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Experiment: To perform the following functions in SPSS.

1. Sorting file
2. Split file
3. Compute
4. Recode
5. Select cases

Student Name:  Satyam Rajput.                                 UID: 19BBA1383

Branch:          USB                                                                  Section/Group 4 C

Semester:             4                                                            DATE of Performance: 16.03.2021

Subject Name      ITSAL                                                            

Code:BAP 261

1) Aim/Overview of the practical: 

Get a good Understanding of advanced features of SPSS & to understand the context in which each of these features can
be used in effective manner.

2) Task to be done:

To perform the following functions in SPSS

1. Sorting file
2. Split file
3. Compute
4. Recode
5. Select cases


Consider bankloan.sav
Get differences in income between males and females in the sample data. Let's couple the Split File procedure
with the Descriptive procedure to get summary statistics for the two groups. We'll use both Split File methods
so that we can compare what their outputs look link.


Household income in thousands

Valid 3179
Female Missing 0

Mean 68.7798

Valid 3221
Male Missing 0

Mean 70.1608


Household income in thousands

Valid 3179
Missing 0

Mean 68.7798

a. Gender = Female


Household income in thousands

N Valid 3221
Missing 0

Mean 70.1608

a. Gender = Male


Importing data from other Files.

3) Code for experiment/practical:

Step 1-Go to File>Open>Data>Sample files and select the demo.sav file . In that Select the option data and go to
split file

Step 2 - Then after selecting split file the window will appear showing the variables to split

Step 3 - Select the gender variable and click on compare by groups and click on ok
Step 4- The next step is to show the values from which the variables are to be splitted .For that go to analyse ,and
then go to frequencies and select household income and check mean for that and click on continue .

Step 5- The output will appear showing the household income divided into two group that is by the gender between
male and females.

4) Output

Problem 2 output
5) Learning outcomes (What I have learnt):

1. Introduction about the various functions i.e, sorting,recoding,splitting,etc

2.How to perform such functions on spss

3. How to satisfy the conditions in recoding and selecting the cases

4.How to interpret the results


Evaluation Grid:

Sr. No. Parameters Marks Obtained Maximum Marks

1. Demonstration and Performance 5
(Pre Lab Quiz)
2. Worksheet 10
3. Post Lab Quiz 5

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