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Blessing in Disguise

How can we be so thankful despite the challenges we encounter? How can we be so

grateful that even amid pandemic we can still smile and extend a helping a hand? Well, I
think that’s how strong we Filipinos are because we have that kind of faith. Filipinos
were known to be religious, and we still prove that “bayanihan” is not dead. No matter
how difficult the scenario is, we still manage to help in any means we can for our fellow,
specially those who are less fortunate. Teachers were known for being resilient, that’s
why in our school we were able to conduct outreach programs which seeks to somehow
ease that burden that this pandemic brought. With initiative of our former and retired
Principal Mrs. Myrna U. Ligas, and our current principal Mrs. Emelyn C. Hobayan we
were able to conduct feeding programs, gift giving programs and educational Pantry
which was an initiative of one of our co-teachers. A simple way also to at least create a
smile on our student faces is to give them school supplies, as a simple reward for passing
their modules on time and to help also other parents who couldn’t provide their child’s
needs. A photo essay, course requirement for EDF 201-Foundations of Education
DMMMSU-SLUC College of Graduate Studies
Instructor: Dr. John Noel Nisperos
Student: Christine M. Oaña, MAPE 1st Year
Another story to tell is the yearly family tradition of one of
our co-teacher Ms. Maree Lyne Rodriquez together with our
other colleagues, is to also share some relief goods and gifts to
an island in Bauang which is the Sitio Solomon. Regardless the
danger of boat riding, they were stranded in the middle of the
sea while the typhoon Odette is at the Philippine Area of
Responsibility. This only shows that nothing can stop us if we
really have the urge to help and to show gratitude with other
people. We should still feel blessed despite all the shortcomings
we encounter. No matter how small or big are the things we
render if we put them together it will benefit many people. I
think this will be the lesson we could get from the COVID-19, a
pandemic which I see as a blessing in disguise because it was
able to let us feel again that the Bayanihan is not Dead.

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