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SCHOOL YEAR 2021-2022

1. Ujian Tengah Semester 1 dilaksanakan secara daring menggunakan Ms. Teams dalam
bentuk Ms. Forms dan Lampiran file.
The 1st mid-semester examination will be conducted by online via Ms. Teams, in the
form of Ms. Forms and attached file.

2. Sebelum ujian dimulai, peserta ujian sudah menyiapkan lembar jawaban (Primary 1-
2: Mandarin) dan (Primary 3-6: Mandarin, English, Mathematics, dan Science)
Before the examination started, students have to prepare the printed answer sheet
(Primary 1-2: Mandarin) and (Primary 3-6: Mandarin, English, Mathematics, dan

3. Peserta ujian hadir tepat waktu di masing-masing online class dengan menggunakan
seragam sekolah.
Students are expected to join each Ms. Teams classes punctually, wearing school
4. Peserta wajib menyalakan kamera dan mikfrofon selama ujian berlangsung.
Students have to activate the camera and microphone during the examination.

5. Peserta ujian tidak diperkenankan mengaktifkan background selama ujian

Students are not allowed to use virtual background during the examination.

6. Selama ujian, peserta diperbolehkan meninggalkan tempat ujian atas persetujuan

During the examination, students are allowed to leave the seat with the proctor’s

7. Sebelum ujian selesai, siswa tidak diperkenankan keluar dari ruang ujian online.
Before the time is over, students are not allowed to leave the online Ms. Teams class.

8. Khusus untuk pelajaran Mandarin, English, Mathematics, dan Science siswa dibantu
orang tua untuk memotret dan menggunggah lembar jawaban melalui Ms. Teams
atau pesan WA ke guru bersangkutan.
For Mandarin, English, Mathematics, and Science, students are allowed to be helped
by the parents to take the pictures and upload the answer sheet through Ms. Teams
or WA message to the assigned teachers.
9. Lembar jawaban dikirim selambat-lambatnya 20 menit setelah ujian selesai
Answer sheets have to be submitted not more than 20 minutes after the examination
time is over.

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