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1. Work
2. Kinetic energy
3. Potential energy
Work and Energy 4. Mechanical energy

Le Quang Nguyen

1a. Work done by a constant force 1b. Work done by a variable force
• Work done by a constant F • In a small displacement F P2
force in a displacement: dr
is considered constant.
θ F
• Work done by F in a small
W = F ⋅ ∆r = F ∆r cosθ
∆r displacement :
Joule ( J ) = N.m dW = F ⋅ dr P1
• W = 0 when force is ⏊ to • Work done when object
displacement. moves from P1 to P2: dr
• W > 0 when θ < 90°
Δr P2 
W = ∫ F ⋅ dr

• W < 0 when θ > 90° P1
Constant F
1c. Power Checkpoint 1.1
• Power is the work delivered in one second. The gravitational force exerted by the Sun on
• Work done in a small displacement: the Earth holds the Earth in an orbit around
dW = F ⋅ dr the Sun. Assume that the orbit is perfectly
• As the displacement takes place in time circular.
interval dt, the power delivered is: The work done by this gravitational force in a
dW  dr
   short time interval is:
P= =F⋅ P = F ⋅v (a) zero (b) positive
dt dt
• Power is measured in Watt (W) or (c) negative (d) impossible to determine
Joule/second (J/s).

Checkpoint 1.2 Block m is moved up a Problem 1.1

‫ܨ‬Ԧ has constant rough incline. The
magnitude, and Δ‫ݎ‬Ԧ is coefficient of kinetic
friction between the block P h
the same. 1 θ
and the incline is μk.
Rank the situations in
order of the work Find the work done by Top View
done by ‫ܨ‬Ԧ , from most gravity, normal force and P2
positive to most kinetic friction if:
negative. (a) The path is a straight
(b) (a)
(b) The path is a semi
circle. P1
Answer to problem 1.1 y Answer to problem 1.1 (cont.)
• Normal force is ⏊ to any N • Kinetic friction is
path on the incline, thus opposite displacement:
its work is zero. h   
dW fk = f k ⋅ dr = − f k dr f h
• Work done by gravity: θ
mg W fk = − f k ∫ dr = − f k × d

P2  P2 
Wmg = ∫ mg ⋅ dr = mg ⋅ ∫ dr
P1 P1
• with:
• For both cases:
P2 Δ‫ݎ‬Ԧ da = dr
∫ sinθ
dr = ∆r Wmg = mg ⋅ Δr d‫ݎ‬Ԧ R
d f
Wmg = −mgΔy = −mgh db = πR R= a

Problem 1.1 – Summary Problem 1.2

The surface is
frictionless, and the
WN = 0
spring constant is k.
y axis upward The block is pulled x1
Wmg = −mg∆y
Independent of from position x1 to
path position x2.
Find the work done x2

W friction = − f k d d : distance by the spring force.

Answer to problem 1.2 (a) Problem 1.3

• Work done in a small An interplanetary probe of mass m was

displacement: launched from Earth and eventually placed
  into Mars’ orbit.
dW = −kx ⋅ dx
Find the work done by the gravitational force
k –k‫ݔ‬Ԧ d‫ݔ‬Ԧ
dW = −kxdx = − d x 2
( ) from the Sun.

• Thus: Mars’ orbit M: Sun’s mass

x r1,2: distance
k 2 k Sun
W = − ∫ d x2 ( ) (
W = − x22 − x12 ) Earth’s orbit Sun-Earth and
2 x1 2 Sun-Mars
Independent of path!!

Answer to P1.3 1d. Conservative force

‫ݑ‬ఏ ‫ݑ‬௥
• Elementary work:
  • Conservative force ⇔ work is independent
dW = F ⋅ dr d‫ݎ‬Ԧ of path.
Mm r − Gravity, universal gravitation and spring
dW = −Fdr = −G dr ‫ܨ‬Ԧ
r2 force are conservative forces.
r2 θ
dr x − Kinetic friction is not conservative.
W = −GMm∫ 2
r Polar coords. r, θ • Conservative force ⇔ W = 0 for a closed
• Thus:
F = −Fur path.
   − For gravity, when object moves along a
1 1 dr = drur + rdθ uθ
W = GMm −  closed path then y1 = y2, Δy = 0, W = 0.
 r2 r1  Independent of
2a. Kinetic energy - Definition 2b. Work-kinetic energy theorem

• Kinetic energy is the energy associated with dv  
vdt ⋅ m = Fnet ⋅vdt = dr

dv 2 = dv 2 = 2v ⋅ dv
motion. dt
• The kinetic energy of a particle of mass m
mv ⋅ dv = Fnet ⋅ dr = dW ⇒ v ⋅ dv = dv 2
net 2
moving with a speed v is defined as:
m 2  mv 2 
1 dv = d   = dWnet
K = mv 2 2  2 
Kinetic energy’s variation = net work
Unit Joule (J)
dK = dWnet
ΔK = Wnet

Checkpoint 2.1 Checkpoint 2.2

A particle moves along an x axis. Does the A dart is inserted into a spring-loaded dart
kinetic energy of the particle increase, gun by pushing the spring in by a distance x.
decrease, or remain the same if the particle's For the next loading, the spring is compressed
velocity changes a distance 2x. How much faster does the
(a) from –3 m/s to –2 m/s and second dart leave the gun compared with the
(b) from –2 m/s to 2 m/s? first?
(c) In each situation, is the work done on the (a) 4 times as fast (b) 2 times as fast
particle positive, negative, or zero? (c) the same (d) half as fast
(e) one-fourth as fast.
Problem 2.1 Answer to P2.1
A block m slides down a • Newton’s 2nd law at A
frictionless track with on the radial direction: NA
negligible initial speed. mg
v 2A
m = mg + N A
Find the least height R ur
hmin for the block not to • For the block not to fall
fall off at A. off at A: N A ≥ 0
• Thus:

v 2A ≥ gR (1)

Answer to P2.1 (cont.) 3a. Potential energy - 1

KA − KS = Wmg, S→A S • Conservative forces’ work: y2
N W = mgy1 − mgy2
mv − 0 = mg ( h − 2R )
2 h − 2R
2 A mg
k 2 k 2
v 2A = 2 g ( h − 2R ) (2) W= x1 − x 2 y1
mg 2R 2 2
v ≥ gR (1) −kx
1  1

From (1) and (2): W = −GMm −  −GMm  x1 x x2

r1  r2 
2 g ( h − 2R ) ≥ gR ⇒ 2 gh ≥ 5 gR h≥ R F
2 • mgy, kx2/2, –GMm/r are all r1 g
hmin = R functions of position. r2
3a. Potential energy - 2 U: Potential energy 3a. Potential energy - 3
Conservative force’s work: ܹଵ→ଶ = ܷଵ − ܷଶ ܹଵ→ଶ = ܷଵ − ܷଶ = ܷ + ‫ܥ‬ ଵ − ܷ+‫ܥ‬ ଶ

If U is the PE then (U + C) is also a valid PE

Potential energy drop

Conservative force’s work = PE drop ܷ = ݉݃‫ ݕ‬+ ‫ܥ‬ Gravity

Wc = −ΔU ‫݉ܯ‬
ܷ = −‫ܩ‬ +‫ܥ‬ Universal gravitation
dWc = −dU ‫ݎ‬

PE unit: J ܷ = ଵଶ݇‫ ݔ‬ଶ + ‫ܥ‬ Spring force

U2 − U1= ΔU : variation
U1 − U2= −ΔU : drop

3b. Find constant C - 1 3b. Find constant C - 2

U = mgy + C y axis upward Mm

U = −G +C Set U(r0) = 0
Choose PE reference at y0 ⇔ Set U(y0) = 0
Choose PE reference at distance r0
U( y0 ) = mgy0 + C ≡ 0 Mm Mm
U(r0 ) = −G +C ≡0 ⇒C = G
⇒ C = −mgy0 r0 r0
U = mgy − mgy0 Mm Mm
U = −G +G
r r0
If PE reference is at y0 = 0 ⇒ C = 0
If PE reference is at r0 = ∞ ⇒ C = 0
3b. Find constant C - 3 Checkpoint 3.1
Choose the correct answer. The gravitational
U = 12 kx 2 + C
potential energy of a system:
Choose PE reference at x0 ⇔ Set U(x0) = 0 (a) is always positive.
U( x0 ) = 12 kx02 + C ≡ 0 (b) is always negative.
(c) can be negative or positive.
⇒ C = − 12 kx02

U = 12 kx 2 − 12 kx02

If PE reference is at x0 = 0 ⇒ C = 0

4a. Mechanical energy – 1 4a. Mechanical energy – 2

When all forces are conservative: Wnet = −∆U When there are also non-conservative forces:
Wtot = Wc+ Wnc = −ΔU + Wnc
Work-KE theorem: Wnet = ∆K
Work-KE theorem: Wtot = ΔK
∆K = −∆U ⇒ ∆ ( K + U ) = 0
ΔK = −ΔU + Wnc ⇒ Δ(K + U) = Wnc
Mechanical energy E

When all forces are conservative then ΔE = Δ(K + U) = Wnc

mechanical energy is conserved:
If all forces are conservative: Wnc = 0
ΔE = Δ(K + U) = 0
then mechanical energy is conserved: ΔE = 0
Checkpoint 4.1 Three identical balls are Checkpoint 4.2
A rock of mass m is dropped to the ground thrown with the same
from a height h. initial speed as shown.
A second rock, with mass 2m, is dropped from The first is thrown
the same height. When it strikes the ground, horizontally, the second at
what is its kinetic energy? some angle above the
horizontal, and the third at
(a) twice as much
some angle below the
(b) four times as much horizontal.
(c) same Rank their speeds when
(d) half as much each hits the ground, from
lowest to highest.

Problem 4.1 Answer to P4.1

Two skiers are racing down two frictionless • Frictionless ⇒ Emech is
tracks with zero initial velocity, as shown. conserved. y
Compare their speeds at positions A, B, and C. • Initially:
O A B C E0 = 12 mv02 + mgy0 y

h E0 = 0 y
• and at position y:
h E = 12 mv 2 + mgy y <0
Answer to P4.1 (cont.) Problem 4.2
• Emech is conserved: E0 = E ⇔ 0 = 12 mv + mgy A skier starts from rest at the top of a
frictionless incline of height 20.0 m. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the
• Speed at position y: v = 2 g y skis and the horizontal surface is 0.210.
How far does she travel on the horizontal
• At A and C: y1 = y2 = h ⇒ v1 = v2 surface before coming to rest?

• At B: y1 = h, y2 = 2h ⇒ v1 < v2
h v=0
• Who finishes first? Answer d=?

Answer to P4.2 Summary - 1

ܹ݀ = ‫ܨ‬Ԧ ∙ ݀‫ݎ‬Ԧ
EA = mgh
y Work ܹ = න ܹ݀
EC = 0 Kinetic Energy dK = dWnet

h B C ΔK = Wnet
vC = 0 Potential Energy dWc= −dU

Wc= −ΔU
EC −EA = Wfriction Wfriction = −fkd = −μkmgd
Mechanical Energy ΔE = Δ(K + U) = Wnc
−mgh = −μkmgd d = h/μk = 95.2 m
Summary - 2

Kinetic friction: W = −fkd

Conservative force: W = −ΔU

ܷ = ݉݃‫ݕ‬ Gravity, y ↑
ܷ = −‫ܩ‬ Universal gravitation
ܷ = ଵଶ݇‫ ݔ‬ଶ Spring force

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