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Group No. ( 4 ) Ex. No.

(4) Date :- 22/10/2008

Exp name:-Stoichmetry ( 1 )

Objective:-Water of Crystallization


Hydrated salts are chemical compounds (of the general formula MA.XH2O) that
contain a definite amount of moles of water relative to each mole of the primary ionic
solid. The water molecules are held loosely within the crystal of the salt ( through
intermolecular forces), such that moderate heating of the hydrated salt will drive of
water molecules , producing the anhydrous salt. A color change sometimes
:accompanies the dehydration process as in the following example


Blue bluish white

Alums are hydrated double sulfate salts that have general formula M1+M3+

…+M1+: mono- valent ions like na+,Ag+,NH4

…+M3+: tri-valent ions like Al3+,Fe3+,Cr3

In this experiment, a weighed amount of the unkouwn hydrated salt is heated and
weighed again. The weight of water lost is determined, after which the value of X and
.the percentage of H2O by mass (%H2O) on the original sample are calculated

;Before you com to the laboratory

.Read related sections in your general chemistry book .1

.Answer the per-laboratory questions .2

:Materials and equipment

.Crucible and cover. ; Clay triangle

.Balance. ; tongs

.Desiccators ; Iron ring

.Stand and clamps. ; Hydrated salts


Obtain crucible and cover from your instructor and clean them thoroughly with .1
.soap and water, then dry
place the clean dry crucible and cover on a clay triangle supported by a ring . Heat .2
the crucible and cover to redness ( for about 5 minutes) over the Bunsen burner, using
.the non-luminous flame

Allow the crucible and cover to cool for one minute in their position before placing .3
them into a desiccator (figure 4.2) using the tongs provided. Allow them to cool to
.room temperature

Note: Do not place hot crucible on the desktop or papers so as to prevent

.contamination and possible ignition of the surface

.Weigh the empty crucible (without cover) accrurately .4

.Note: at this stage, handle the crucible with tongs only

.Place about 1.0 g of the unknown hydrated salt in the crucible and weigh gain .5

Place the crucible on the clay triangle as in step 1. Adjust the cover such that .6
.portion of the crucible is uncovered

.Carefully heat the crucible and its contents gently at the beginning .7

After the salt has expanded and frothed, remove the cover and heat the crucible
.strongly for another 5 minutes

Allow the set to cool as described in setp2, then weigh again. Take care to handle .8
.the crucible with tongs only

Heat the crucible and contents for another to minutes then allow to cool as don in -9
the previous step, then weigh again. The values obtained in step 8 and 9 should not
differ by more than 0.05g. If difference is greater than 0.05g, repeat step 99 until you
.achieve constant mass

:Data and calculations

Unknown number ( A ) – KAL(SO4)2.XH2O

********** Unit

Mass of empty crucible 30.17 gm

Mass of crucible + hydrated salt. 31.67 gm

Mass of crucible + anhydrous salt. 31.11 gm

.Mass of hydrated salt

.Mass of the anhydrous salt

.Molar Mass of the anhydrous salt ( obtained from your instructor)

.Moles of the anhydrous salt

.Mass of water lost

.Moles of water lost

.X= Moles of water \ Moles of anhydrous salt

H2O= Mass of water \ mass of anhydrous salt * 100%

Pre-Laboratory Questions

.What are hydrated salts? Give some examples .1

The formula of magnesium sulfate hepta-hydrated is MgSo4.7H2O. calculate the .2

.mass of water in a 6.5g sample of this compound

?List at lest three common use of hydrated salt .3

Post-Laboratory Questions

what is the effect of each of the following, on the calculated value of X ( increase, .1
.decrease or no effect )? Justify yore answer

.a. In complete dehydration of the hydrated salt

?b. If mass of ( crucible + Anhydrous salt ) was+0.1 more than the actual value

c. If the yellow flame was used in the heating process instead of the blue non-
?luminous flame

Is there any effect on the results of this experiment, if weighed the crucible while .2
?it's still hot

?Was it necessary to cover the crucible all the time while heating? Why .3

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