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DOMINGO NATIONAL TRADE SCHOOL Constant – a number with known and fixed value
Baloc, Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija Variable – a letter used to represent a number with unknown & non-fixed
Mathematics 7, Quarter 2 – Week 3 Algebraic expressions are uses numerals and variable as number while
ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS Arithmetic expressions use numerals only. Both can be joined by fundamental
Name: ___________________________________ Section: _______________ The table below shows some of the key words that indicate math operations
and symbols that are useful in translating English phrases and sentences into
I. Learning Competencies
mathematical phrases and sentences.
1. Translate English/verbal phrases and sentences into mathematical phrases and
sentences and vice versa (M7AL-IIc-1); and OPERATION Key Words
2. Illustrate and differentiate related terms in algebra (constant and variables,
plus, increased by, more, sum of/ total of, more than,
where is a positive integer, literal and numerical coefficients, algebraic Addition
surplus, added to/from, increment
expressions, terms and polynomials, number of terms and degree of polynomial
(M7AL-IIc-2-3). minus, difference of, subtracted to/from, diminished by,
reduce, decreased by, less, less than, deficit/deficient
II. Objectives:
times, product of, multiplied by/to, twice, double, thrice,
1. translate English/verbal phrases and sentences into mathematical phrases and Multiplication
triple, factor
sentences and vice versa;
2. illustrate and differentiate variables and constants, literal and numerical Division divided by/into, quotient of, ratio of
coefficients, terms, number of terms and degree of an algebraic expression; Power the square of, squared, the cube of/cubed, raised to
3. illustrate where is a positive integer,
is, is equal, equals, is the same, produces, resulted to,
amounts to, yields
III. Key Concept
Mathematical Statements/Expressions are depictions of English Statements is not equal to, is greater than to, is less than to
and Expressions that deals with numbers and mathematical symbols as well as is less than or equal to, is greater than or equal to
English or Verbal Phrase is a group of mathematical words which does Examples
not express a complete mathematical thought. Mathematical Phrase is a group of 1. is an English phrase
mathematical symbols which does not express a complete mathematical thought. is an English sentence
English Sentence is composed of English phrase with complete thought is a Mathematical phrase
that can answer the statement. Mathematical Sentence is composed of
is a Mathematical Sentence
mathematical phrases and equality or inequality.
Mathematical phrases are also called expressions while Mathematical English Phrase Mathematical
sentences are in the form of equality of inequality. 1. the product of and
2. a number increased by
Both of them use numbers and mathematical symbols. These numbers are 3. difference of and
in the form of numerals (constants) and small letters of the English alphabet 4. twice a number decreased by five
(variables). The symbols represent operation, equality/inequality as well as letters 5. three-fourths of the square of
other than the English alphabet.
Term is a constant, a variable or a product/combination of both constant & Name: ___________________________________ Section: _______________
variable. Terms are separated by the operation addition ( ) or subtraction ( ). IV. Activities
Polynomial is a term or finite sum of terms such that there are no variables Activity 1
to be found on the denominator. Match column A with their correct translation. Write the letter of the answer.
Numerical coefficient is the constant in a term. Literal coefficients are the
variable/s in a given term. Similar terms are terms with the same variable/s of the Column A Column B
same degree. Dissimilar terms are terms with difference on its literal coefficients.
___1. ratio of a number and three a. ( )
A polynomial with one term is a monomial. If it has two terms, it is called
binomial. If it has 3 terms, it is called trinomial. ___2. ten more than a number b.
___3. a number increased by two c.
A variable can be raised to a certain degree. A literal coefficient written in
has a base and an exponent. Base is the number that is being multiplied to itself. ___4. four subtracted from thrice a number d.
Exponent tells how many time a base need to be multiplied to itself. ___5. the square of the product of and e.
Degree of a polynomial refers to the highest exponent being present in any f.
of the terms. The table below shows some of the degrees and their names and
Activity 2
Complete the table below.
Degree Numerical Literal
Coefficient Coefficient

If the polynomial has more than one variable (two different variables are
used), the degree of the polynomial is determined by adding the exponents of the Activity 3
variables (with the highest sum) Complete the table below.
Degree Name of the Polynomial
Examples (base on the number of terms)
1. – has 3 terms (trinomial) with a degree of 4
– is the 1st term; is the numerical coefficient, is the literal coefficient
– is the 2nd term; is the numerical coefficient, is the literal coefficient
– is the 3rd term; the constant term
IV. References
2. Consider the following terms:
- Elementary Algebra, JG. Bernabe, SD Publication, Inc., G. Araneta Ave.,
i. – these are similar terms, similar variables with same degree
cor. Ma. Clara St. 1107 Quezon City, Philippines, pp82–89
ii. – these are dissimilar terms - Mathematics Skillbook for First Year by AP Viduya and GB Tatil, 2003,
iii. – these are similar terms Blue Denim and Lace Enterprises, pp. 69–76

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