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Data/ Results/ Observations


Cup 1 When the sugar that was added in the 10mL of water was stirred, the
sugar started to dissolve but not completely.
Cup 2 When the sugar and water solution was heated, the sugar started to
Cup 3 When the sugar and water solution was heated until it was boiling, the
sugar got dissolved completely.


Cup 1 The salt started dissolving in the water when stirred.

Cup 2 The cup with both sugar and salt did not dissolve.


Cup 1 When sugar was added to the vinegar and stirred, it didn’t dissolve.
Cup 2 The sugar got dissolved in the soapy water.
Cup 3 The sugar started dissolving in the water when stirred.

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In conclusion, temperature, pH, and other substances all have an effect regarding the solubility of
a solute. In experiment A, it can be seen that the temperature has an effect in the solubility of the
sugar. When the solution was boiled, the sugar got dissolved completely. In experiment B, it is
also seen that other substances has an effect on the solubility of the sugar because when salt was
added, the sugar and salt didn’t dissolve. And for experiment C, it shows that pH also affects the
solubility of a solute. Water, soapy water, and vinegar have different pH and it affected the
solubility of sugar in these solutions. Sugar is harder to dissolve in vinegar which means sugar is
insoluble to acetic acid. While sugar is more soluble in soapy water and water.

1. Explain the factors affecting solubility of drugs? Give examples.

A drug's solubility refers to its capacity to dissolve in water. The highest concentration of a
material that may be entirely dissolved in a given solvent at a specific temperature and pressure
level is known as drug solubility. The amount of solvent required to dissolve one gram of a
medicine at a certain temperature is known as solubility. For example, to dissolve one gram of a
highly soluble medication, less than one part solvent is required. A medicine that is deemed
soluble requires 10-30 parts, a drug that is marginally soluble requires 100-1,000 parts, and a
drug that is basically insoluble or insoluble requires more than 10,000 parts.

 pH Levels — The amount of hydrogen ions in a solution is measured by pH; the more the
hydrogen ions, the lower the pH, and vice versa. Solutions with a high pH level
dissociate completely, while those with a low pH level dissociate partially. The pKa value
is one way for determining an acid's strength. A lower pKa value indicates that the
pharmacological component is a stronger acid that dissociates more completely in

 Polarity of Drug and Solvent — For a drug to be soluble for oral administration, it must
be ionized. Furthermore, ion trapping is required for the medicine to function properly.
The medication is non-ionized in the stomach or intestines, allowing it to be absorbed. It
must be ionized again when it enters the bloodstream to avoid returning to the GIT and
to ensure that it is absorbed by the organism. Non-ionized molecules (NaCl) are found in
lipid soluble substances, while ionized molecules (Na+, CL-) are found in hydrophilic
substances. This means that the more lipid soluble a medicine is, the higher absorption
it will have. A drug's absorption decreases as it becomes more water soluble

 Drug Particle Size – A drug's solubility is directly proportional to its particle size. Larger
particles are typically less soluble, particularly when the temperature, pressure, and
polarity of the solutes are all the same. The capacity of a medicine to be soluble enables
for simple diffusion of the drug into and through the bloodstream without the use of
energy or a carrier protein.

 Solution Process Most compounds are endothermic, meaning they absorb heat
throughout the dissolution process. This means that increasing the temperature from
room temperature to oral ingestion and then into body heat increases solubility.
Agitation, in addition to temperature, aids in the speed with which the medicine

2. How does temperature affect the solubility of drug substances exhibiting endothermic and
exothermic process of dissolution?
The solubility of a solid or liquid can change as the temperature rises, depending on whether the
dissolution reaction is exothermic or endothermic.

In increasing solubility with increasing temperature, the net energy from breaking and
establishing bonds results in heat energy being absorbed into the system as the solute dissolves in
endothermic dissolution reactions. Additional head energy is delivered into the system when the
temperature of the system rises. As a result, according to Le Chatelier's Principle, the system will
adapt to the increased heat by boosting the dissolution process to absorb the additional heat

In decreasing solubility with increasing temperature, when a solute dissolves in a solution,

exothermic processes release heat energy. As the temperature rises, more heat is introduced into
the system. The system will adjust to this extra heat energy by suppressing the dissolving
reaction, according to Le Chatelier's Principle. As a result, as the temperature rises, the solute's
solubility drops. Calcium hydroxide, which can be used to treat chemical burns and as an
antacid, is an example of a solute whose solubility reduces as temperature rises.

3. What is common-ion effect? How does it affect the solubility of a slightly soluble

If you have a solution and solute in equilibrium, adding a common ion (an ion that is common
with the dissolving solid) decreases the solubility of the solute. This is because Le Chatelier's
principle states the reaction will shift toward the left (toward the reactants) to relieve the stress of
the excess product. A solubility equilibrium is shifted in the direction indicated by Le Chatelier's
principle when a common cation or anion is added. As a result, the presence of a soluble salt
containing a common ion almost always reduces the solubility of any sparingly soluble salt.

4. How do surfactants bring about weak acids and bases into solution?

Surfactants are substances that help to reduce surface tension, also known as interfacial tension.
When surfactant molecules adsorb at the water surface, the surface tension is reduced because
the surfactant molecules replace some of the water molecules in the surface, and the forces of
attraction between surfactant and water molecules are less than those between two water
molecules, resulting in a lower contraction force. Surfactants are amphiphilic molecules that
contain a hydrophilic or polar head and a hydrophobic or nonpolar tail. Excess acid or base may
act as a neutral for bringing the hydrophobic tail into solution when the surfactant is in ionized

5. Differentiate ideal from non-ideal solution.

An ideal solution is one that has features that are similar to those of an ideal gas mixture. In ideal
gases, however, there are no interactions between gas molecules. However, we cannot apply the
same logic to solutions since, in order to be termed a liquid, molecules in solutions must have
intermolecular interactions between them. As a result of the presence of interactions between
molecules, ideal solutions differ from ideal gases. Non-ideal solutions are the ones that exist in
the real world. However, certain solutions behave in a similar way to a perfect solution. An ideal
solution is one in which the interactions between molecules are the same for all of the molecules
in the solution. A non-ideal solution is one in which the interactions between molecules of
different components in the solution differ from one another.

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