόλο που οι Υποψήφιοι μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν τις δικές τους ιδέες για να
αναπτύξουν την απάντησή τους, συνιστάται να χρησιμοποιήσουν αυτές που υπάρχουν στο
Candidate’s Prompts, προκειμένου να περιοριστεί το άγχος τους και να εξασφαλίσουν το
καλύτερο δυνατό αποτέλεσμα.
Ε. Η Διαδικασία των Προφορικών Εξετάσεων

Είναι σημαντικό οι Υποψήφιοι να είναι απόλυτα εξοικειωμένοι με τη διαδικασία των Προφορικών

Εξετάσεων LRN.

Section 1: Warm Up Stage

Β1-Β2: 3 λεπτά
C1-C2: 4 λεπτά


• Οι Υποψήφιοι καλούνται να απαντήσουν σε περίπου μία ή περισσότερες ερωτήσεις ο

καθένας σχετικές με τα ενδιαφέροντά τους, τον ελεύθερο χρόνο τους, το σχολείο /
πανεπιστήμιο που φοιτούν, την πόλη τους, την εργασία τους και τα μελλοντικά στους
Υλικό που μπορείτε να Χρησιμοποιήσετε:

• Indicative Questions for the Warm Up Stage που υπάρχουν στο Υποστηρικτικό Υλικό
της Esolnet Hellas.
• Το υλικό που υπάρχει στο Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing Candidates for the LRN
Speaking Exam.

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021

Section 2: Prepared Topics – Individual Talks and Interaction

Β1-B2: 6-7 λεπτά
C1-C2: 6-8 λεπτά


• Ο Εξεταστής δίνει σε κάθε Υποψήφιο το Candidate’s Prompts όπου αναγράφονται τα

5 Prepared Topics και ζητά από τον Υποψήφιο Α να παρουσιάσει το θέμα που έχει
• Ο Εξεταστής κάνει μία ερώτηση στον Υποψήφιο Α σχετικά με το θέμα που έχει
• Ο Εξεταστής ζητά από τον Υποψήφιο Β να πει τη γνώμη του σχετικά με όσα είπε ο
Υποψήφιος Α.
• Ο Εξεταστής κάνει μία κοινή ερώτηση και στους δύο Υποψηφίους Α και Β και τους
παρακινεί να αρχίσουν το διάλογο.
• Η ίδια διαδικασία ακολουθείται και για τον Υποψήφιο Β.

Υλικό που μπορείτε να Χρησιμοποιήσετε

• Το Speaking Syllabus για προετοιμασία από την αρχή της σχολικής χρονιάς. Η πρώτη
Ερώτηση κάθε θέματος αφορά το Section 2.
• Τα Prepared Topics, δηλαδή τα πέντε θέματα που ανακοινώνονται δύο εβδομάδες
πριν από τις Εξετάσεις. Κάθε Υποψήφιος επιλέγει και προετοιμάζει ένα από αυτά.
• Το υλικό που υπάρχει στο Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing Candidates for the LRN
Speaking Exam.

Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction

Β1-Β2: 5-6 λεπτά
C1-C2: 6 λεπτά


• Για το Section 3, στο Candidate’s Prompts περιλαμβάνονται prompts για συζήτηση

σχετικά με τα θέματα που έχουν ετοιμάσει οι Υποψήφιοι. Κάθε prompt συνοδεύεται από
τρεις ιδέες που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν από τους Υποψηφίους στις απαντήσεις τους.
• Ο Εξεταστής ζητά από τον Υποψήφιο Α να μιλήσει για το prompt που είναι σχετικό με το
θέμα για το οποίο έχει μιλήσει στο Section 2.
• Ο Εξεταστής ζητά από τον Υποψήφιο Β να σχολιάσει όσα είπε ο Υποψήφιος Α.
• Η ίδια διαδικασία ακολουθείται και για τον Υποψήφιο Β.

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021

Υλικό που μπορείτε να Χρησιμοποιήσετε

• Τις Eρωτήσεις που υπάρχουν κάτω από κάθε θέμα του Speaking Syllabus.
• Το υλικό που υπάρχει στο Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing Candidates for the LRN
Speaking Exam.

ΣΤ. Πώς να Προετοιμάσετε τους Υποψηφίους

Θα ήταν καλό να προετοιμάσετε από την αρχή της σχολικής χρονιάς όλα τα θέματα της
Εξεταστικής Περιόδου στην οποία θα συμμετάσχουν οι Υποψήφιοι ώστε να έχουν την ευκαιρία να
εξασκηθούν εγκαίρως σε όλα τα θέματα και να μάθουν το κατάλληλο λεξιλόγιο. Έτσι, όταν θα
λάβετε τα 5 θέματα για το Section 2, δύο εβδομάδες πριν τις Εξετάσεις, οι Υποψήφιοι θα έχουν
ήδη κάνει επαρκή προετοιμασία και θα μπορούν να επικεντρωθούν σε αυτά με μεγαλύτερη

Μπορείτε να αφιερώνετε χρόνο για την προετοιμασία για τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις 1 φορά
την εβδομάδα. Η βαθμολογία του Υποψηφίου στα Προφορικά είναι καθοριστική για την
επιτυχία του στις Εξετάσεις και η σωστή προετοιμασία του στα Προφορικά είναι σημαντικός
παράγοντας και προϋπόθεση για την καλή βαθμολογία του.

Section 1

➢ Αν οι Υποψήφιοι είναι καλά προετοιμασμένοι για το Warm Up Stage θα κάνουν μια πολύ
θετική πρώτη εντύπωση στον Εξεταστή και θα νιώσουν μεγαλύτερη αυτοπεποίθηση για να
➢ Τα θέματα του Warm Up Stage είναι γνωστά. Οι Καθηγητές μπορούν να επιλέξουν μία
ποικιλία ερωτήσεων για τους Υποψηφίους από τα Indicative Questions, να τις αναθέσουν
σαν δουλειά για το σπίτι και στη συνέχεια να κάνουν εξάσκηση στην τάξη.
➢ Οι Υποψήφιοι πρέπει να εκπαιδεύονται να απαντούν με ολοκληρωμένες προτάσεις και να
αποφεύγουν τις μονολεκτικές ή πολύ σύντομες απαντήσεις. Επίσης, πρέπει να εξασκηθούν
στο να αιτιολογούν αυτά που λένε.
➢ Περισσότερες πληροφορίες και υλικό θα βρείτε στο Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing
Candidates for the LRN Speaking Exam.

Section 2 & Section 3

➢ Χωρίστε τους Υποψηφίους σε δύο ομάδες και αναθέστε διαφορετικό θέμα σε κάθε ομάδα.
➢ Δώστε λεξιλόγιο σχετικό με το θέμα που έχουν αναλάβει να προετοιμάσουν.
➢ Κάθε Υποψήφιος προετοιμάζει το θέμα του και τις 4 ερωτήσεις στο σπίτι.
➢ Στο επόμενο μάθημα, μπορείτε να κάνετε ζευγάρια τους Υποψηφίους που έχουν
διαφορετικά θέματα μεταξύ τους και να ακολουθήσετε τη διαδικασία των Προφορικών
Εξετάσεων του LRN.
➢ Στο τέλος, μπορείτε να παρέχετε την ανατροφοδότηση και τα σχόλια σας στους
Υποψηφίους, επισημαίνοντας τα δυνατά τους σημεία αλλά και τις αδυναμίες τους.
➢ Όταν ολοκληρωθεί αυτή η διαδικασία, δώστε ένα διαφορετικό θέμα σε κάθε ομάδα, για την
επόμενη φορά, ώστε να εξασκηθούν σε όλα τα θέματα όλοι οι Υποψήφιοι.

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021

➢ Όταν οι Υποψήφιοι έχουν πλέον εξοικειωθεί πλήρως με τη διαδικασία των Προφορικών

Εξετάσεων μπορείτε να τους ηχογραφήσετε σε ζευγάρια ώστε να έχουν την ευκαιρία να
ακούσουν και οι ίδιοι τον εαυτό τους.
➢ Αυτή η διαδικασία είναι πολύ καλή για την τελική προετοιμασία του ενός από τα 5 θέματα
που έχουν επιλέξει. Αφού το προετοιμάσουν με τη βοήθειά σας, μπορούν να το γράψουν
σαν έκθεση. Κατόπιν, κάθε Υποψήφιος μπορεί να το ηχογραφήσει για να το ακούει ώστε να
το αφομοιώσει καλύτερα.
➢ Η προετοιμασία των θεμάτων του Syllabus των Προφορικών Εξετάσεων βοηθάει και στην
εξάσκηση για το Writing.
➢ Είναι σημαντικό οι Υποψήφιοι να προετοιμάζονται και για τα άλλα 4 Prepared Topics, ώστε
να είναι σε θέση να εκφράσουν τη γνώμη τους σε όσα θα πει ο άλλος Υποψήφιος στο
Section 2 και στο Section 3.
➢ Περισσότερες πληροφορίες και υλικό θα βρείτε στο Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing
Candidates for the LRN Speaking Exam.

Ζ. Υποστηρικτικό Υλικό για τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις LRN

Η Esolnet Hellas σας προσφέρει το εξής Υποστηρικτικό Υλικό:

• Videos με Mock Interviews στο κανάλι της Esolnet Hellas στο YouTube.
• Indicative Questions for the Warm Up Stage
• Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing Candidates for the LRN Speaking Exam & Using the
LRN and Esolnet Hellas Speaking Support Material

✓ Ανάλυση των Προφορικών Εξετάσεων
✓ Standardisation βαθμολόγησης
✓ Παραδείγματα για κάθε Section
✓ Πλούσιο Λεξιλόγιο
✓ Αξιολόγηση σε δείγματα Recordings – 2 Β1, 4 Β2, 2C1, 4C2

Για οποιαδήποτε ερώτηση έχετε που αφορά τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις, και τις Εξετάσεις γενικά μη
διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε με την Esolnet Hellas.

Καλή Επιτυχία στους Υποψηφίους σας!

Esolnet Hellas

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021
How to use the Syllabus for the LRN Speaking Exams 2021:

B1 - B2
• There are 8 topics for the January 2021 Exams and 10 for the June 2021 Exams.
3 topics of the Syllabus are common and may be used in either Exam Period.
The common topics for B1 are 1, 2, 3.
The common topics for B2 are 1, 2, 3.

C1 - C2
• There are 10 topics for the January 2021 Exams and 15 for the June 2021 Exams.
5 topics of the Syllabus are common and may be used in either Exam Period.
The common topics for C1 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
The common topics for C2 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

All Levels
• The common topics for all levels are in bold.
They are also repeated at the end of each Syllabus.
• Each general topic is followed by 4 questions. The first question covers Section 2 of the Speaking
Exam and the other three questions relate to Section 3 of the Exam.
• It would be advisable that all topics for the specific Exam period be covered before the Exams so
that students will be able to practise and use the appropriate language for each topic. When LRN
sends the 5 topics for Section 2 of the Exam two weeks before the Exams, they will have already
prepared all topics and they will feel much more confident focusing on one of them.
• Both teachers and students can watch the Sample Video Interviews on the Esolnet Hellas YouTube
• A recommended way to use the Syllabus would be to put aside speaking time every week. Teachers
can divide their students into two groups; each group is assigned a different topic (4 questions);
the teacher may give each group the vocabulary they need.
Each student prepares their topic (4 questions) at home and during the next lesson, the teacher can
make pairs of one student from each group; the teacher can follow the LRN Interview procedure,
allowing the students to practise the LRN Speaking Exam.
• The teacher can give all the students feedback, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses.
LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level B1

LRN B1 Topics for the January 2021 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B1 Speaking Exams 2021.


1. How do you decide what to wear every day?

Why is it not practical to buy clothes only for one occasion?
Why should we give old clothes to charity?
Why is it good to share clothes with friends?


2. Why do some people choose friends that they do not really like?
Why should we choose our friends carefully?
Why is it important to be honest with our friends?
Why should we accept our friends for who they are?


3. Why do most people prefer to swim in the sea and not in a swimming pool?
Why should we choose a beach with lifeguards?
Why should we never swim alone?
Why is it important to pay attention to notices on the beach?


4. Why is it important to have an outdoor hobby?

How can the weather affect outdoor hobbies?
Why may an outdoor hobby be expensive?
Why could an outdoor hobby be dangerous?

The cinema

5. Who is your favourite film star?

Why does the media often attack famous actors?
Is it easy for famous actors to stay famous?
Why do famous actors lose their real friends?


6. What would you want to do if you visited a place for the first time?
Why do we need to wear comfortable clothes and shoes when we travel?
What are the advantages of travelling light?
Why should we take a tourist guidebook when we travel?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level B1


7. Why do children like junk food?

Why should children start their day with a good breakfast?
Why should there be healthy snacks at home?
Why may children eat healthier food if they limit their screen time?

The future

8. What is your biggest dream in your life?

If we wish for something, it encourages us to work harder for our goals. Why?
Why is it easier for us to deal with a problem if we wish for something?
Why can we think more positively about the future if we wish for something?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level B1

LRN B1 Topics for the June 2021 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B1 Speaking Exams 2021.


1. How do you decide what to wear every day?

Why is it not practical to buy clothes only for one occasion?
Why should we give old clothes to charity?
Why is it good to share clothes with friends?


2. Why do some people choose friends that they do not really like?
Why should we choose our friends carefully?
Why is it important to be honest with our friends?
Why should we accept our friends for who they are?


3. Why do most people prefer to swim in the sea and not in a swimming pool?
Why should we choose a beach with lifeguards?
Why should we never swim alone?
Why is it important to pay attention to notices on the beach?

The environment

4. Why is there more pollution in cities?

Why is it healthy to breathe the fresh air of the countryside?
How can the peace and quiet of the countryside affect our health?
Why is it healthier to spend time outdoors?


5. What problems do students often have?

Can students learn better when they don’t have stress?
Can we think more clearly when we are calm?
Can less stress help students feel happier and more energetic?


6. How do we damage our teeth?

How often and how should children brush their teeth?
Which foods are good for children’s teeth?
What teeth problems can children have?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level B1


7. What accidents can we have at home?

Why should we keep things off the floor?
Why should we be careful with boiling water and oil?
Where should we put medicines and dangerous chemicals? Why?


8. What things can go wrong during a party?

Why is it important to make a guest list for a party?
How can we prepare a house for a party?
What things should we organise to keep party guests happy?


9. What can our neighbours complain about?

Why is it good to ask a neighbour for help in an emergency?
Is it easy to ask a neighbour to keep us company when we are lonely?
Do we feel safer when we have close neighbours? Why/Why not?


10. Why do some people prefer bicycles to cars?

Why are bicycles dangerous to ride?
What happens if we are caught in bad weather while riding a bicycle?
Why is it easier for thieves to steal a bicycle than a car?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level B1

LRN B1 common Topics for both the January and June 2021 Speaking Exams


1. How do you decide what to wear every day?

Why is it not practical to buy clothes only for one occasion?
Why should we give old clothes to charity?
Why is it good to share clothes with friends?


2. Why do some people choose friends that they do not really like?
Why should we choose our friends carefully?
Why is it important to be honest with our friends?
Why should we accept our friends for who they are?


3. Why do most people prefer to swim in the sea and not in a swimming pool?
Why should we choose a beach with lifeguards?
Why should we never swim alone?
Why is it important to pay attention to notices on the beach?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level B2

LRN B2 Topics for the January 2021 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B2 Speaking Exams 2021.


1. Which lifestyle choices can have a negative effect on our health?

Why can good quality sleep be positive for our health?
Why should we have a balanced diet?
How can regular exercise improve our health?


2. Are teenagers interested in reading magazines? Why? Why not?

Do magazines keep us updated about our interests? Why? Why not?
How can magazines help us forget our problems?
Why do some people collect magazines?


3. Why are puzzles good for children?

How can solving puzzles keep an adult brain active?
How do puzzles entertain and relax adults?
How do puzzles help adults connect with others?


4. Why do young people like to wear fashionable clothes?

Why is it expensive to follow fashion?
Do fashionable clothes always look good on us? Why/Why not?
Do young people spend too much time on their appearance?


5. Why do some people prefer to visit less popular areas?

How can climate influence tourism?
What makes people visit places which have landmarks and historic sites?
Why are accommodation and entertainment facilities important for a tourist attraction?


6. How does technology help in transportation?

Why does modern transport cause air and noise pollution?
In order to build roads, we cut down trees. Why is this bad?
Why is modern transport responsible for more accidents?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level B2

The cinema

7. Why do space films scare some people?

Why are the stories about space so exciting?
Why do the special effects in space films amaze audiences of all ages?
Why do people of all ages enjoy films about life in other worlds?

Free time

8. What makes a person bored?

How can meeting new people make our life more interesting?
In what ways can a hobby change our life?
If we try new things, how will it affect our life?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level B2

LRN B2 Topics for the June 2021 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B2 Speaking Exams 2021.


1. Which lifestyle choices can have a negative effect on our health?

Why can good quality of sleep be positive for our health?
Why should we have a balanced diet?
How can regular exercise improve our health?


2. Are teenagers interested in reading magazines? Why? Why not?

Do magazines keep us updated about our interests? Why? Why not?
How can magazines help us forget our problems?
Why do some people collect magazines?


3. Why are puzzles good for children?

How can solving puzzles keep an adult brain active?
How do puzzles entertain and relax adults?
How do puzzles help adults connect with others?


4. What do you like most about your best friend?

Why are we not afraid to show our weaknesses to close friends?
When we have a few close friends, it is easier to give them our full attention. Why is this so?
Why are we more likely to have things in common with a few close friends?


5. How can we tell that a child has smartphone addiction?

Why should children know about the harmful effects of smartphone addiction?
What are the benefits of not allowing children to use their smartphone at meals and at
How can we encourage children to participate in phone-free activities?


6. How can someone become famous?

Why does it take a lot of effort to stay famous?
How do celebrities lose their personal freedom?
Why do some celebrities develop dangerous habits?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level B2


7. Should teachers be friends with their students?

Why is it important for teachers to keep their students’ attention?
Strict teachers are believed to inspire students to work harder. Why is this so?
Why is it important to teach students the importance of rules?

The future

8. What is your main goal for this year?

Why is believing in ourselves an important key to realising our dreams?
Why should we plan what steps to take to fulfil our dreams?
Why is hard work an important part of making our dreams come true?


9. Why do young people often prefer to shop in shopping malls?

How can shopping help us forget our problems?
Is shopping a good opportunity to spend time with friends?
Why can shopping make us feel more confident?


10. Why do some young people not participate in sports?

How do sports teach us about the importance of working with others?
In what way do sports teach us about respect and patience?
Why do sports teach us about the value of failure?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level B2

LRN B2 common Topics for both the January and June 2021 Speaking Exams


1. Which lifestyle choices can have a negative effect on our health?

Why can good quality sleep be positive for our health?
Why should we have a balanced diet?
How can regular exercise improve our health?


2. Are teenagers interested in reading magazines? Why? Why not?

Do magazines keep us updated about our interests? Why? Why not?
How can magazines help us forget our problems?
Why do some people collect magazines?


3. Why are puzzles good for children?

How can solving puzzles keep an adult brain active?
How do puzzles entertain and relax adults?
How do puzzles help adults connect with others?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C1

LRN C1 Topics for the January 2021 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C1 Speaking Exams 2021.


1. In what way has technology affected relationships?

Why is it important to avoid talking on the phone when around our friends?
How can a thoughtful gift make our friends feel?
Why would taking out our friends to dinner make them feel special?


2. How do you think education will change in the future?

Why is it difficult for high school students to balance extra-curricular activities and
Why are high school students under pressure to get high grades?
What concerns do high school students have about their future career?


3. Are you afraid that robots may one day take over the world?
How could robots assist us with household chores?
What difficult tasks could robots do in the workplace?
How could robots make surgical operations easier and safer?


4. How can the media make people aware of environmental problems?

How can learning about the importance of preserving wildlife be a step to protecting
endangered species?
Why should we never buy products made from endangered species?
Why should we help organisations which protect wildlife habitats?


5. What are the advantages of a country being a popular tourist destination?

In what ways can tourists show disrespect for the local culture?
What may happen if tourists consume a lot of alcohol?
How can tourists vandalise landmarks?


6. What kinds of things are likely to make people angry?

Why should we first calm down before we express our anger?
How does talking to someone we trust help us manage our anger?
Why is it important to listen to the other person’s point of view when we are angry?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C1

Eating out

7. What might customers at a restaurant complain about?

Why can the promotion of new dishes on a menu attract more customers?
Why would a restaurant having a pleasant atmosphere be appealing to a customer?
Why is it beneficial for a restaurant to organise special events?


8. What kinds of television programmes appeal to teenagers?

How has the variety of sources for films and shows made traditional television channels less
popular among young audiences?
Why might young audiences find the content of traditional television uninteresting?
Why do many young people prefer watching things on their smartphones to watching


9. What factors can affect a person’s career choices?

Is it good for high school students to decide on their future career even though they have had
no exposure to the world of work?
Are high school students mature enough to choose the right career?
How could their parents’ influence have a negative effect on a high school student’s career


10. Why is passive smoking dangerous?

How would highlighting the health risks of smoking make an anti-smoking ad more
Why should an anti-smoking ad give information about the harmful content of cigarettes?
Why should an anti-smoking ad emphasise the benefits of stopping smoking?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C1

LRN C1 Topics for the June 2021 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C1 Speaking Exams 2021.


1. In what way has technology affected relationships?

Why is it important to avoid talking on the phone when around our friends?
How can a thoughtful gift make our friends feel?
Why would taking out our friends to dinner make them feel special?


2. How do you think education will change in the future?

Why is it difficult for high school students to balance extra-curricular activities and
Why are high school students under pressure to get high grades?
What concerns do high school students have about their future career?


3. Are you afraid that robots may one day take over the world?
How could robots assist us with household chores?
What difficult tasks could robots do in the workplace?
How could robots make surgical operations easier and safer?


4. How can the media make people aware of environmental problems?

How can learning about the importance of preserving wildlife be a step to protecting
endangered species?
Why should we never buy products made from endangered species?
Why should we help organisations which protect wildlife habitats?


5. What are the advantages of a country being a popular tourist destination?

In what ways can tourists show disrespect for the local culture?
What may happen if tourists consume a lot of alcohol?
How can tourists vandalise landmarks?

6. Why do some tourists dislike visiting popular tourist attractions?

In what ways do tourist attractions improve a country’s image?
Why are visitors to a country interested in tourist attractions?
How do tourist attractions contribute to the local economy?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C1


7. Is art important in our daily life?

To what extent do the personal beliefs and interests of artists influence their work?
What influence does an artists’ life experiences have on their artwork?
How much are artists influenced by the work of other artists?


8. What are the risks of consuming too much alcohol?

Why could increasing the legal drinking age reduce alcohol consumption?
How can awareness campaigns about alcohol abuse help reduce alcohol consumption?
Why would prohibiting the sales of alcohol to minors reduce alcohol abuse?

9. Why is it hard to develop good habits?

How can a good sleep routine help us live better?
How can taking social media out of our daily routine benefit us?
Why would a balanced diet improve our lives?

The World

10. If you had the chance, would you join Doctors Without Borders? Why? Why not?
Why should wealthy countries send experts and offer free health care to poorer countries?
What are the benefits of teaching poorer countries how to improve farming and agriculture?
Should wealthy countries help poorer countries build schools?


11. Why do some people prefer live theatre to films?

In what way can special effects make films better than live theatre?
How does the variety of film sets make films more exciting than live theatre?
Why might cheaper cinema tickets make going to see a film more attractive than live


12. What makes people move house?

How can making a fresh start in a new place be beneficial?
How can we grow as a person when we move to a new place?
How would expanding our social circle in a new place benefit us?

13. Why do some people love change?

Why is it scary for some people to be out of their comfort zone when they make changes?
What difficulties might people face adjusting to change?
Why would change make some people fear failure?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C1

Natural disasters

14. Why are earthquakes considered one of the most terrifying natural disasters?
Why should schools explain to students emergency procedures for an earthquake?
Why is it important for schools to practise what to do during and after an earthquake?
Why should schools store emergency supplies in accessible locations?


15. Why can television commercials be annoying?

Why does the fact that television reaches a large audience make it a good medium for
Why can the use of sound and motion make a television advertisement more successful?
How can television make advertised brands famous?

Page 23 Esolnet Hellas

LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C1

LRN C1 common Topics for both the January and June 2021 Speaking Exams


1. In what way has technology affected relationships?

Why is it important to avoid talking on the phone when around our friends?
How can a thoughtful gift make our friends feel?
Why would taking out our friends to dinner make them feel special?


2. How do you think education will change in the future?

Why is it difficult for high school students to balance extra-curricular activities and
Why are high school students under pressure to get high grades?
What concerns do high school students have about their future career?


3. Are you afraid that robots may one day take over the world?
How could robots assist us with household chores?
What difficult tasks could robots do in the workplace?
How could robots make surgical operations easier and safer?


4. How can the media make people aware of environmental problems?

How can learning about the importance of preserving wildlife be a step to protecting
endangered species?
Why should we never buy products made from endangered species?
Why should we help organisations which protect wildlife habitats?


5. What are the advantages of a country being a popular tourist destination?

In what ways can tourists show disrespect for the local culture?
What may happen if tourists consume a lot of alcohol?
How can tourists vandalise landmarks?

Page 24 Esolnet Hellas

LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C2

LRN C2 Topics for the January 2021 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C2 Speaking Exams 2021.


1. How can we encourage children to be creative?

How do creative activities allow children to express themselves?
In what ways do creative activities help children boost their imagination?
Why do creative activities encourage children to try out new things?


2. Why do some people like to try unusual kinds of food while travelling?
Why should we practise good hand hygiene when we travel abroad?
Why should we only drink bottled water in a foreign country?
Why should we only have freshly prepared and well-cooked food when abroad?


3. What are the advantages of being competitive?

Why can being competitive result in stress?
How can competitiveness harm friendships?
What negative effects can competitiveness have on our self-esteem?


4. What environmental problems have better living standards caused?

How can we raise living standards if we reduce unemployment?
How does improved health care contribute to higher living standards?
Can the elimination of inequality lead to better living standards?


5. How can we use technology to fight world hunger?

Why is poverty considered to be one of the main causes of world hunger?
How does climate affect world hunger?
How do war and conflict contribute to food shortages?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C2


6. What challenges did you encounter as an English language learner?

In what way is knowing English the ticket to business success?
Why is English the dominant language in scientific research?
Is English the international language of the media?

7. What are the advantages of home schooling?

Why would home schooling cause conflicts between parents and children?
How would home schooling affect children’s social skills?
Why might home schooling be expensive?


8. Why is alternative medicine growing in popularity?

As there is little scientific proof that alternative medicine is effective, are conventional
doctors right to reject it?
Why are there doubts about how safe alternative medicine is?
Why may alternative medicine not be useful in emergency situations?


9. What alternatives are there to imprisonment as a punishment?

Why do some people think that prison does not prevent people from committing crimes
Why could prison make people more violent?
Why does prison become a barrier to re-entry into society?

10. What are the causes of urban crime?

Why would storing valuables out of sight make our home safer?
Can installing motion sensor lights inside and outside the house make homes safer?
Why would getting to know our neighbours make us safer?

Page 26 Esolnet Hellas

LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C2

LRN C2 Topics for the June 2021 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C2 Speaking Exams 2021.


1. How can we encourage children to be creative?

How do creative activities allow children to express themselves?
In what ways do creative activities help children boost their imagination?
Why do creative activities encourage children to try out new things?


2. Why do some people like to try unusual kinds of food while travelling?
Why should we practise good hand hygiene when we travel abroad?
Why should we only drink bottled water in a foreign country?
Why should we only have freshly prepared and well-cooked food when abroad?


3. What are the advantages of being competitive?

Why can being competitive result in stress?
How can competitiveness harm friendships?
What negative effects can competitiveness have on our self-esteem?


4. What environmental problems have better living standards caused?

How can we raise living standards if we reduce unemployment?
How does improved health care contribute to higher living standards?
Can the elimination of inequality lead to better living standards?


5. How can we use technology to fight world hunger?

Why is poverty considered to be one of the main causes of world hunger?
How does climate affect world hunger?
How do war and conflict contribute to food shortages?

6. Why should parents monitor their children’s use of the Internet?

In what way do parents break their children’s trust in them if they spy on them online?
Why would parents monitoring their children’s online activities cause conflicts?
How would parents affect their children’s friendships if they monitored their online

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C2


7. What are the advantages of bilingual education?

Why might bilingual education put students under too much pressure?
Why could students attending a bilingual school lose their sense of identity?
Why would students attending a bilingual school need more time to achieve proficiency in
both languages?

8. Why should music be included in the school curriculum?

Why is it believed that music lessons in school are not useful for students’ future careers?
Why does music education cost a school a lot of money?
How does having mandatory music lessons take time away from more important lessons?


9. Should museums be free?

Why do some people find visiting museums an exhausting experience?
Why would someone with little interest in art and culture dislike visiting museums?
How can high admission fees make people dislike visiting museums?


10. Is your generation luckier than previous generations? Why? Why not?
Why is unemployment a critical social issue?
What are the effects of prejudice on society?
What impact does crime have on our daily life?

11. Can we put an end to stereotypes?

Why do negative stereotypes deprive people of opportunities?
How do negative stereotypes shape people’s behaviour?
Why do negative stereotypes encourage violence?


12. Why might it be easier to make friends in college than in high school?
Why do family and work responsibilities reduce our circle of friends?
How is our circle of friends affected by our changing interests as we get older?
As we get older, we have less tolerance of toxic friendships. How does this affect our circle
of friends?


13. Are you an adventurous eater? Why? Why not?

How does our lifestyle affect our food choices?
How can our social circle determine what we eat?
What effect does our mood have on what we eat?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C2


14. What effects do pets have on our health and wellbeing?

Why should we intervene if we see pet owners abusing their pets?
Why should we report animal abuse to the authorities?
How can raising awareness of animal abuse help stop pet owners from mistreating their


15. What should we do if we witness a crime being committed?

Why is it difficult to enforce cybercrime laws?
Why is it easy for cyber criminals to infect computers?
How does a lack of awareness of cyber security help increase cybercrime?

Page 29 Esolnet Hellas

LRN Speaking Syllabus 2021 Level C2

LRN C2 common Topics for both the January and June 2021 Speaking Exams


1. How can we encourage children to be creative?

How do creative activities allow children to express themselves?
In what ways do creative activities help children boost their imagination?
Why do creative activities encourage children to try out new things?


2. Why do some people like to try unusual kinds of food while travelling?
Why should we practise good hand hygiene when we travel abroad?
Why should we only drink bottled water in a foreign country?
Why should we only have freshly prepared and well-cooked food when abroad?


3. What are the advantages of being competitive?

Why can being competitive result in stress?
How can competitiveness harm friendships?
What negative effects can competitiveness have on our self-esteem?


4. What environmental problems have better living standards caused?

How can we raise living standards if we reduce unemployment?
How does improved health care contribute to higher living standards?
Can the elimination of inequality lead to better living standards?


5. How can we use technology to fight world hunger?

Why is poverty considered to be one of the main causes of world hunger?
How does climate affect world hunger?
How do war and conflict contribute to food shortages?

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