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NIM :20033062

To write a good paragraph, you should include three main elements. They are a topic
sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.

 The topic sentence is the first sentence in the paragraph. It opens the paragraph. The
topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph. That is, it shows what the whole
paragraph is about.
 Supporting sentences are used to develop the topic sentence. In other words, they give
more information about the topic sentence. Supporting sentences can give facts, statistics,
details, or examples.
 The concluding sentence is the last sentence in the paragraph. It usually restates the
topic sentence in different words or summarizes the main points of the paragraph.


The development of physics

The development of physics is divided into 4 periods, namely the first period in prehistoric
times until 1550 and then continued in the second period starting from 1550 to 1811 and then
the third period starting from the 1800s to 1860s and the last in the fourth period which
starting from 1860 until now

In the first period, various physical factors were collected which were used to make empirical
formulations, which in this period there was no research, then in the second period,
systematic research methods began to be developed with Galileo known as the originator of
the scientific method in his research. In the third period, fundamental physics concepts were
formulated which we now know as classical physics, which in this period physics developed
rapidly, especially in general formulations in physics, heat, electricity, magnetism and waves
which are still used today. And finally, in the fourth period, phenomena that could not be
explained through classical physics were discovered which required the development of a
more basic physics concept called modern physics, which in this period the theories used
were more general and could include problems related to speed. very high or relief tivities
and are associated with very small particles.

So it can be seen that every period of the development of physics always gets the
development of science and technology in accordance with the existing until now the use of
research methods until the theories obtained are still used today and can still be developed
until now.
Covid-19 Pandemic

The Corona virus pandemic is an event that occurs at the end of 2019 which is why it is
called the covid 19 pandemic. This disease is an infectious disease caused by the SARS coV-
2 virus in which most people who are infected will experience symptoms ranging from mild
to those that require special medical treatment.

The way this virus spreads can be spread through the mouth and nose of an infected person
through fluids when coughing, sneezing, talking, singing or breathing. For the offer, it can
occur when breathing air that contains the virus if you are near a person infected with
COVID-19, you can also get infected if you touch your eyes, nose or mouth after touching a
contaminated surface.

Because of this very easy spread, we must remain vigilant to continue to use masks and hand
sanitizers so that this transmission can be reduced because and by using masks we can
contain the spread of the virus through fluids from people with cavid while for hand
sanitizers we can reduce the spread that can occur due to touch.

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