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Grammar Past simple, past continuous, used to statement negative question Yyou/he/she/it/we/they Yyou/he/she/it/ve/they Did \/you/he/she/t/we/they played ... did not (didn't) play ... play ...? Example | The past simple is often used ____| saw the new James Bond fm yesterday. _| tt the fo) ral Completed actions | saw the new Janes Bond film yesterday tie falling vows and Repeated actions in the past __! went to the theatre four times last month. phrases: General truths about the past Fifty years ago, people didn’t spend as * yesterday ‘much on entertainment a they do today. + last week/summer/year/ete ‘Main events in a story Josh pushed the door open and looked ‘» in January/2001/ete inside the room. + an hour/a week/a year ago ‘Some verbs have iregular past simple forms. See page 182. Past continuous statement negative question Yre/she/it was playing ..__/he/she/'t was not (wasn't) playing... Was /ne/she/it playing? You/we/they were playing... You/we/they were not (weren't) playing... Were you/we/they playing? Example ‘Actions happening at a At nine o'clock lastnight, | was watching TV. The past continuous is often ‘moment in the past used with the folowing words Two actions in progress | was reading 2 book wtile you were doing | and phrases: at the same time the washingup. « at that moment Background information Iwas raining so Wendy decided to go tothe | » at one/two/etc o'clock in a story cinema. = wile Match) « When one action inthe past happensin the middle of another, we use the past simple and the past continuous together. ¥ The phone rang while | was watching 2 DVD. + We do not use the past continuous for regular or repeated actions inthe past. Last year+ was-going-tethe-cineme every weekend. ed to used to + bare infinitive statement negative question Vyou/he/she/it/we/they ‘Vyou/he/she/t/we/they never used to ... Did //you/ne/she/t/we/they Used to ... use to ...? Vyou/he/she/itive/they didn't use to ... Use Example Distant past habits and states When | was four, | used to eat ice cream every day. 10 Unit 2 Grammar nplete using the correct past simple form of the verbs in the box. You may have use some negative forms. go » have know aoRene a 2 ONY wrae | got to the post office just before it closed and the letter. We invited Stephanie to the party, but she .......... _ is Jack lost his job beCaUSE He ssn sun OO Many mistakes. Everyone aan d that it was Bills fault, but nobody said anything. Karen... a the keys from the kitchen table and ran out the door. | was bored, so Mum me some money to go shopping. Do you remember the time we — jeune tO India on holiday? it started raining, but luckily | a a an umbrella in my bag. ook at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the correct form ast simple. last week | don't want to go and see the film because Jast. week. | dor't need a football because I know a lot about Paris because | dor't need to worry about my homework because Ihaver't got a PlayStation any more because Mum is angry with me because nmplete using the correct pact cantinuaus farm of the verbs in brackets. Ted ce ou (play) his guitar at half past seven. At midnight, | (sleep), but Jane (listen) to music. LUMO eecesese _ uw (Stand) outside the bank when suddenly two robbers ran past him. I know Doug ..... : (work) late at the office because | saw him when I (leave). snes YOU ... (have) a shower when the earthquake happened? Pew ™ roan {run) tu catch te bus when she slipped and fell. When you saw Eugene he (G0) home? At midnight? Erm ... we .. (watch) a DVD, | think. past continous, used to Unit 2 [D] Circle the correct word or phrase. When we were in Canada, we went / were going skiing almost every day. ‘About four years ago, | decided / was deciding to become a chef. Georgia had / was having a shower when someone knocked at tne dour. Holly and Iran from the house to the taxi because it rained / was raining heavily. Two men argued / were arguing outside, so | went to see what was happening. Daniel called / was calling you at one o'clock yesterday, but you were here with me. We ate / were eating breakfast when a letter came through the letter box. ‘As | walked past the window, | saw that Paula made / was making a cake. 9 I dreamt / was dreaming about my favourte band when the alarm clock went off. 10 While | practised / was practising the trumpet late last night, a neighbour came to complain. wuT HT ReNne [E) Complete using the correct past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in the box. answer * be + continue » get ‘open » practise » put ig * say © shine wake Amber’s Big Match : One morning, Amber (1) ...csssnnnnnnnnn UP @arly. The sun (2) wandtne { birds (3) .... sonssnmmnmnnnne « Amber (4) . snununnninanaene WOFY excited because it was the day of the big tennis match. Amber (8) . «umn GOwnstairs and into the kitchen, where her father (6) .oscrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnen Drakfast. | ‘Morning, Amber. Today's the day? he (7) . Amber smiled nervously. ‘Don't worry! | he (8)... sous « Youll be fine, Amber (9) smmnnunane SOME toast into the toaster and (10) ......... — the fridge. Just as She (11)... _ the butter out, the phone (12) Her father (13) .. it. After a few minutes, he put the phone down. ‘Bad news, Im afraid, The other player (14) nn _. yesterday when she had an accident. The match is off.” ‘Amber ate her toast slowly. She was surprised she didn't feel disappointed. [F] Complete using the correct form of used to, You may have to use some negative forms. 1 When I was younger, I nnn .. eat pizza almost every day! 2 annnnnmunns HEF snorrnmnnne 8 @ Supermarket on the corner? 3 Bradley is a teacher, but he sue Want to be a train driver. 4. i _like eating cabbage, but now I love it! ee RICK ssn omesnnes Rave blond hair when he was a litle boy? 6 LKNOW Lily cook much, but now | think she makes dinner every day. at

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