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Module 7 First Aid

First Aid

l  Is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by non-expert (or sometimes by
an expert in case of an emergency) but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical
treatment can be accessed.

l   Is the skilled application of treatment, using facilities or materials available at the time, that any trained
individual gives an ill or injured person while waiting for medical assistance to arrive.  

l  As an immediate and temporary care given to a person who suffer from sudden illness or an accident until the
doctor arrives

l  First Aids is immediate temporary care for the ill and injured.

One who gives first aid always strives to:

1.  Preserve the victim's Life.

2.  Prevent complications or keep the condition from worsening.
3.  Aid recovery
4.  Assure the victim by comforting him and relieving pain.

The Qualities of a Good First Aider

1. Gentle. He should not cause pain in handing the victim.

2. Observant. He should notice all signs in the body of the victim.
3. Resourceful. He should make the best use of things at hand.
4.  Sympathetic. He should know how to comfort the victim.
5. Tactful. He should not alarm the patient as it may cause a nervous breakdown.
6. Cheerful. If the person has a happy expression; he can inspire confidence in the victim first.

The Need for Aid

1. To prevent accidents
2. To prevent added injury or danger
3. To prevent suffering or death
4. To train people to do the proper thing at the right time.
5. To provide proper treatment when emergency occurs.
9 General Directions for First Aiders

1. Adjust the proper position of the victim.

2. Examine the victim, check for injuries.
3. Give immediately needed first aid.
4. Maintain the victim's body temperature.
5. Call a doctor.
6. Keep curious people away.
7. Make the victim happy and comfortable
8. Proper and comfortable transformation should be given to the victim together with tender loving care.
9. Don't give any liquid to an unconscious victim.

Three Details to Say When Calling for A Doctor

1. Say your name clearly and tell directly your needed assistance.
2. Exact place where the accident happened, give the landmarks so that the place can be located easily.
3. Explain Exactly what happened.

The Recovery Position

•       The recovery Position is the correct position in which to place a victim who is breathing.


Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation


Electric Shock

Fracture (broken bone) and Dislocation


Splinters in the Skin

Fish Hook in the Skin 

Foreign Bodies in the Nose 

Foreign Bodies in the Ear

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