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Practical Research 2

Activity Q2-2

Name: _April Mercado_______________________________________

Gr. And Sec.: 12-ABM M1__________________________________

I. Read the question carefully. Write your answer on the space provided.

__Primary Data___________________ 1. Information which are gathered directly from

an original source, examples, first person accounts.

Interview 2. It is a commonly used method of collecting information from people.

Personal Interview 3. Data are gathered with the interviewer asking the questions based
on the interview form/ guide, and recording the responses in a form.

Self-administered Questionnaire 4. Data are collected by the researcher by directly

administering/ giving the form to a respondent or group of respondents who answer the
form by themselves simultaneously.

Sampling Designs 5. commonly classified into probability and non-probability sampling.

Random sampling 6. It is a procedure that assures that each element in the population has
an equal chance of being selected.

Cluster Sampling 7. It involves the grouping or division of the elements of the population
into heterogeneous groups.

Area Sampling8. It pertains to the grouping of the population into geographical divisions
before selecting the respondents.

Multi-stage sampling 9. It is a cluster sampling done in several stages.

Quota Sampling 10. The population is first segmented into mutually exclusive sub-
groups, just as in stratified sampling.

Accident Sampling 11. It implies that information is collected from the respondents who,
by any circumstance, are met by the researcher in the process of gathering data.

Snowball Sampling 12. It means choosing initial samples. The samples will then refer
other respondents from whom the information may be obtained.
Purposive Sampling 13. It involves the selection of key informants based on a
predetermined set of criteria.

Double Sampling 14. It means getting a smaller sample from the initial large sample.

Judgement Sampling 15. It involves the selection of respondents considered to be in the

best position, or most knowledgeable, to give the needed information.

II. Enumeration

a. Criteria of a Good Questionnaire

____Types of questions______________________________________
b. Other Features of a Good Questionnaire

_____Personal Data_______________________________

c. Data collective Technique

_Personal Interview_________________________________________
Telephone Interview________________________________________
Self-administered Questionnaire_____
Mailed Questionnaire________________________________________

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