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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Abra
Diocesan Schools of Abra

Catholic High School of Pilar

Grade 9-HOPE Science Teacher

Week 5: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits

Non-Mendelian inheritance: Sex-linked Traits and Principle of Multiple Alleles


Sex-linked Inheritance Problem Set

Problem: A woman who is color blind has a mother with normal vision.

1) Determine the genotype of the mother and father.

 The genotype of color-blind man is XcY

 The genotype of a normal woman will be XX

2) Suppose this woman marries a man who has normal color vision, give the genotypes
of the couple, show the Punnett square, and give the phenotype of their probable sons
and daughters.

The phenotype of their probable sons and

daughter’s will be: 1: 50%, 1: 50%

Direction: Formulate three quotations that explain why sex-linked traits are commonly
manifested in males compare to the females.

“Male only has to inherit one recessive allele and female has to inherit two
recessive alleles in order to get sex-linked trait”

“The gene that causes beards to grow on the faces of humans is located on an
autosome but it is usually only expressed in males and not in females.”

“Sex-limited traits are due to genes on autosomes, and the expression of these
traits is limited so that normally only one sex is affected.”

1) Roman is blood type O, while Eunice is blood type AB. What are the probable blood
types of their probable children? Show your cross on a Punnett Square.

The probable blood types of their probable children: A, B

2) Jason is blood type O, while Denise is blood type AB. Blood type O is the universal
donor. Can Jason donate blood to Denise? Why or Why not?

 Jason can donate blood to Denise because donors of blood type O can give to
people with blood types A, B, AB, and O. (O is the universal donor: donors
with O blood are compatible with any other blood type)

Direction: You will be task to do the following; (GRASP)

Brix James Doral

How you ever wondered, if you eat the right food

Like vegetables, beans, grains and fruits
You heard about GMO that modifies genes
To create, to enhance and produce healthier plant

Chorus: Oh GMO, it’s good for you and me

Genetically Modified Organism
Provide more nutrients, yet can cause some allergies
Decide what you think is good
Cause what we eat, is up to you and me

GMO is tastier, it can grow up faster

Has longer shelf life and its must cheaper
But damages your organs, cause undesired effects
Produce weeds, toxic soil, kills animals and much insects
(repeat chorus)
II. Analyzing Ideas: Use following diagram in solving the problem in answering the

Problem A: A color-blind female married a man with normal vision.

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