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Saint Louis University Revision No. 01

School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts
Effectivity June 07, 2021

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1. Jesus’ mission during his time brought liberation and well-being to many people who were
at the margins or sidelines of society. The Church being the body of Christ continues this
mission. Name and discuss two unique, concrete ways by which you can help in the
Church’s mission of bringing about liberation and well-being especially to those in the
It will be my voluntary duty as an individual member of the church to contribute to the
church's mission. There are easy ways I can propose and urge others to do the same in terms of
other people's liberty and well-being, particularly the marginalized. One way is to plan and
conduct church activities aimed at bringing the community together. Parishioners should be
encouraged to welcome people from all walks of life and to help newcomers to the community
feel at ease. It will be wonderful to transmit the message that the church is accessible to all, that it
can provide assistance, and that it can serve as a safe haven for those seeking physical shelter as
well as mental and spiritual guidance. It will be good to get to know everyone in the
neighborhood and feel responsible for each other's well-being. Another approach is to develop
house and community visits with the goal of sharing the Word of God and imparting knowledge
about livelihood education. This activity nourishes a person's spiritually while also providing an
opportunity for a job and extra income. Topics such as gardening, simple food processing, and
arts and crafts would be excellent to teach to encourage everyone to live more sustainably. These
activities, in my opinion, might help the church in fulfilling its mission: spreading God's Word
and love, increasing people's morale, exhibiting inclusivity, and holding everyone accountable are
all factors that would have a significant impact on both personal and social levels.

2. Jesus is known to have worked diligently for the building of God’s Kingdom through His
legacies of liberty, inclusivity, and equality.  If you are to be known for one legacy that
could make a significant difference in your community, what would it be and why? 

Being a trustworthy and fair citizen is a legacy I would like to leave behind in my
community. We are more confident these days in spreading negativity and ill impacts to others. It
appears that discriminating against or simply ignoring your neighbor is more convenient.
However, I believe that if a person in a community has a strong moral code of being fair and
trustworthy, he or she can make a significant difference. Being remembered whenever someone
needs excellent advice, a smart suggestion, or a positive attitude on things and situations is
humbling. Fairness and dependability, I believe, are firsthand family culture pieces of training.
This will demonstrate how my family intends for its members to be kind, compassionate, polite,
respectable, and inspiring as citizens and community members. Fairness prevents negative
feelings toward others. It encourages peaceful relationships through resolving problems. Being
Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts
Effectivity June 07, 2021

Page 2 of 2

dependable indicates tenacity, resourcefulness, and self-reliance. These are the characteristics of
legacies I want to pass down to my community.

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