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Late show with Delwyn: Genration Gap

 Host: Good morning everyone. I’m Luu, the host of Late show with Delwyn. On today’s show,
we’ve got Miss, a well know socialist, psychologist. Good morning Phuong Anh. Thanks for
 Anh: Thanks for having me, Luu.
 Host: And I’d like to thank you the Brigertons for coming along today. Good morning Mrs
Han, good morning chirdren (Phuong and Quynh). What’re your feelings when appearing on
the TV?
 Phuong/ Quynh: Yeah, exciting but thrilling.
 Host: Quynh, you said that you and your sister had problems and even quarrels with your
mother. Could you share them with us?
 Quynh: Oh, my mom keeps complaining about my clothes. She doesn’t like my sparkling
clothes or high heels tells me to wear more casual stuff such as jeans and t-shirts.
 Host: Why don’t you like them, Han?
 Han: Because her trousers are too skinny, her top are too tights. I think those stuff like
high heels or sparkling things are not suitable for a highschool girl.
 Phuong: So, why you forbids me to play computer games?
 Han: I think all computer games are useless and bad for your health, especially your
eyesight. You may also get obesity without going outdoor.
 Phuong: But computer games helps me relax after schools and I also can make friends
through them. I don’t like any sports or outdoor activities at all.
 Quynh: Mum, you’re always complaining us about everything…And why you don’t like my
friends? They are all do well at school and they’ve never spoiled me.
 Phuong: You know, you’ve put so much pressure on us.
 Han: Kids, I did all those things for you. In this ages, your grandparents didn’t allow me to
wear high heels or skinny trousers and I think they were right.
 Host: Oh, such a hot potato. What do you think, Anh?
 Phuong Anh: Yeah, actually, no one of them is completely wrong or right. All these problems
about clothes or means of entertainment may come from generation gap.
 Han: Generation gap?
 Host: Can you explain it more clearly, Anh?
 Anh: Of course, “Generation gap” is a situation in which older and younger people do not
understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and
behaviors. For example, Mrs Han – an gen Y and her children who belong to gen Z have
differences views about clothes, means of entertainment.
 Host: I got it. Mrs Han wants her children to dress in a basic way and take part in more
outdoor activities. Meanwhile, Quynh keens on fashionable clothes and Phuong likes talking
and playing with her friends on the Internet….. Their situation is called “generation gap”.
 Anh: Exactly.
 Han: So, how can we solve the problem?
 Anh: Maybe your children, Quynh likes to look more elegent and fashionable and Phuong,
with her, playing computer games is an useful way to help her relax after a hard day.
 Han: Thank you, it really makes sense to me.
 Anh: Clothes, it depends on where you’re going, Quynh. If you’re going to a party you could
dress up but I don’t thinnk you should wear flashy clothes everyday. Anh Phuong, your mom
may worry about your eyesight if you look at the computer screen for a long time and she
wants to have a healthier lifestyles with ourdoor activities.
 Quynh: I think I was wrong, may be my mum can not afford for my expensive clothes.
 Phuong: I know you want best things to come ghme. But our sister have never talk together
about the problems. My mum is too busy with her works and my sister and me spend most of
our time at school……
 Anh: Yeah, that’s right.
 Anh: Yeah, here are some tips for us to improve and solve the situation of “generation gap”.
Firstly, time for communication is insufficent. A majority of parents spend too little time
communicating with and listening to their children, even though they love them very much.
So, Mrs, you can try to talk and listen to your children, ask them what they liked and what
they wanted. And children, talk and listen to your mother too.
 Host: Communication is the key to most of problems.
 Anh: That’s right, Luu. The second tip is that parents and children should spend more time
with each other. For example, you can have a picnic, go camping or simply have a warm dinner
together. The more time you spend with your children and your parents, the more easily to
generation gap can be brigded.
 Han: I think I put too much pressure on my children but I love them them so much.
 Quynh, Phuong: I love you too, mum.
 Host: Both parents and their children should adopt an appropriate attitude in treating each
 Anh: I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m very happy that Mrs Han and her children began to
understand each other.
 Host: Thanks for your helpful advices, Anh. And thanks for sharing, the Smiths.
 Host: Next week, we’re going to have  Chris Svensson with us, the author of No more
nine to five, the new best-selling book about work–life balance in the current
working world.

 Host: Goodbye everybody, have a good day !
*The show’s ending*

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