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Plant Form and Function  Lateral or axillary buds –

present at the nodes.

Basic Structure of a plant
Root System- roots usually grow below
 Roots—absorb the water &
the ground
nutrients from the soil and helps
provide support by anchoring the Structure
plant to the ground.
 When a seed germinates, radicle
 Stem – holds up the buds,
emerges which gives rise to
flowers, leaves and fruits of the
primary root.
plants. Serves as the transport
 Primary root develops further
for water and minerals from the
into tap root or fibrous root
root and distributes it to the
system based on the type of
different parts of the plant.
 Leaves- contain the chlorophyll
(green pigment) and the site for Function: helps in root fixation,
photosynthesis. absorption of food and minerals.
 Flowers – reproductive part of
the plant Vegetative organs- organs that allow
 Fruits- contains the vitamins the plant to live and grow.
and minerals and is the bearer of Examples: roots, stems and leaves.
Reproductive organs: flower, fruits
Shoot system – stem bears leaves, and seeds.
buds, flowers and fruits. It lies above
the ground. They function to support Functions and parts of the flower
leaves and flowers as well as for
Female parts
transporting and distribution of food,
water and minerals.  Pistil- female part of the plant
 Stigma – collects the pollen from
Structure – may be soft and green or
the pollinating agent.
 Style- positions the stigma for
 Nodes- place where leaf or pollen collection.
branch arises  Ovary- site of fertilization,
 Internodes- gap between two protects the developing seeds,
nodes aids in seed dispersal.
 Buds- develops into branches,
Male parts
leaves or flowers
 Petiole- supports the leaves and  Stamens-
holds it upright to the plant.  Anther- produce and release
 Axil – angle between the pollen grains
upperside of the stem and leaf,  Filament- positions the anther
branch, or petiole. for effective pickup of pollen by
the pollinating agent.
Types of buds
Sepals- protects the flower during the
 Apical or terminal buds-
bud stage.
present at the tip of the stem
Petals- attract insect pollinators by o Guard Cells – regulate
color and scent. the size of the stomata.
Peduncle (flower stalk)- the stalk of Mesophyll- Ground tissue;
the flower. chloroplast-rich
Receptacle – thickened portion at the  Palisade – under upper-
bottom of the flower that holds all the epidermis, tightly packed
major organs of the plant and it is  Spongy- under palisade layer;
where the stalk is attached. loosely packed, air spaces.
Two main types of tissues Veins- bundles of vascular tissue
(parallel vs. branched)
 Meristematic tissues
 Permanent tissues Types of lead
Permanent tissue – the tissue which is Simple leaf- has one single blade
composed of mature and differentiated
cell that has already undergone definite Examples: Elm, Maple, Magnolia
growth and has assume definite size, Compound leaf has more than a single
shape and function. blade.
Tissue Tissue Examples: Pecan, Locust, Ash
Surface  Epidermis 3 types of plant cells
(dermal) (primary
Parenchyma Cells
 Periderm  Thin flexible cell walls, cube-
(secondary shaped
growth)  Large central vacuole
Fundamental  Parenchyma  Function: photosynthesis,
(ground)  Collenchyma
storage & healing
 Sclerenchyma
 Example: flexible green stems &
Vascular  Xylem fleshy fruit like apples, potato
 Phloem Collenchyma Cells
 Thicker cell walls, irregular
Leaf Structures shape
Epidermis – outside layer of cells  Function: support for growing
plant parts
 Cuticle – waxy covering;  Example: areas still lengthening
prevents water loss (celery stalks)
 Hairs – protect against
insects & sun Sclerenchyma Cells
 Stomata – tiny air pores,  Thickest/rigid cell wall
areas for gas exchange;  Function: strength & support for
number & location vary on non-growing plant parts, usually
plants. dies at maturity
 Example: a frame to support the  Supported by companion cells
plant (shell on nut) that help with loading/unloading
 Movement of sap is mediated by
Dermal tissue system – the outer
hydrostatic pressure from xylem.
covering of the plant
Sieve tube elements contain the sugar
Ground tissue system- carries out
photosynthesis, stores photosynthetic
products and helps support the plant. Sieve tube- transport of carbohydrates,
primarily sucrose in the plants.
Vascular tissue system- conducts
water and solutes throughout the plant. Companion Cells- narrow, thin wall
with abundance of cytoplasm and a
Vascular plants- have vascular tissue
nucleus. Their function is to keep the
(vessels) that carry nutrients up and
sieve tube alive to provide nutrients and
down plant. It includes all plants that
contains many mitochondria to provide
grow in height.
energy for translocation.
Xylem- carriers water and nutrients
Plant Nutrition- the study of the
that enter the plant in the root up
chemical elements and compounds
through the stem and out to all parts of
necessary for plant growth, plant
the leaf.
metabolism and their external supply.
 Conducts water and minerals
Essential Nutrients in Plants
(movement in one way only)
 Composed of tracheid (all plants)  The uptake of nutrients at both
and vessel elements the roots and the leaves. Water
(angiosperms) and miners and CO2
 Walls composed of dead cells and  An essential nutrient is a
pitted (allows water exchange) particular chemical element that
 Walls impregnated with lignin is required for a plant to grown
(spiral or annular arrangement) from a seed and complete the life
 Water movement requires both cycle. 17 elements are essential
cohesion and adhesion. nutrients.
 Vessel elements and tracheid are
Macronutrients – are elements
dead at maturity and have
required by plants in relatively large
primary and secondary cell wall.
quantities (9 total)
Phloem- runs parallel to the xylem and
 Carbon
carries sugar that is produce in the
 Oxygen
leaves, dissolved in fluid, to all parts of
the plant.  Hydrogen
 Nitrogen
 Transports water and food  Sulfur
(movement is in two ways)  Phosphorus
 Composed of sieve element cells  Potassium
which connect to form a tube.  Calcium
 Connecting sieve cells share a  Magnesium
highly perforated sieve plate.
Micronutrients- elements that the  Synthesized at stem tips, travels
plant needs in very small amount. (8 downward.
total) Most function as cofactors for  If the stem tip is removed, it
enzymatic reactions. While the loses the ability to grow toward
requirement is small, a deficiency of a the light.
micronutrient can weaken or kill a  Responsible for plant growth
plant. (height)
 Iron Gibberellins
 Copper
 Zinc  Required for plant to germinate
(plant germination)
 Nickel
 Promote elongation of internodes
 Boron
and stem
 Chlorine
 Molybdenum Cytokinin
 Manganese
 Counters senescence
Signs of Nutrient Deficiency (responsible for aging)
 Produced in the apical meristem
Iron – Yellow or white new leaves with
 It is where the first stage of cell
green veins.
division takes place.
Manganese – yellow spots and
elongated holes between veins.
 Ripens fruit
Potassium- yellowing of the tips and
edges.  More produced by rapidly
growing & dividing cells,
Phosphate- loss of leaves, darker hue  In germinating plants, prevents
(leaves are darker than usual) leaf expansion.
 Allows shoot to dig upward
Carbon dioxide (CO2)- leaves die,
through the soil until it reaches
stunted growth.
the light.
Magnesium – Dark veins, lower leaves
Abscisic Acid
turn yellow from inwards.
Nitrogen- Light green upper leaves,  Signals dehydration
yellow and shriveled.  Makes leaves close their stomata
to prevent water loss through
Calcium- stunted growth and phototranspiration.
misshapen leaves
Plant Hormones and Plant

 Phototropism- turning of an
organism towards an external
Reproduction in Animals  In budding, new individuals arise
from outgrowths of existing one.
Reproduction- is the biological process
An example is a hydra
by which new individual organisms are
 Third method: Fragmentation-
is breaking of the body into
Two types of Reproduction pieces.
 Some or all of which develop into
Asexual – offspring is produced by a
single parent, no sperm and egg
 Fragmentation must be
needed. It involves only one parent that
accompanied by regeneration
produces two or more genetically
which is the regrowth of lost
similar organisms. It occurs mainly in
body parts
organisms with a simple structure.
 Fourth method:
Sexual- involves the fusion of two cells, Parthenogenesis, which is the
one from a male and the other from a development of a new individual
female. Involves two parents. A male from an unfertilized egg. a form
sex cell joins with a female sex cell in a of asexual reproduction in which
process called fertilization. Together, an unfertilized egg develops into a
they form a new cell called a zygote. new individual. It is a method in
The zygote grows into a new organism. which a new individual developed
without fertilization. Here, males
Asexual reproduction in animals. do not have any role to play and
Two types of asexual reproduction only female gametes develop into
new offspring
Gemmation- small buds appear on the 
body of the progenitor or “parent” and Example: A baby komodo
develops into a new individual. dragon, bees, lizards, ants.
Example: Fresh water hydra Sexual Reproduction in animals
Fragmentation – a new organism Two types of sexual reproduction:
grows from a fragment of the parent. It
is common in worms and starfish. Unisexual- each individual has one
type of gonad: male or female.
Mechanisms of Asexual Reproduction
Example: deers, dogs, ducks.
 Many Invertebrates reproduce
asexually Hermaphrodites- each individual
 One of these is by the process of has both male and female gonads.
fission. Example: snails, earthworms
 Fission – is the separation of a
parent into two or more Reproductive Organs
individuals of about the same
 Gonads produce gametes
size. Example: Amoeba, sea
(cells that fuse with another
anemone to produce two
gamete during fertilization).
daughter organisms.
 Second method: budding
 The gonads in males are the Internal fertilization requires:
testes and the gonads in
 Behavioral interactions
females are the ovaries.
 Compatible copulatory organs.
 Testes produce sperm cells
(small and motile)
 Ovaries produce ovum (large The embryo can develop in different
and non-motile) ways:
 Fertilization- is the fusion of
the male and female gamete  Oviparity – Oviparous by eggs,
nuclei to form a zygote. with little or no other embryonic
 Zygote- is the first cell that development with the mother.
forms after fertilization.  Ovoviviparity – Ovoviviparous
animals develop within eggs that
Fertilization- the union of an ovum remain within the mother’s body
and sperm. When they unite, they form up until they hatch or about to
a zygote. hatch.
Types of Fertilization  Viviparity- A viviparous animal
is an animal where the embryo
External Fertilization – occurs in develops inside the body of the
some animals living in water, like fish mother, as opposed to outside in
or amphibians. The female releases a an egg. The mother then gives
large amount of ova and the male live birth.
releases sperm cells. Sperm cells join
ova by chance. Embryonic development – the process
that goes from formation of the zygote
 It’s the union of gametes which to the birth of a new individual.
occurs outside the female’s body.
It’s typical of Aquatic animals,
Amphibians, some insects.  Viviparous- the embryo develops
 Eggs shed by the female are inside the female body.
fertilized by sperm of male in the Example: Dolphin
external environment.  Ovoviviparous- the embryo
Internal Fertilization- the male develops inside an egg which
introduce sperm cells in the female’s remains inside the female body.
body. It occurs in terrestrial animals, Example: Shark
sharks and sting rays.  Oviparous- an animal produces
eggs that develops outside the
 It’s the fusion of gametes which body.
occur inside the body of the Example: Hen
female or hermaphrodite. It’s Reproduction in Mammals
typical of most terrestrial  Mammals reproduce through
animals and some fish. internal fertilization and are
 Sperm are deposited in or near viviparous.
the female reproductive tract and  Male mammals have a penis that
fertilization occurs within the introduces sperm into the
female’s body, where fertilization enzymes that digest material
occurs. surrounding the egg.
 Most female mammals are only  Gamete contact depolarizes the
fertile during certain periods (in egg cell membrane and sets up a
heat) when they couple. fast block to polyspermy
 The embryo develops in the
uterus (womb). It exchanges
substances with the mother’s  Called pregnancy, in humans, is
blood through the placenta, the period of time during which
which is attached to the fetus’ the fetus develops, dividing via
abdomen via an umbilical cord. mitosis inside the female.
 The offspring are fed the  The gestation period varies
mother’s milk produced by greatly from species to species; It
mammary glands. is 38 weeks in humans, 56-60 in
giraffes and 16 days in hamsters.
Fertilization- depends on mechanisms
that bring together sperm and eggs of Birth
the same species.
 Once the fetus is sufficiently
All fertilization requires: developed, chemical signals
start the process of birth,
 Critical thinking
which begins with
Mediated by: contractions of the uterus
and the dilation of the cervix.
 Environmental cues
 The fetus then descends to
 Pheromones the cervix, where it is pushed
 Courtship behavior out into the vagina, and
Process of Fertilization eventually out of the female.
 The newborn should typically
 Fertilization brings the haploid begin respiration on its own
nuclei of sperm and egg together, shortly after birth.
forming a diploid zygote.  Not long after, the placenta is
 The sperm’s contact with the passed as well.
egg’s surface initiates metabolic
reaction in the egg that trigger Male Reproductive System:
the onset of embryonic
development. Penis- male organ used in intercourse.
 Metabolic reactions: Acrosomal Has three parts; the root (attaches to
reaction, Cortical reaction the wall of abdomen), shaft and glans
Acrosomal Reaction (head of the penis covered with a loose
layer of skin called foreskin).
 Triggered when the sperm meets
the egg Scrotum- support and protect the
 The acrosome, at the tip of the testes. It acts as a “climate control
sperm releases hydrolytic system” of the testes at a lower
temperature for the normal
development of sperms.
Testes- these are the male gonads. It Bartholin’s glands- these glands are
is responsible for the male hormone located next to the vaginal opening on
which is the testosterone and sperms. It each side and produce a fluid (mucus)
is composed of the seminiferous secretion.
Clitoris- a small sensitive protrusion
Epididymis- storage of sperm for that is comparable to the penis in
maturity. males. It is covered by a fold of skin
called the prepuce which is similar to
Internal male reproductive organs
the foreskin in penis. It is very sensitive
Vas deferens- transports mature sperm to stimulation and can become erect.
to the urethra in preparation for
Vagina – also known as the birth canal.
This is the muscular tube that receive
Seminal Vesicles- secrete alkaline fluid the penis during intercourse and
with fructose (used for energy and through it a baby leaves the uterus
motility), enzyme (facilitates semen during childbirth. It also allows
clotting) and prostaglandins (viability of menstrual blood to pass out of your
the sperm). Secretes semen. body during period. The opening of the
vagina may be partially covered by a
Prostate Gland- secrete mucous and thin piece of tissue called hymen which
citrate that is rich in nutrients to help can be ruptured by strenuous
nourish and activate the sperms. activities.
Bulbourethral glands- also known as Uterus (womb)- a hollow, pear shaped
cowper’s glands. A pea sized structure organ that is home to a developing
that secretes a fluid that contains fetus. It has two major parts the cervix
mucus which serves as lubricant for (lower portion of the uterus and serves
the urethra and to neutralize and as the entrance or passage of the
acidity. sperm) and Corpus (larger and main
Female Reproductive System portion of the uterus.)

External parts or Vulva Ovaries- produce egg cell and

progesterone/estrogen hormones that
Mons pubis- a mound of tissue located are important for regulating a woman’s
on top of the pubic bones. It is covered cycle and pregnancy. They are also
in pubic hair. known as the female gonads.
Labia majora- known as large lips, they Endometrium- the inner lining of
enclose and protect the other external the uterus. Each month, the
reproductive organs. Contain sweat and endometrium thickens and renews
oil-secreting glands. After puberty, they itself, preparing for pregnancy. If
are covered with hair. pregnancy doesn't occur, the
endometrium sheds in a process known
Labia minora- known as the small lips.
as menstruation.
They lie just inside the Labia majora
and surround the openings to the Myometrium – a middle layer of tissue
vagina. And urethra. and is muscular as it comprises the
greater part of the bulk of the organ.
Fallopian tubes- these small tubes  In vertebrates, the space between
transport ova from the ovaries to the cells is filled with interstitial
uterus. This is the site of fertilization fluid which allows for the
for egg cells. movement of material into and
out of cells.
Fembrae- finger like structure. It is
 A complex body plan helps an
also responsible for sweeping the egg to
animal living in a variable
the fallopian tube.
environment to maintain a
Animal Forms and Functions relatively stable internal
Anatomy – the study of the biological
form of an organism. Homeostasis

Physiology- the study of the biological  The process of keeping things

functions an organism performs. the same.
 The body uses so much
Animal form and function are energy, even during sleep,
correlated at all levels of organization because it must maintain a
 Size and shape affect the way an constant internal
animal interacts with its’ environment
environment  A series of automatic control
systems ensures that the
 Many different animal body parts
body maintains a constant
have evolved and are determined
temperature, and steady
by the genome.
levels of water, ions, and
Evolution of Animal size and shape blood sugar.
 Homeostasis allows the
 Physical laws contain strength, body’s cells to work at their
diffusion, movement and heat optimum.
 As animals increase in size, their Animal Reproduction
skeletons must be
 The process by which an
proportionately larger to support
organism produces its offspring
their mass.
 Evolutionary convergence Asexual reproduction- the formation
reflects different species’ of new individuals that does not involve
adaptations to a similar fertilization (no fusion of gametes).
environmental challenge.
Sexual reproduction- involves the
Evolution of form to function fusion of 2 gametes.
Convergent evolution- is the process
whereby organisms not closely related
(not monophyletic), independently
evolve similar traits as a result of
having to adapt to similar environments
or ecological niches.
Isogamous (Isogamy)
 Involves gametes of similar
morphology (similar to shape
and size)
 Because both gametes look alike,
they cannot be classified as male
or female. Most commonly noted
as + and – strains.
 Fertilization occurs when
Types of Asexual Reproduction gametes of two different mating
types fuse to form a zygote to
Parthenogenesis join
 Growth & development of embryo Anisogamous (Anisogamy)
without fertilization by male
 Population all female.  Involves the union or fusion of
 Examples: salamanders, turkeys two dissimilar gametes (differing
either in size or in form)
Budding  The smaller gamete is considered
 New organism forms on the to be male (sperm cell) whereas
parent organism the larger gamete is regarded as
 The new organism, a bud forms female (egg cell)
by mitosis and cell division and Oogamous (Oogamy)
eventually separates from the
parent  One of a pair of structurally
 Example: yeast (singe cell) and dissimilar gametes, the
hydra (multicellular eukaryotes) female gamete being large
and non-motile and the male
Binary Fission gamete being small and
 Division in half motile
 The most common form of Appendix:
reproduction in prokaryotes
such as bacteria.
 It occurs in some single celled
eukaryotes like the Amoeba and
 Involves the breaking of the body
into several pieces, some which
will develop into complete adults.
Regeneration- the organism
uses cell division to regrow body parts.
A good example of this is the starfish.
Forms of sexual reproduction

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