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Indikator Pencapaian
3.3.1 Menemukan (C3) kalimat tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait niat melakukan
suatu tindakan/kegiatan pada teks interaksi transaksional yang melibatkan (LOTS)
3.3.2 Menganalisis (C4) fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks interaksi
transaksional pada niat melakukan sesuatu (HOTS)

1. Read the dialogue then find asking and giving of expressing intention
2. Then, analyze social function structure text and language features in expressing of


Ani: What would you like to do after your graduate from school?

Beni: I would like to take undergraduate program on law education

Ani: Are you going to prepare yourself as a lawyer

Beni: Yes, I love studying law. I would like to become a good lawyer.

Ani: What a nice goal you have

Beni: Thank you. What About you?

Ani: Well I am going to apply for English program. I want to be a teacher

Beni: wow that’s cool.

Activity 1 Find asking and giving intention of intention expression

No. Expression of Asking of intention Expression of Giving of Intention

Activity 2 Analyze social function structure text and language features in the dialogue above.

Social Function Structure text Language features

Opening : Asking expressing intention:

Content (exchange): Giving expressing intentions:

Closing :
Activity 3

4.3.1. Membuat (P5) dialog secara sederhana mengenai niat melakukan sesuatu
tindakan/kegiatan dengan menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaan
4.3.2. Mempresentasikan (P5) sebuah dialog secara lisan tentang niat melakukan sesuatu
tindakan/kegiatan dengan menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur bahasa yang tepat sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaan

Choose and make up short dialogue for the following situations with your friend, then present in youtube
and send link to your teacher

1. You plan to do the biology project at the library after school. You ask your classmate, Rina. To do
it together with you

2. You plan to go to the movie this weekend. You ask several friends to go with you. But the other
cannot make up their minds. Use the expressions in the previous section in the conversation

3. School holiday is coming soon. Your plan to go to your grandma’s house in the country. You
want to find out what your friend is planning. Use the expressions in the previous section in the

4. It will be the school’s anniversary next month. You and your classmates are discussing the plan
for the class performance. One of them seems to disagree with the idea because he thinks that
it will need a lot of money. Use the expressions in the previous section in the conversation.

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