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Modular Modality of Learning: A Study on Advantage and Disadvantage of Learning

Modality of SHS in OLFU

A Research Proposal
Presented to
Faculty of Senior High School
Our Lady of Fatima University – Quezon City

In Partial Fullfillment of the

Requirements for
Research 1

Loure Alieyah O. Manzano

Ronald John M. Mupan Jr
Karl Mark L. Macaraig
Louie Angela DC. Luayon
Yssa Marie Malala

1. Introduction
Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Learning

To do or not to do, that is the issue that most students who are considering pursuing an
education through distance learning are wrestling with. Distance education, in different ways -
distance learning programs from open colleges, online programs, and so on - has helped students
who could not attend full-time and campus-based classes realize their educational objectives over
the years.

Students are often reluctant to pursue higher education through distance learning because
they are unsure of the benefits and disadvantages of this mode of education. Before deciding
whether or not to pursue a degree via distance education, it's a good idea to read about the
benefits and drawbacks of this choice.

According to Bonz Magsambol (2020) Under DepEd's printed modular learning system,
students will be provided with self-learning materials (SLMs). Teachers will be giving students
SLMs per quarter. That will mean students will be receiving 4 sets of SLMs for one whole
academic year. Distribution. The SLMs will be distributed to parents before the opening of
classes. For students whose parents are not available to get these from schools, there will be
designated pick up points in their barangays. The distribution will be done at least 4 times for the
school year.

Aside from SLMs, workplans will also be distributed to students. But unlike SLMs, this
will be given to students weekly as this indicates the schedule of lessons and activities the
students will have to do every week. Again, parents or anyone who will guide the students at
home will be the ones to get this from teachers or in designated pick-up points.

This study will help the students can do their learning on what will be more convenient
for them. They can study anytime they want to and what they think can be more beneficial to
them. This can help them to parent from dropping or stopping with their education. They don’t
need to spend money for their transportation and food allowance. During this time of pandemic
we know that finances is the usual problem nowadays. So, Modular Modality will be a big help to
the students.

It can benefit the student because they will know what’s gonna happen and why is this
happening to them so they will know or we will know the effect of this to the student or to us
even though we already know the effect because we are the prone to this.

The student is the one who will benefit the findings of the study in Advantages and
Disadvantages of Distance Learning they will get the benefit because there’s a COVID-19 now
all around the country and cities, they will benefit in distance learning to avoid us or them to
prone to the virus.

They intend to address that modular teaching is more effective in teaching learning
process as compared to ordinary teaching methods. Because in this modular approach the
students learn at their own pace. So the students feel free to learn in their own style.

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