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What are the main objectives of Abbott?

Respondent 1 mentioned that their company’s objective is to provide fast results for the medical
tests that the patients are in urgent need of. He mentioned the tests like HIV, hepatitis etc.
Respondent 2 mentioned that their objective is to provide best quality testing and too deal with
Respondent 3 mentioned that their objective was to provide critical patient care service.
The common point seems to be that all respondent’s answers included the care for the patients
who were in urgent need of care. While the difference was that the 1 st respondent focused mainly
on how quick can their instruments provide test results. The 2nd respondent focused mainly on
providing quality testing to laboratories and dealing with modern challenges while the 3rd
respondent focused on providing care to critical patients.
Abbott has existed in Pakistan for 70 years; how do you think it is different from other
health care located in the area?
Respondent 1 mentioned that their company is different because of their quality, ethics,
standards and compliance. He also mentioned that no form of bribery is accepted in their
Respondent 2 also mentioned that their company is highly regulated and disciplined as it doesn’t
accept bribes. He mentioned that the main difference is the quality of product as more than 90%
of the products are FDA approved.
Respondent 3 mentioned that their company is different because of their care for critical
First 2 respondents had a similar answer and specifically highlighted morals or ethics (bribery).
The only difference was that the 2nd respondent mentioned about the quality of their products
which made it different from other companies. The 3 rd respondent had a totally different answer
which mentioned about the caring service for patients.
Can you briefly mention recent successes for Abbott during Covid pandemic?
Respondent 1 mentioned that their company came up with a device to conduct fast Covid testing
(which was given by Trump to Imran Khan).
Respondent 2 mentioned that Abbott was the first company in the world to introduce rapid test
for Covid.
Respondent 3 also mentioned that Abbott was the first company to introduce first 5 minute
Covid test.
All the respondents had same responses for this question that is their biggest achievement during
Any specific project or campaign your company had come up with during Corona times?
Respondent 1 mentioned a project with Shaukat Khanam Hospital where he was sent to a
foreign state to get training for Lab automation.
Respondent 2 mentioned that there were no specific campaigns but during the pandemic, this
company tried its best to provide testing kits for the patients and their rapid testing kits were
provided to the government institution which was a way of contributing to society.
Respondent 3 mentioned there were no specific campaigns during this pandemic.
The 1st respondent took part in a project during the pandemic while the other two respondents
had a similar answer that they didn’t have any specific projects or campaigns regarding Covid.
How have you coped up with current inflation and maintaining the standards of your
Respondent 1 mentioned that during covid they did not get their routine patients and only had to
deal with covid patients which was a challenge for them but they overcame it.
Respondent 2 mentioned that during this time there were high transport charges and lab charges
which was challenging to them but this burden was not shifted to the patients.
Respondent 3 mentioned that company had to face financial losses during this pandemic.
1st respondent mentioned how they only had to deal with the covid patients which they easily
over came while the other two respondent had different answers as both of them mentioned the
financial losses that the company had to face but they assured that their company absorbed all the
impact rather than taking it out on the patients.

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