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CHAPTER 4   Functional Anatomy of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells


use propeller-like external appendages called flagella to move,

spirochetes move by means of axial filaments, which resemble
flagella but are contained within a flexible external sheath. There
are also star-shaped and rectangular prokaryotes (Figure 4.5).
(a) Vibrio
The shape of a bacterium is determined by heredity. Geneti-
cally, most bacteria are monomorphic; that is, they maintain
a single shape. However, a number of environmental condi-
tions can alter that shape. If the shape is altered, identification
4 mm
becomes difficult. Moreover, some bacteria, such as Rhizobium
(rĪ-ZŌ-bē-um) and Corynebacterium (kor’Ī-nē-bak-TI-rē-um),
are genetically p­ leomorphic, which means they can have many
shapes, not just one.
The structure of a typical prokaryotic cell is shown in
(b) Spirillum Figure 4.6. We will discuss structures external to the cell wall,
the cell wall itself, and structures internal to the cell wall.

✓ 4-2 How can you identify streptococci with a microscope?

Structures External to the Cell Wall

1 mm 4-3 Describe the structure and function of the glycocalyx.
4-4 Differentiate flagella, axial filaments, fimbriae, and pili.
Figure 4.4  Spiral bacteria.
Among the possible structures external to the prokaryotic cell wall
Q What is the distinguishing feature of spirochete bacteria? are the glycocalyx, flagella, axial filaments, fimbriae, and pili.

“Bacillus” has two meanings in microbiology. As we have just Glycocalyx

used it, bacillus refers to a bacterial shape. When capitalized and Many prokaryotes secrete on their surface a substance called
italicized, it refers to a specific genus. For example, the bacte- glyco­calyx. Glycocalyx (meaning sugar coat) is the general term
rium Bacillus anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax. Bacillus used for substances that surround cells. The bacterial glycocalyx
cells often form long, twisted chains of cells (Figure 4.3). is a viscous (sticky), gelatinous polymer that is external to the cell
Spiral bacteria have one or more twists; they are never wall and composed of polysaccharide, polypeptide, or both. Its
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straight. Bacteria that look like curved rods are called vibrios chemical composition varies widely with the species. For the most
(Figure 4.4a). Others, called spirilla (singular: spirillum), have part, it is made inside the cell
a helical shape, like a corkscrew, and fairly rigid bodies and secreted to the cell s­ urface. ASM: Bacteria have unique cell structures
that are targets for antibiotics, immunity,
(Figure 4.4b). Yet another group of spirals are helical and flexible; If the substance is organized
and phage infection.
they are called spirochetes (Figure 4.4c). Unlike the spirilla, which and is firmly attached to the

Figure 4.5  Star-shaped and

rectangular prokaryotes.  (a) Stella
(star-shaped). (b) Haloarcula, a genus of
halophilic archaea (rectangular cells).

Q What are the common bacterial

(a) Star-shaped bacteria 0.5 mm (b) Rectangular bacteria 1 mm shapes?

Tortora, G., Funke, B., Case, C., Weber, D., & Bair, W. I. (2020). Microbiology : An introduction, ebook, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
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4.6 The Structure of a Prokaryotic Cell
Pilus The drawing below and the micrograph at Although the nucleoid appears
right show a bacterium sectioned length- split in the photomicrograph, the
wise to reveal the internal composition. Not thinness of the “slice” does not
all bacteria have all the structures shown; convey the object’s depth.
only structures labeled in red are found in
all bacteria.


70S Ribosomes

Plasma membrane

Cell wall

containing DNA


Plasmid 0.5 mm


Capsule tip

Cell wall
Rotation of bacterial flagella
propels the cell through an
aqueous medium.
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● This prokaryotic cell shows typical structures that may be found in bacteria. Prokaryotic
cells usually lack membrane-enclosed organelles. All bacteria contain cytoplasm,
ribosomes, a plasma membrane, and a nucleoid. Almost all bacteria have cell walls. Flagella
● Some structures play specific roles, for example: in bacterial virulence (capsule), in
bacterial identification (cell wall or flagella), and in targets of antimicrobial agents
(cell wall).

● Plasmids encode information such as genes for resistance to antibiotics or

the production of toxins. Plasmids may be exchanged between bacteria.

Tortora, G., Funke, B., Case, C., Weber, D., & Bair, W. I. (2020). Microbiology : An introduction, ebook, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
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CHAPTER 4   Functional Anatomy of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells 103

Figure 4.7  Arrangements of

bacterial flagella. 
(a) Peritrichous. (b)–(d) Polar.

Q Not all bacteria have

flagella. What are bacteria
without flagella called?


0.5 mm 0.8 mm 1.5 mm 4 mm
(a) Peritrichous (b) Monotrichous and polar (c) Lophotrichous and polar (d) Amphitrichous and polar

cell wall, the glyco­calyx is described as a capsule. The presence of attaches itself to the surface of teeth by a glycocalyx. S. mutans
a capsule can be determined by using negative staining, described may use its capsule as a source of nutrition by breaking it down
in Chapter 3 (see Figure 3.15a, page 94). If the substance is unorga- and utilizing the sugars when energy stores are low. Vibrio
nized and only loosely attached to the cell wall, the glycocalyx is cholerae (VIB-rē-ō KOL-er-Ī), the cause of cholera, produces a
described as a slime layer. ­g lycocalyx that helps it attach to the cells of the small intestine.
In certain species, capsules are important in contributing A ­g lycocalyx also can protect a cell against dehydration, and its
to bacterial virulence (the degree to which a pathogen causes viscosity may inhibit the movement of nutrients out of the cell.
disease). Capsules often protect pathogenic bacteria from
phagocytosis by the cells of the host. (As you will see later, Flagella and Archaella
phagocytosis is the ingestion and digestion of microorgan- Some bacterial cells have flagella (singular: flagellum), which
isms and other solid particles.) For example, Bacillus anthracis are long filamentous appendages that propel bacteria. Bacteria
produces a capsule of d-glutamic acid. (Recall from Chapter 2 that lack flagella are referred to as atrichous (without projec-
that the d forms of amino acids are unusual.) Because only tions). Flagella may be peritrichous (distributed over the entire
encapsulated B. anthracis causes anthrax, it is speculated that cell; Figure 4.7a) or polar (at one or both poles or ends of the
the capsule may prevent it from being destroyed by phagocytosis. cell). If polar, flagella may be monotrichous (a single flagellum
Another example involves Streptococcus pneumoniae
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at one pole; Figure 4.7b), lophotrichous (a tuft of flagella com-

(strep′tō-KOK-kus noo-MŌ-nē-Ī), which causes pneumonia ing from one pole; Figure 4.7c), or amphitrichous (flagella at
only when the cells are protected by a polysaccharide capsule. both poles of the cell; Figure 4.7d).
Unencapsulated S. pneumoniae cells cannot cause pneumonia A flagellum has three basic parts (Figure 4.8). The long out-
and are readily phagocytized. The polysaccharide capsule of ermost region, the filament, is constant in diameter and con-
Klebsiella also prevents phagocytosis and allows the bacterium tains the globular (roughly spherical) protein flagellin arranged
to adhere to and colonize the respiratory tract. in several chains that intertwine and form a helix around a
The glycocalyx is a very important component of biofilms hollow core. In most bacteria, filaments are not covered by a
(see pages 183–185). A glycocalyx that helps cells in a biofilm membrane or sheath, as in eukaryotic cells. The filament is
attach to their target environment and to each other is called attached to a slightly wider hook, consisting of a different pro-
an extracellular polymeric substance (EPS). The EPS protects tein. The third portion of a flagellum is the basal body, which
the cells within it, facilitates communication among them, and anchors the flagellum to the cell wall and plasma membrane.
enables the cells to survive by attaching to various surfaces in The basal body is composed of a small central rod inserted
their natural environment. into a series of rings. Gram-negative bacteria contain two pairs
Through attachment, bacteria can grow on diverse surfaces of rings; the outer pair of rings is anchored to various portions
such as rocks in fast-moving streams, plant roots, human teeth, of the cell wall, and the inner pair of rings is anchored to the
medical implants, water pipes, and even other bacteria. Strepto- plasma membrane. In gram-positive bacteria, only the inner
coccus mutans (MŪ-tanz), an important cause of dental caries,
Tortora, G., Funke, B., Case, C., Weber, D., & Bair, W. I. (2020). Microbiology : An introduction, ebook, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
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104 PART ONE  Fundamentals of Microbiology

Flagellum Flagellum

negative Filament

Cell wall
Basal body
Cell wall Hook
Basal body
Outer Peptidoglycan

Plasma Plasma
membrane membrane
Cytoplasm Cytoplasm

(a) Parts and attachment of a flagellum of a gram-negative bacterium (b) Parts and attachment of a flagellum of a gram-positive bacterium

Figure 4.8  The structure of a bacterial flagellum.  The parts and attachment of a
flagellum of a gram-negative bacterium and gram-positive bacterium are shown in these highly
schematic diagrams.

Q How do the basal bodies of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria differ?

pair is present. As you will see later, the flagella (and cilia) of one. The movement of a bacterium toward or away from a par-
eukaryotic cells are more complex than those of bacteria. ticular stimulus is called taxis. Such stimuli include chemicals
Each bacterial flagellum is a semirigid, helical structure (chemotaxis) and light (phototaxis). Motile bacteria contain
that moves the cell by rotating from the basal body. The rota- receptors in various locations, such as in or just under the cell
tion of a flagellum is either clockwise or counterclockwise wall. These receptors pick up chemical stimuli, such as oxygen,
around its long axis. (Eukaryotic flagella, by contrast, undu- ribose, and galactose. In response to the stimuli, information
late in a wavelike motion.) The movement of a bacterial fla- is passed to the flagella. If the chemotactic signal is positive,
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gellum results from rotation of its basal body and is similar to called an attractant, the bacteria move toward the stimulus
the movement of the shaft of an electric motor. As the flagella with many runs and few tumbles. If the chemotactic signal
rotate, they form a bundle that pushes against the surrounding is negative, called a repellent, the frequency of tumbles
liquid and propels the bacterium. Flagellar rotation depends increases as the bacteria move away from the stimulus.
on the cell’s continuous generation of energy. The flagellar protein called H antigen is useful for distin-
Bacterial cells can alter the speed and direction of rota- guishing among serovars, or variations within a species, of gram-
tion of flagella and thus are capable of various patterns of negative bacteria (see page 330). For example, there are at least
motility, the ability of an organism to move by itself. When 50 different H antigens for
Play Motility; Flagella:
a bacterium moves in one direction for a length of time, the E. coli. Those serovars iden- Structure, Movement,
movement is called a “run” or “swim.” “Runs” are interrupted tified as E. coli O157:H7 Arrangement
by periodic, abrupt, random changes in direction called “tum- are associated with food- @MasteringMicrobiology
bles.” Then, a “run” resumes. “Tumbles” are caused by a rever- borne epidemics.
sal of flagellar rotation ­(Figure 4.9a). Some species of bacteria
endowed with many flagella—Proteus (PRŌ-tē-us), for example Archaella
­(Figure 4.9b)—can “swarm,” or show rapid wavelike movement Motile archaeal cells have archaella (singular: archaellum).
across a solid culture medium. Archaella share similarities with bacterial flagella and pili (dis-
One advantage of motility is that it enables a bacterium to cussed on page 105). A knoblike structure anchors archaella to
move toward a favorable environment or away from an adverse the cell. No basal-body type anchor has been found for pili.
Tortora, G., Funke, B., Case, C., Weber, D., & Bair, W. I. (2020). Microbiology : An introduction, ebook, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
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CHAPTER 4   Functional Anatomy of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells 105

TEM Figure 4.9  Flagella and

0.8 mm
bacterial motility.
Q Do bacterial flagella push
or pull a cell?


Run (b) A Proteus cell in the swarming

stage may have more than 1000
peritrichous flagella.

(a) A bacterium running and tumbling. Notice that the direction of flagellar
rotation (blue arrows) determines which of these movements occurs. Gray
arrows indicate direction of movement of the microbe.

Archaella rotate like flagella, an action that pushes the cell

through water, and, like pili, archaella use ATP for energy and
lack a cytoplasmic core. Archaella consist of glycoproteins
called archaellins.
Axial filament
Axial Filaments
Spirochetes are a group of bacteria that have unique structure
and motility. One of the best-known spirochetes is Treponema
pallidum (trep-ō-NĒ-mah PAL-li-dum), the causative agent of
syphilis. Another spirochete is Borrelia burgdorferi (bor-RĒ-lē-ah
burg-DOR-fer-ē), the causative agent of Lyme disease. Spiro-
chetes move by means of axial filaments, or endoflagella, bun-
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dles of fibrils that arise at the ends of the cell beneath an outer
sheath and spiral around the cell (Figure 4.10). (a) A photomicrograph of the spirochete Leptospira, SEM
showing an axial filament 5 mm
Axial filaments, which are anchored at one end of the spi-
rochete, have a structure similar to that of flagella. The rotation
of the filaments produces a movement of the outer sheath that
propels the spirochetes in a spiral motion. This type of move-
ment is similar to the way a corkscrew moves through a cork. Axial filament Cell wall Outer sheath
This corkscrew motion probably enables a bacterium such as
T. pallidum to move effec-
Play Spirochetes tively through bodily

Fimbriae and Pili (b) A diagram of axial filaments wrapping around part
of a spirochete
Many gram-negative bacteria contain hairlike appendages that
are shorter, straighter, and thinner than flagella. These struc- Figure 4.10  Axial filaments.
tures, which consist of a protein called pilin arranged helically
around a central core, are divided into two types, fimbriae and Q How are endoflagella different from flagella?
Tortora, G., Funke, B., Case, C., Weber, D., & Bair, W. I. (2020). Microbiology : An introduction, ebook, global edition. Pearson Education, Limited.
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