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Jessa Marie Madriaga


Category of Visual Art Examples Explanation

1. Fine Arts • Painting • It is created primarily for

aesthetics value
• Sculpture • Natural way of doing an art
• Focused more on expressing
• Photography an artist's desire

• It is more concerning about

2. Contemporary Arts • 4-dimentional arts
ideas and innovation
• More culturally diverse
• Minimalistic approach
•Technologically advance
• Digital Art
way of doing an art


1. The image depicts two different worlds, one that has been given and one that has been broken,
separated by distinct colors. The image shows how self-centered humans can be. They continue to
improve for their own sake, oblivious to the fact that they are destroying something on the planet.
The more cars and industries there are, the darker the sky becomes. More rubbish and junk on the
water surface, and more dead sea creatures floating in the seas and oceans. On land, there are more
structures and infrastructure, fewer habitats, and fewer natural resources for all organisms. The
truth in the image demonstrates how ungrateful humans can be. Our world has provided us with
everything we need, but all we do is take it for granted.

2. The image has a significant social impact. The lower-status citizens are represented by the darker
side of the artwork, while the higher-status citizens are represented by the brighter and colorful side.
The object, a plate, carries a lot of weight. It demonstrates two separate points of view: what others
have and what others are looking for. In today's world, the image is a prevalent problem. There are
some born into privilege and those born into poverty. It's extremely aggravating that we can't blame
others or even the creator for the things we don't have. And the only way we can get out of this bind
is to work harder and always do the right thing. The world can be harsh at times, but it is
consistently changing.

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