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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022


Εισαγωγή στο Speaking Syllabus 2022 και τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις LRN .............................. 3

LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 How to use the Syllabus for the LRN Speaking Exams 2022: .......... 8

LRN B1 Topics for the January 2022 Speaking Exam ................................................................... 9

LRN B1 Topics for the June 2022 Speaking Exam ....................................................................... 11

LRN B1 common Topics for both the January and June 2022 Speaking Exams ....................... 13

LRN B2 Topics for the January 2022 Speaking Exam ................................................................. 14

LRN B2 Topics for the June 2022 Speaking Exam ....................................................................... 16

LRN B2 common Topics for both the January and June 2022 Speaking Exams ....................... 18

LRN C1 Topics for the January 2022 Speaking Exam ................................................................. 19

LRN C1 Topics for the June 2022 Speaking Exam ....................................................................... 21

LRN C1 common Topics for both the January and June 2022 Speaking Exams ....................... 24

LRN C2 Topics for the January 2022 Speaking Exam ................................................................. 25

LRN C2 Topics for the June 2022 Speaking Exam ....................................................................... 27

LRN C2 common Topics for both the January and June 2022 Speaking Exams ....................... 30

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022

Εισαγωγή στο Speaking Syllabus 2022

και τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις LRN

Η Esolnet Hellas σας ανακοινώνει πως το LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 είναι πλέον διαθέσιμο για να το
εντάξετε στην προετοιμασία σας για τις Εξετάσεις του Ιανουαρίου και του Ιουνίου 2022.

Πρόκειται για ένα ουσιαστικό εργαλείο που πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθεί σωστά προκειμένου οι Υποψήφιοι να
αποκομίσουν όλα τα γλωσσικά οφέλη από τη χρήση του και να είναι έτοιμοι να ανταπεξέλθουν με απόλυτη
επιτυχία στις Προφορικές τους Εξετάσεις.

Α. Τι περιέχει το Syllabus για τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις

• Υπάρχουν 8 θέματα για τις Εξετάσεις του Ιανουαρίου 2022 και
10 θέματα για τις Εξετάσεις του Ιουνίου 2022.
• Σε κάθε Επίπεδο υπάρχουν 3 κοινά θέματα που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν και στις δύο
Εξεταστικές Περιόδους.
• Τα κοινά θέματα για το Β1 είναι τα: 1,2,3
• Τα κοινά θέματα για το Β2 είναι τα: 1,2,3
• Υπάρχουν 10 θέματα για τις Εξετάσεις του Ιανουαρίου 2022 και
15 θέματα για τις Εξετάσεις του Ιουνίου 2022.
• Σε κάθε Επίπεδο υπάρχουν 5 κοινά θέματα που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν και στις δύο
Εξεταστικές Περιόδους.
• Τα κοινά θέματα για το C1 είναι τα: 1,2,3,4,5
• Τα κοινά θέματα για το C2 είναι τα: 1,2,3,4,5

Β. Γενικές Οδηγίες για το Syllabus για όλα τα Επίπεδα

• Τα κοινά θέματα είναι σε bold και επαναλαμβάνονται στο τέλος του Syllabus κάθε Επιπέδου.
• Κάθε θέμα ακολουθείται από 4 Ερωτήσεις. Η πρώτη Ερώτηση αφορά το Section 2 και οι άλλες
τρεις Ερωτήσεις αφορούν το Section 3 της Προφορικής Εξέτασης.

Γ. Τα Prepared Topics και Πώς να τα Χρησιμοποιήσετε

• Δύο εβδομάδες πριν τις Εξετάσεις αποστέλλονται τα Prepared Topics για κάθε Επίπεδο.
• Υπάρχουν 5 Prepared Topics για το Section 2 της Προφορικής Εξέτασης κάθε Επιπέδου (B1-B2-
C1-C2) σε κάθε Εξεταστική Περίοδο (Ιανουαρίου και Ιουνίου 2022).
• Οι Υποψήφιοι πρέπει να επιλέξουν και να προετοιμάσουν μόνο ΕΝΑ από τα πέντε θέματα του
Επιπέδου τους. Χρειάζεται προσοχή να μην επιλέξουν κατά λάθος θέμα από άλλο Επίπεδο.
• Παρόλο που και οι δύο Υποψήφιοι μπορούν να επιλέξουν το ίδιο θέμα, καλό θα ήταν να διαλέξουν
διαφορετικό θέμα, έτσι ώστε να μην χρειαστεί να επαναλάβουν τις ίδιες ιδέες όταν θα
ανταλλάσσουν απόψεις.

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022

Δ. Γενικές Οδηγίες για τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις

• Οι Υποψήφιοι εξετάζονται στις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις σε ζευγάρια. Τα ζευγάρια μπορούν

να καθοριστούν εκ των προτέρων.
• Ο Φορέας δεν επιτρέπει τη συμμετοχή ενός Υποψηφίου στις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις και 2η
φορά ως “Dummy”, για τη δημιουργία ζευγαριού με Υποψήφιο που δεν έχει εξεταστεί,
παρά μόνο στην περίπτωση που δεν υπάρχει κανένας άλλος Υποψήφιος για να γίνει ένα
• Οι Υποψήφιοι δεν επιτρέπεται να έχουν μαζί τους σημειώσεις ή κάποιο άλλο βοήθημα
κατά τη διάρκεια της Εξέτασης. Δεν απαιτείται να ετοιμάσουν κάποιο project σχετικά με το
θέμα τους και ούτε επιτρέπεται να το έχουν μαζί τους κατά τη διάρκεια της Προφορικής
Εξέτασης, σε περίπτωση που το έχουν ετοιμάσει.
• Δεν επιτρέπεται να κρατούν σημειώσεις την ώρα που ο άλλος Υποψήφιος παρουσιάζει το
θέμα του.
• O Εξεταστής δίνει σε κάθε Υποψήφιο ένα φύλλο με τίτλο “Candidate’s Prompts” το οποίο
A. Τα 5 Prepared Topics για το Section 2, από τα οποία ο Υποψήφιος θα επιλέξει αυτό που
έχει προετοιμάσει.
B. Prompts για το Section 3 μαζί με ιδέες για κάθε Prompt.
• Παρόλο που οι Υποψήφιοι μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν τις δικές τους ιδέες για να
αναπτύξουν την απάντησή τους, συνιστάται να χρησιμοποιήσουν αυτές που υπάρχουν στο
Candidate’s Prompts, προκειμένου να περιοριστεί το άγχος τους και να εξασφαλίσουν το
καλύτερο δυνατό αποτέλεσμα.
Ε. Η Διαδικασία των Προφορικών Εξετάσεων

Είναι σημαντικό οι Υποψήφιοι να είναι απόλυτα εξοικειωμένοι με τη διαδικασία των Προφορικών

Εξετάσεων LRN.

Section 1: Warm Up Stage

Β1-Β2: 3 λεπτά
C1-C2: 4 λεπτά


• Οι Υποψήφιοι καλούνται να απαντήσουν σε περίπου μία ή περισσότερες ερωτήσεις ο

καθένας σχετικές με τα ενδιαφέροντά τους, τον ελεύθερο χρόνο τους, το σχολείο /
πανεπιστήμιο που φοιτούν, την πόλη τους, την εργασία τους και τα μελλοντικά στους
Υλικό που μπορείτε να Χρησιμοποιήσετε:

• Indicative Questions for the Warm Up Stage που υπάρχουν στο Υποστηρικτικό Υλικό
της Esolnet Hellas.
• Το υλικό που υπάρχει στο Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing Candidates for the LRN
Speaking Exam.

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022

Section 2: Prepared Topics – Individual Talks and Interaction

Β1-B2: 6-7 λεπτά
C1-C2: 6-8 λεπτά


• Ο Εξεταστής δίνει σε κάθε Υποψήφιο το Candidate’s Prompts όπου αναγράφονται τα

5 Prepared Topics και ζητά από τον Υποψήφιο Α να παρουσιάσει το θέμα που έχει
• Ο Εξεταστής κάνει μία ερώτηση στον Υποψήφιο Α σχετικά με το θέμα που έχει
• Ο Εξεταστής ζητά από τον Υποψήφιο Β να πει τη γνώμη του σχετικά με όσα είπε ο
Υποψήφιος Α.
• Ο Εξεταστής κάνει μία κοινή ερώτηση και στους δύο Υποψηφίους Α και Β και τους
παρακινεί να αρχίσουν το διάλογο.
• Η ίδια διαδικασία ακολουθείται και για τον Υποψήφιο Β.

Υλικό που μπορείτε να Χρησιμοποιήσετε

• Το Speaking Syllabus για προετοιμασία από την αρχή της σχολικής χρονιάς. Η πρώτη
Ερώτηση κάθε θέματος αφορά το Section 2.
• Τα Prepared Topics, δηλαδή τα πέντε θέματα που ανακοινώνονται δύο εβδομάδες
πριν από τις Εξετάσεις. Κάθε Υποψήφιος επιλέγει και προετοιμάζει ένα από αυτά.
• Το υλικό που υπάρχει στο Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing Candidates for the LRN
Speaking Exam.

Section 3: Respond to a Question and Interaction

Β1-Β2: 5-6 λεπτά
C1-C2: 6 λεπτά


• Για το Section 3, στο Candidate’s Prompts περιλαμβάνονται prompts για συζήτηση

σχετικά με τα θέματα που έχουν ετοιμάσει οι Υποψήφιοι. Κάθε prompt συνοδεύεται από
τρεις ιδέες που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν από τους Υποψηφίους στις απαντήσεις τους.
• Ο Εξεταστής ζητά από τον Υποψήφιο Α να μιλήσει για το prompt που είναι σχετικό με το
θέμα για το οποίο έχει μιλήσει στο Section 2.
• Ο Εξεταστής ζητά από τον Υποψήφιο Β να σχολιάσει όσα είπε ο Υποψήφιος Α.
• Η ίδια διαδικασία ακολουθείται και για τον Υποψήφιο Β.

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022

Υλικό που μπορείτε να Χρησιμοποιήσετε

• Τις Eρωτήσεις που υπάρχουν κάτω από κάθε θέμα του Speaking Syllabus.
• Το υλικό που υπάρχει στο Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing Candidates for the LRN
Speaking Exam.

ΣΤ. Πώς να Προετοιμάσετε τους Υποψηφίους

Θα ήταν καλό να προετοιμάσετε από την αρχή της σχολικής χρονιάς όλα τα θέματα της
Εξεταστικής Περιόδου στην οποία θα συμμετάσχουν οι Υποψήφιοι ώστε να έχουν την ευκαιρία να
εξασκηθούν εγκαίρως σε όλα τα θέματα και να μάθουν το κατάλληλο λεξιλόγιο. Έτσι, όταν θα
λάβετε τα 5 θέματα για το Section 2, δύο εβδομάδες πριν τις Εξετάσεις, οι Υποψήφιοι θα έχουν
ήδη κάνει επαρκή προετοιμασία και θα μπορούν να επικεντρωθούν σε αυτά με μεγαλύτερη

Μπορείτε να αφιερώνετε χρόνο για την προετοιμασία για τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις 1 φορά
την εβδομάδα. Η βαθμολογία του Υποψηφίου στα Προφορικά είναι καθοριστική για την
επιτυχία του στις Εξετάσεις και η σωστή προετοιμασία του στα Προφορικά είναι σημαντικός
παράγοντας και προϋπόθεση για την καλή βαθμολογία του.

Section 1

➢ Αν οι Υποψήφιοι είναι καλά προετοιμασμένοι για το Warm Up Stage θα κάνουν μια πολύ
θετική πρώτη εντύπωση στον Εξεταστή και θα νιώσουν μεγαλύτερη αυτοπεποίθηση για να
➢ Τα θέματα του Warm Up Stage είναι γνωστά. Οι Καθηγητές μπορούν να επιλέξουν μία
ποικιλία ερωτήσεων για τους Υποψηφίους από τα Indicative Questions, να τις αναθέσουν
σαν δουλειά για το σπίτι και στη συνέχεια να κάνουν εξάσκηση στην τάξη.
➢ Οι Υποψήφιοι πρέπει να εκπαιδεύονται να απαντούν με ολοκληρωμένες προτάσεις και να
αποφεύγουν τις μονολεκτικές ή πολύ σύντομες απαντήσεις. Επίσης, πρέπει να εξασκηθούν
στο να αιτιολογούν αυτά που λένε.
➢ Περισσότερες πληροφορίες και υλικό θα βρείτε στο Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing
Candidates for the LRN Speaking Exam.

Section 2 & Section 3

➢ Χωρίστε τους Υποψηφίους σε δύο ομάδες και αναθέστε διαφορετικό θέμα σε κάθε ομάδα.
➢ Δώστε λεξιλόγιο σχετικό με το θέμα που έχουν αναλάβει να προετοιμάσουν.
➢ Κάθε Υποψήφιος προετοιμάζει το θέμα του και τις 4 ερωτήσεις στο σπίτι.
➢ Στο επόμενο μάθημα, μπορείτε να κάνετε ζευγάρια τους Υποψηφίους που έχουν
διαφορετικά θέματα μεταξύ τους και να ακολουθήσετε τη διαδικασία των Προφορικών
Εξετάσεων του LRN.
➢ Στο τέλος, μπορείτε να παρέχετε την ανατροφοδότηση και τα σχόλια σας στους
Υποψηφίους, επισημαίνοντας τα δυνατά τους σημεία αλλά και τις αδυναμίες τους.
➢ Όταν ολοκληρωθεί αυτή η διαδικασία, δώστε ένα διαφορετικό θέμα σε κάθε ομάδα, για την
επόμενη φορά, ώστε να εξασκηθούν σε όλα τα θέματα όλοι οι Υποψήφιοι.

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022

➢ Όταν οι Υποψήφιοι έχουν πλέον εξοικειωθεί πλήρως με τη διαδικασία των Προφορικών

Εξετάσεων μπορείτε να τους ηχογραφήσετε σε ζευγάρια ώστε να έχουν την ευκαιρία να
ακούσουν και οι ίδιοι τον εαυτό τους.
➢ Αυτή η διαδικασία είναι πολύ καλή για την τελική προετοιμασία του ενός από τα 5 θέματα
που έχουν επιλέξει. Αφού το προετοιμάσουν με τη βοήθειά σας, μπορούν να το γράψουν
σαν έκθεση. Κατόπιν, κάθε Υποψήφιος μπορεί να το ηχογραφήσει για να το ακούει ώστε να
το αφομοιώσει καλύτερα.
➢ Η προετοιμασία των θεμάτων του Syllabus των Προφορικών Εξετάσεων βοηθάει και στην
εξάσκηση για το Writing.
➢ Είναι σημαντικό οι Υποψήφιοι να προετοιμάζονται και για τα άλλα 4 Prepared Topics, ώστε
να είναι σε θέση να εκφράσουν τη γνώμη τους σε όσα θα πει ο άλλος Υποψήφιος στο
Section 2 και στο Section 3.
➢ Περισσότερες πληροφορίες και υλικό θα βρείτε στο Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing
Candidates for the LRN Speaking Exam.

Ζ. Υποστηρικτικό Υλικό για τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις LRN

Η Esolnet Hellas σας προσφέρει το εξής Υποστηρικτικό Υλικό:

• Videos με Mock Interviews στο κανάλι της Esolnet Hellas στο YouTube και την
Αξιολόγησή τους.
• Indicative Questions for the Warm Up Stage
• Teacher’s Handbook: Preparing Candidates for the LRN Speaking Exam & Using the
LRN and Esolnet Hellas Speaking Support Material

✓ Ανάλυση των Προφορικών Εξετάσεων
✓ Standardisation βαθμολόγησης
✓ Παραδείγματα για κάθε Section
✓ Πλούσιο Λεξιλόγιο
✓ Αξιολόγηση σε δείγματα Recordings – 2 Β1, 4 Β2, 2C1, 4C2

Για οποιαδήποτε ερώτηση έχετε που αφορά τις Προφορικές Εξετάσεις, και τις Εξετάσεις γενικά μη
διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε με την Esolnet Hellas.

Καλή Επιτυχία στους Υποψηφίους σας!

Esolnet Hellas

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022
How to use the Syllabus for the LRN Speaking Exams 2022:

B1 - B2
• There are 8 topics for the January 2022 Exams and 10 for the June 2022 Exams.
3 topics of the Syllabus are common and may be used in either Exam Period.
The common topics for B1 are 1, 2, 3.
The common topics for B2 are 1, 2, 3.

C1 - C2
• There are 10 topics for the January 2022 Exams and 15 for the June 2022 Exams.
5 topics of the Syllabus are common and may be used in either Exam Period.
The common topics for C1 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
The common topics for C2 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

All Levels
• The common topics for all levels are in bold.
They are also repeated at the end of each Syllabus.
• Each general topic is followed by 4 questions. The first question covers Section 2 of the Speaking
Exam and the other three questions relate to Section 3 of the Exam.
• It would be advisable that all topics for the specific Exam period be covered before the Exams so
that students will be able to practise and use the appropriate language for each topic. When LRN
sends the 5 topics for Section 2 of the Exam two weeks before the Exams, they will have already
prepared all topics and they will feel much more confident focusing on one of them.
• Both teachers and students can watch the Sample Video Interviews on the Esolnet Hellas YouTube
• A recommended way to use the Syllabus would be to put aside speaking time every week. Teachers
can divide their students into two groups; each group is assigned a different topic (4 questions);
the teacher may give each group the vocabulary they need.
Each student prepares their topic (4 questions) at home and during the next lesson, the teacher can
make pairs of one student from each group; the teacher can follow the LRN Interview procedure,
allowing the students to practise the LRN Speaking Exam.
• The teacher can give all the students feedback, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses.
LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level B1

LRN B1 Topics for the January 2022 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B1 Speaking Exams 2022.


1. What makes you feel stress?

Why is it important to spend time with friends when you feel stress?
Can you reduce stress if you exercise regularly?
Can you feel less stress if you sleep well?


2. What is the most popular sport in your country?

Can school sports teach children to love sports?
Is it easy to make friends when you play sports at school?
Do children feel happy when they play sports at school?


3. What do you like talking about with your close friends?

Do we show our friends that we trust them when we talk to them about our problems?
Can we reduce our stress when we talk to our friends about our problems?
How can it help us find solutions to our problems when we talk about them with our


4. Which foreign country would you like to visit?

What new things can we try when we travel abroad?
What things can we learn about a new country we visit?
Why can we become more responsible when we travel abroad?


5. Why do a lot of people choose to have a dog as a pet?

Why does a dog need a lot of our time?
Why can it be expensive to keep a dog?
Can our dog annoy our neighbours?


6. What was your last holiday like?

How can a holiday help us escape our daily routine?
Why is it important to spend our holiday with family and friends?
Why do we feel happy when we go on holiday?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level B1


7. Why do some children like doing homework at the weekend?

Why do students need to relax at the weekend?
What fun things can students do with their family and friends at the weekend?
Should students make time for their hobbies at the weekend?


8. Would you like to live near a forest? Why? / Why not?

Do we protect our forests if we use less paper?
How can we prevent forest fires?
Can it help us protect our forests if we learn about their importance?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level B1

LRN B1 Topics for the June 2022 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B1 Speaking Exams 2022.


1. What makes you feel stress?

Why is it important to spend time with friends when you feel stress?
Can you reduce stress if you exercise regularly?
Can you feel less stress if you sleep well?


2. What is the most popular sport in your country?

Can school sports teach children to love sports?
Is it easy to make friends when you play sports at school?
Do children feel happy when they play sports at school?


3. What do you like talking about with your close friends?

Do we show our friends that we trust them when we talk to them about our problems?
Can we reduce our stress when we talk to our friends about our problems?
How can it help us find solutions to our problems when we talk about them with our


4. Would you like to go to the countryside for a holiday?

Why are there more tourist attractions in a city?
What fun things are there for tourists to do in a city?
Why is it easier for tourists to get around in a city?


5. Would you like your school to have a library? Why? / Why not?
Does the internet help us find information faster than a library?
Why is it easy to share information with other people on the internet?
We can use the internet at any time. Why does this make it better than a library?


6. Why is it better to celebrate our birthday at home?

Why does it take time to prepare for a birthday party at home?
What makes it difficult to clean the house after a birthday party at home?
Can the noise from an at-home birthday party be a problem for the neighbours?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level B1


7. What are the advantages of big cars?

Do big cars pollute the air more?
Are large cars more expensive?
Why is it difficult to park a large car?


8. Why do teenagers like reading comic books?

Do some comic books show too much violence?
Do comic books have limited vocabulary?
Why don’t comic books help children’s imagination?


9. Why do some children hate school?

Can a friendly teacher make children feel more comfortable?
Why can a friendly teacher make children want to study more?
Can a friendly teacher help children believe in themselves?


10. Who do you tell your secrets to? Why?

Do we keep secrets because we want to hide something?
Do we keep secrets to protect others?
Do we sometimes keep secrets to avoid trouble?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level B1

LRN B1 common Topics for both the January and June 2022 Speaking Exams


1. What makes you feel stress?

Why is it important to spend time with friends when you feel stress?
Can you reduce stress if you exercise regularly?
Can you feel less stress if you sleep well?


2. What is the most popular sport in your country?

Can school sports teach children to love sports?
Is it easy to make friends when you play sports at school?
Do children feel happy when they play sports at school?


3. What do you like talking about with your close friends?

Do we show our friends that we trust them when we talk to them about our problems?
Can we reduce our stress when we talk to our friends about our problems?
How can it help us find solutions to our problems when we talk about them with our

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level B2

LRN B2 Topics for the January 2022 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B2 Speaking Exams 2022.


1. What are the disadvantages of owning a home in the countryside?

Why can a home in the countryside be a good way to get a break from the city?
What activities in nature can you enjoy while visiting your home in the countryside?
What memories can you create with family and friends at your home in the


2. Why is it better to stay at a hotel in the city centre when you visit a foreign city?
Are hotels in the city centre too noisy to stay at?
Why may a hotel in the city centre be an unhealthy environment to stay at?
Why are hotels in the city centre more expensive?


3. What is more important to you, fashion or comfort?

Why does wearing fashionable clothes make some of us feel happy?
Why can fashionable clothes increase our self-confidence?
Can we attract more attention if we wear fashionable clothes?


4. Would you like to change schools? Why? / Why not?

In what way can school sports facilities encourage physical activity?
How can school sports facilities promote teamwork?
Why do school sports facilities help students become more confident?


5. Why should people use their cars less?

Will the government reduce city traffic if it improves public transport?
If the government reduces parking in the city centre, can it help solve the traffic problem?
Could the government reduce traffic if it charged drivers a fee when they used their cars in
the city centre?


6. What is the gadget you would most like to get? Why?

In what ways does technology provide us with entertainment?
How can technology improve communication?
How can technology help us stay informed?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level B2

The modern world

7. What are the advantages of living in the modern world?

Why do people in the modern world work long hours?
What makes people nowadays develop unhealthy eating habits?
Why is the environment we now live in polluted?

Social problems

8. If you could volunteer in your local community, what would you like to do?
Why is the rate of unemployment high nowadays?
What is the cause of so much crime nowadays?
Why is loneliness a social problem today?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level B2

LRN B2 Topics for the June 2022 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3 are common for both the January and June LRN B2 Speaking Exams 2022.


1. What are the disadvantages of owning a home in the countryside?

Why can a home in the countryside be a good way to get a break from the city?
What activities in nature can you enjoy while visiting your home in the countryside?
What memories can you create with family and friends at your home in the


2. Why is it better to stay at a hotel in the city centre when you visit a foreign city?
Are hotels in the city centre too noisy to stay at?
Why may a hotel in the city centre be an unhealthy environment to stay at?
Why are hotels in the city centre more expensive?


3. What is more important to you, fashion or comfort?

Why does wearing fashionable clothes make some of us feel happy?
How can fashionable clothes increase our self-confidence?
Can we attract more attention if we wear fashionable clothes?


4. Which historical monument is the most visited tourist attraction in your country?
In what ways do historical monuments tell us about our history?
How can historical monuments teach us respect for the past?
Why is it important to protect historical monuments in order to attract tourists?


5. What are the advantages of travelling by boat?

Why could boat journeys be boring?
How can seasickness make travelling by boat unpleasant?
Why is it difficult to travel on a crowded boat?


6. What are the advantages of shopping at a small local shop?

Why is it more fun to shop in large shopping centres?
Why are local shops usually more expensive?
How has the increased number of e-shops affected small local shops?

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7. Which famous person would you like to meet in person? Why?

Why do we consider famous people important?
What can we learn from famous people when we read about their lives?
Why do we find reading about the lives of famous people entertaining?


8. What are the advantages of eating out at a restaurant?

Why would guests feel comfortable dining at their host’s home?
Why is it an advantage to offer homemade food at a dinner party?
Why could it be more fun to host a dinner party at home?


9. Do you like spending money? Why? / Why not?

Why may it be easier to deal with an emergency if we have saved money?
Why is it good to feel financially secure about our future?
How can we enjoy life more if we have money saved up?


10. Why do teenagers find it difficult to communicate with adults?

Why should adults avoid treating teenagers like kids?
Why should adults try to listen to what teenagers have to say?
Why is it important for adults to respect teenagers’ opinions?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level B2

LRN B2 common Topics for both the January and June 2022 Speaking Exams


1. What are the disadvantages of owning a home in the countryside?

Why can a home in the countryside be a good way to get a break from the city?
What activities in nature can you enjoy while visiting your home in the countryside?
What memories can you create with family and friends at your home in the


2. Why is it better to stay at a hotel in the city centre when you visit a foreign city?
Are hotels in the city centre too noisy to stay at?
Why may a hotel in the city centre be an unhealthy environment to stay at?
Why are hotels in the city centre more expensive?


3. What is more important to you, fashion or comfort?

Why does wearing fashionable clothes make some of us feel happy?
How can fashionable clothes increase our self-confidence?
Can we attract more attention if we wear fashionable clothes?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level C1

LRN C1 Topics for the January 2022 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C1 Speaking Exams 2022.


1. Why do some people feel anxious about meeting new people?

Why may being yourself help you feel comfortable when meeting new people?
Why is it important to show you are listening while talking to a stranger?
How would paying a stranger a complement help you feel more comfortable around


2. What can make an advertisement more appealing?

How does advertising take advantage of teenagers’ insecurities?
Why is it easy for advertisements to persuade teenagers to start bad habits?
How can advertising make teenagers spend a lot of money?


3. Why would someone choose photography as a hobby?

Why is photography an expensive hobby?
Why is photography considered to be a lonely hobby?
Why could photography be stressful?


4. What disadvantages do team sports have?

How can team sports teach us to work with others?
Why do team sports help us create strong friendships?
If we play a team sport, how can our team members support us?


5. Why do some international students prefer to stay with a host family?

Why would international students feel uncomfortable when staying with a host family?
Why would it be difficult to follow another family’s house rules?
Why would it be difficult for international students staying with a host family to invite
friends over?


6. Why do some people enjoy watching horror movies?

Why should children not be exposed to the scary content of horror movies?
Why might children have trouble falling asleep if they watched a horror movie?
What long-term fears could children develop if they watched a horror movie?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level C1


7. Can technology make children smarter?

In what way does technology distort reality?
How does technology encourage bullying?
Why does technology push us to compare ourselves to others?


8. What are the advantages of going on a sailing holiday?

Why can a sailing holiday be expensive?
What dangers does a sailing holiday involve?
Why might a sailing holiday be tiring?


9. Why is it easier to have a better social life in a city?

Is it hard to find places of entertainment in a village?
Why is it difficult to have privacy in a village and how does that affect young people’s
social life?
Why do young people find it difficult to make new friends in a village?


10. What are the disadvantages of cooking?

Can a cooking class teach us to prepare healthy meals?
Can a cooking class help us improve our cooking skills?
How can a cooking class make us feel proud of ourselves?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level C1

LRN C1 Topics for the June 2022 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C1 Speaking Exams 2022.


1. Why do some people feel anxious about meeting new people?

Why may being yourself help you feel comfortable when meeting new people?
Why is it important to show you are listening while talking to a stranger?
How would paying a stranger a complement help you feel more comfortable around


2. What can make an advertisement more appealing?

How does advertising take advantage of teenagers’ insecurities?
Why is it easy for advertisements to persuade teenagers to start bad habits?
How can advertising make teenagers spend a lot of money?


3. Why would someone choose photography as a hobby?

Why is photography an expensive hobby?
Why is photography considered to be a lonely hobby?
Why could photography be stressful?


4. What disadvantages do team sports have?

How can team sports teach us to work with others?
Why do team sports help us create strong friendships?
If we play a team sport, how can our team members support us?


5. Why do some international students prefer to stay with a host family?

Why would international students feel uncomfortable when staying with a host family?
Why would it be difficult to follow another family’s house rules?
Why would it be difficult for international student staying with a host family to invite
friends over?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level C1


6. What are the advantages of being a fashion model?

What makes fashion models work long hours?
Why do fashion models experience a lot of stress?
Fashion models tend to travel a lot. What problems can this cause?

7. Do people’s appearance affect relationships? Why? /Why not?

To what extent does the price of a product affect a consumer’s decision to buy it?
What role does the appearance of a product play in the purchase decision of a consumer?
Can product quality influence a consumer’s buying decisions?


8. Why is it harder nowadays to find a well-paid job?

How could learning new skills increase our employment opportunities?
Why would keeping up with the latest trends in our field improve our career prospects?
Why would volunteering for social work look good on our CV?

9. What are the advantages of running our own business?

Why does running our own business involve high levels of stress?
Running our own business means having no set hours. What problems can this cause?
What financial risks could a business owner face?


10. How does our lifestyle impact our health?

How could a balanced diet combined with physical exercise strengthen our immune system?
Why does combining a balanced diet with regular exercise make us feel happy and
Why is it important to maintain a healthy weight?

11. In what way can peer pressure be positive?

Why can peer pressure force high school students to adopt bad habits?
How can peer pressure distract high school students from schoolwork?
What kinds of risky behaviour does peer pressure cause some students to engage in?


12. Why is it good to learn from others?

Why can we learn better when we apply knowledge?
Why can we understand ideas better when we learn from experience?
When we learn from experience, we often realise our weaknesses. Why could that be

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13. What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
Why may playing the lottery be a waste of money?
Why can playing the lottery lead to an addiction?
In what way could playing the lottery affect relationships?

Role Models

14. Which person has had the greatest impact on you?

How can a positive role model help us set goals?
In what way can a positive role model teach us the importance of hard work?
How can a positive role model motivate us to make the best of our abilities?


15. Why is it good to be spontaneous?

Why would a spontaneous person be unpredictable?
Why might a spontaneous person be expected to make the wrong decisions?
What reckless behaviour could a spontaneous person engage in?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level C1

LRN C1 common Topics for both the January and June 2022 Speaking Exams


1. Why do some people feel anxious about meeting new people?

Why may being yourself help you feel comfortable when meeting new people?
Why is it important to show you are listening while talking to a stranger?
How would paying a stranger a complement help you feel more comfortable around


2. What can make an advertisement more appealing?

How does advertising take advantage of teenagers’ insecurities?
Why is it easy for advertisements to persuade teenagers to start bad habits?
How can advertising make teenagers spend a lot of money?


3. Why would someone choose photography as a hobby?

Why is photography an expensive hobby?
Why is photography considered to be a lonely hobby?
Why could photography be stressful?


4. What disadvantages do team sports have?

How can team sports teach us to work with others?
Why do team sports help us create strong friendships?
If we play a team sport, how can our team members support us?


5. Why do some international students prefer to stay with a host family?

Why would international students feel uncomfortable when staying with a host family?
Why would it be difficult to follow another family’s house rules?
Why would it be difficult for international student staying with a host family to invite
friends over?

Page 24 Esolnet Hellas

LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level C2

LRN C2 Topics for the January 2022 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C2 Speaking Exams 2022.


1. Why is it that material things can make us happy?

How does physical health affect happiness?
Why is inner peace important to happiness?
Why can true friendships bring happiness?


2. Why do some people choose to go to unusual holiday locations?

Why can travelling to an unfamiliar country cause anxiety?
What problems can language barriers cause when travelling abroad?
Why could having a limited budget cause stress when travelling abroad?


3. Why do some people choose to stay in a one-sided friendship?

In what way can a toxic friendship drain us emotionally and mentally?
Why could a toxic friendship make us lose confidence in ourselves?
How does a toxic friendship limit our freedom to make new friendships?


4. What is one of the most important decisions we have to make in our life?
Why do we need to identify our goals before making an informed decision?
Why is it important to take the time to gather information before we make a decision?
Why is it difficult to rank the different options available in order to make an informed


5. What can cause stress in the workplace?

How could a generous salary make an unhappy employee stay in his job?
Why would having a short commute to work discourage someone from leaving a job
they dislike?
Why are people afraid of switching jobs?


6. How has technology benefitted education?

In what way has technology limited students’ creativity?
Why is technology said to distract students from studying?
Why does technology decrease students’ social skills?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level C2


7. Why is it important for consumers to know their rights?

How does buying less make us responsible consumers?
Why should consumers choose environmentally friendly products?
What is the importance of reusing and recycling items?

8. What are the drawbacks of product reviews?

How can detailed information in product reviews help when purchasing a product?
How do product reviews with users’ first-hand experiences improve our buying decisions?
In what way can product reviews help us discover good deals?

Social Media

9. What are the positive effects of social media on children?

How can digital addiction affect children?
What dangers can children be exposed to online?
What can happen if a child experiences online theft of personal information?


10. How can we encourage young people to play sports?

Why does the pressure to win cause professional athletes stress?
Why is a professional athlete’s intense training stressful?
How can having a poor social life increase a professional athlete’s stress levels?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level C2

LRN C2 Topics for the June 2022 Speaking Exam

Topic numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are common for both the January and June LRN C2 Speaking Exams 2022.


1. Why is it that material things can make us happy?

How does physical health affect happiness?
Why is inner peace important to happiness?
Why can true friendships bring happiness?


2. Why do some people choose to go on to unusual holiday locations?

Why can travelling to an unfamiliar country cause anxiety?
What problems can language barriers cause when travelling abroad?
Why could having a limited budget cause stress when travelling abroad?


3. Why do some people choose to stay in a one-sided friendship?

In what way can a toxic friendship drain us emotionally and mentally?
Why could a toxic friendship make us lose confidence in ourselves?
How does a toxic friendship limit our freedom to make new friendships?


4. What is one of the most important decisions we have to make in our life?
Why do we need to identify our goal before making an informed decision?
Why is it important to take the time to gather information before we make a decision?
Why is it difficult to rank the different options available in order to make an informed


5. What can cause stress in the workplace?

How could a generous salary make an unhappy employee stay in his job?
Why would having a short commute to work discourage someone from leaving a job
they dislike?
Why are people afraid of switching jobs?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level C2


6. How can cities promote tourism?

Why do the residents of popular tourist destination suffer from increased pollution?
What effects can overcrowding and noise have on the residents of popular tourist
How may residents of popular tourist destinations feel about paying for overpriced products
and services?

7. Why is eco-tourism growing?

In what way can eco-tourism disturb the wildlife of a region?
Why could eco-tourism lead to littering?
How can eco-tourism affect local cultures?


8. Is advertising a form of art? Why? Why not?

Why do consumers find digital advertising invasive?
Why do consumers have no trust in digital advertisements?
Why do consumers think digital advertisements are of low quality?


9. Why do people choose a career in medicine?

Why do doctors experience high levels of pressure?
How does working long hours affect a doctor’s physical and mental health?
Why do doctors need life-long learning?

10. Why do most people prefer to rely on traditional medicine?

Can people trust alternative medicine since there is little scientific evidence for it?
Are people afraid of the potential side effects alternative medicine may have?
Why is alternative medicine not used in emergency situations?


11. Why do a lot of people have trouble sleeping?

Why would loss of sleep lead to daytime fatigue?
Why would it be difficult to concentrate if we did not get a good night’s sleep?
Why would loss of sleep cause irritability?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level C2


12. Why should people be encouraged to use public transportation?

What effects do long wait times on public transport have on passengers?
What are the effects of overcrowding on public transport, especially at rush hours?
Why does public transport pose safety hazards?

13. What are the advantages of air travel?

Can everybody afford the high costs of air travel?
In what way do weather conditions affect air travel?
Why does air travel cause anxiety and stress?


14. How has technology changed the film industry?

In what way may the extensive selection of films online be a benefit?
How does watching films online offer convenience?
Why can streaming websites provide high quality films?


15. What is good about being a sensitive person?

Why do highly sensitive people find it hard to set boundaries?
Why do highly sensitive people have difficulty in adjusting to changes?
Why may highly sensitive people be considered weak?

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LRN Speaking Syllabus 2022 Level C2

LRN C2 common Topics for both the January and June 2022 Speaking Exams


1. Why is it that material things can make us happy?

How does physical health affect happiness?
Why is inner peace important to happiness?
Why can true friendships bring happiness?


2. Why do some people choose to go on to unusual holiday locations?

Why can travelling to an unfamiliar country cause anxiety?
What problems can language barriers cause when travelling abroad?
Why could having a limited budget cause stress when travelling abroad?


3. Why do some people choose to stay in a one-sided friendship?

In what way can a toxic friendship drain us emotionally and mentally?
Why could a toxic friendship make us lose confidence in ourselves?
How does a toxic friendship limit our freedom to make new friendships?


4. What is one of the most important decisions we have to make in our life?
Why do we need to identify our goal before making an informed decision?
Why is it important to take the time to gather information before we make a decision?
Why is it difficult to rank the different options available in order to make an informed


5. What can cause stress in the workplace?

How could a generous salary make an unhappy employee stay in his job?
Why would having a short commute to work discourage someone from leaving a job
they dislike?
Why are people afraid of switching jobs?

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