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HCM 2nd Quarter

Respiratory System
- Supply blood with oxygen
- Oxygen-rich blood
 Ventilation
- Move air in and out.
 External respiration
- Thoracic cavity
- Lungs
 Internal respiration
- Hemoglobin
 Iron
- Gives you constipation
- Gives color red
- Carbon dioxide and oxygen binds
- Comes from greens
1. Take it with vitamin C  Faster absorption
2. Drink lots of H2 O  Prevents constipation
 Babies
- Liquid black tinged
- Drink it with straw
- Dropper
- Chick area
Nasal Cavity
 Nasal septum
- Divides the cavity.
 Nares
- Opening of the nose
 Nasal conchae
- Extends from walls
 Mucous membrane
- Warms and moistens air
 Cilia
- Eliminate particles.
Para nasal Sinuses
- Air-filled spaces within the skull bones
- Opens into the nasal cavity
- Reduces weight of the skull
- Equalize pressure
- Gives the voice its certain tone
- Skull bones with sinuses include:
 Frontal
 Spheroid
 Ethmoid
 Maxillae bones
- Serves both the:
 Digestive system
 Respiratory system
- When we eat, it opens
- Also known as “Voice box”
- Moves in and out of the trachea
- Produces sound
 Cartilages
- Smooth muscle
- Includes the:
 Thyroid
 Epiglottic
 Cricoid

Vocal chords
- Stretch between the:
 Thyroid
 Cricoid
 Air
- Produces voice
 Glottis

Upper False vocal cords

Lower True vocal cords
- Opening between the vocal cords.
 Stretch
- Pitch
- Windpipe
- Tubular organ
- Made of rings of cartilage and smooth muscle
- Extends from larynx to bronchi
- Lined with cells possessing cilia
 Cilia
- Microscopic hair-like projections
- Moves mucus up to the throat
- Where it is swallowed
- Smoking destroys cilia
Bronchial Tree
 Bronchi
- Primary: branches off the trachea
- Secondary
- Tertiary
 Bronchioles
- Branches off the tertiary bronchi
 Alveoli
- Thin sac of cells
- Surrounded by capillaries
 Surfactant
- Fatty substance
- Maintains the structure of the lungs
- Maintains the inflation of the alveoli
- Between inspirations
- Cone shaped organ
- Right: 3 lobes
- Left: 2 lobes
 Pleura
- Membranes surrounding the lungs
 Connective tissues
 Bronchial tree
 Nerves
 Lymphatic vessels
 Blood vessels
- Right and left lung
- Have lobes and fissures
Right lung Left lung
- 3 lobes - 2 lobes
- Parts: - Parts:
 Superior  Superior
 Middle  Inferior
 Inferior  Cardiac notch
- 2 fissures: - For the heart to rest in
 Horizontal - 1 fissure:
 Oblique  Oblique

 Base
- Broad inferior surface
 Apex
- Pointed superior surface
Mechanism for breathing
Inspiration Expiration
- Air rich in O2 enters the - Air rich in CO2 exits the
lungs from the lungs
atmosphere - Diaphragm relaxes
- Diaphragm contracts - Intercostal muscles
- Intercostal muscles raise lower the ribs
the ribs
- Increasing the space of
thoracic cavity

Respiratory center of the brain

 Medulla Oblongata
- Controls the rhythm and depth of breathing
 Pons
- Controls the rate of breathing
Other factors:
 CO2 levels of the blood
 pH in the blood
 Fear and pain
 Inflation reflex
Causes of altered breathing patterns:
 Coughing
 Laughing
 Crying
 Hiccups
 Yawning
 Speaking
The Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Blood
 Oxygen
- Binds with hemoglobin
- Oxyhemoglobin
- Bright red in color
- Some remains dissolve with plasma
 Carboxyhemoglobin
- If CO2 combines with hemoglobin at O2 sites
 Carbon dioxide
- Gets into the blood stream
 Carbonic acid
- Reacts with water in plasma
- Ionizes and releases:
 Hydrogen
 Bicarbonate ions
 Bicarbonate ions
- Attached to hemoglobin
- Waste products
Respiratory Volume
 Tidal volume
- Moves in and out
- Normal breathing
 Inspiratory reserve volume
- Forcefully inhaled
- Following normal inhalation
 Expiratory reserve volume
- Forcefully exhaled
- Following normal exhalation
 Residual volume
- Remains in the lungs

- After and forceful exhalation

 Vital capacity
- Amount of air
- Thant can be forcefully exhaled
- After a deepest inhalation
 Total lung capacity
- Total amount of the lungs can hold
- Due to the vibration of the smooth tissues
- When muscles of the palate, tongue, and throat relaxes
- Men: 50%
- Women: 25%
- Over the age of 40
 Sleep apnea
- Causes daytime sleepiness
Common causes:
 Enlargement of tonsils
 Being overweight
 Alcohol consumption
 Nasal congestion
 Deviated nasal septum
Lifestyle modification:
 Lose weight
 Change sleeping position
 Avoid alcohol or medication to induce sleep
 Use nose strips
 Use dental devices

Common diseases or disorders

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