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Dhanica Charlene Tumibay OLTA11A1

Assignment 1

Complete the following table by answering the questions.

How Were You Taught to Think? Who Influenced You what and How to

My Mother My mother taught me to be tough and don’t depend

to other people. You need to stand alone sometimes
to be brave.

My Father I were taught that it is okay to not to push myself and

forsake my physical and mental health just for

My Grandmother I were taught that be kind always because we don’t

know if the person we encounter are struggling.

My Brother My brother taught that whenever there is a guest in

our house I should treat them nicely and offer them
something to eat or drink.

My Cousin I were taught that not all the time people will
understand me. I need to improve myself and not to
be sensitive enough.

My Best friend My best friend taught me that I am not alone that I

should not listen to other people perspective of me.

Our pastor Thought me that I don’t need to be afraid of ghost or

spirits they should be the one who’s afraid with me
especially to the things that I can do.

My teacher Taught me that it’s not always about the quantity

sometimes, it’s all about the quality. Be wise on who
you’re with.

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