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Grade 12

S. Y. 2021-2022
Name: _________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

A. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and analyze the following statements carefully and WRITE the letter that corresponds to your best answer
on the space provided. Failure to follow the instructions is automatic zero.

____1. Which of the following is not a secondary source?

A. book review B. encyclopedia C. commentary D. manuscript
____2. These are investigations that have been conducted which are closely related to the present study.
A. Related studies B. Related literature C. Research study D. Research problem
____3. The review of related literature includes which of the following type of research sources?
A. Primary source B. Secondary source C. Online sources D. All of the above
____4. A review of related literature should include a material that is ________.
A. Directly related to your research question only C. From any available discipline if relevant
B. Closely related to your research question only D. All of the above
____5. The review of related literature prevents researchers to reiterate the discussions that had already been made by
previous researchers. Which of the following importance of review of related literature does this refer to?
A. It prevents from duplication of other studies.
B. It gives the researcher a feeling of confidence.
C. It helps the researcher in understanding the research better.
D. It provides the conceptual or theoretical framework of the planned research.

____6. Which of the following is not a step of conducting review of related literature?
A. Ask for reprints from teachers.
B. Visit the school library or other libraries in the vicinity.
C. Take down notes on index card or research notebook.
D. Do a computer-aided search through an electronic database.
_____7. The review of related literature enables researchers to look through research instruments from previous research
that can also be used to answer their own research questions. Which of the following importance of review of related
literature does this refer to?
A. It gives information of the details of the research.
B. It gives information of the findings and conclusions of the previous investigations.
C. It gives information of the details of the research methods used.
D. It gives information of the findings and conclusions of the research.
_____8. Which the following is not a characteristic of the review of related literature?
A. The materials reviewed must be recent.
B. Materials reviewed must be subjective and biased.
C. Materials surveyed must be closely related to the present study.
D. Surveyed materials must be based on the original data to make them valid and reliable.
_____9. Which of the following statements is not the purpose or importance of review of related literature or studies?
A. Prevents from duplication of other studies.
B. Materials surveyed must be closely related to the present study.
C. Guides the researcher in selecting a good research problem or topic.
D. Gives information of the findings and conclusions of the previous investigations
_____10. It is a discussion of facts and principles that is related to the present research study.
A. Related studies B. Related literature C. Research study D. Research problem


Directions: Read and analyze the following statements carefully. Write T if the statement is TRUE on the space provided and
UNDERLINE the word or words that make the statement INCORRECT OR FALSE. Failure to follow the instructions is
automatic zero.

_________1. Once the participants have committed to be part of the research, he/she can no longer back out.
_________2. You are plagiarizing if acknowledge the author of the source you use in your research.
_________3. Procedures done in animal research must minimize the pain and suffering of the animal participants.
_________4. In using human as subject for research, you should protect them from any forms of harm.
_________5. Research can be done without the actual gathering of data.
_________6. All the information taken from the participants should be kept confidential.
_________7. Informed consent means telling the participant who you are as a researcher and what you are studying.
_________8. Researchers should opt for its replacements if there is a possibility that animals can replaced by other non-
biological subjects.
_________9. In conducting studies, consider the rules and regulation of the different institutions.
_________10. In conducting research, you must consider what you feel about the study.

Directions: Read and analyze the following statements carefully. Identify the idea or concept being described in each item.
Write your answer on the space provided. Failure to follow the instructions is automatic zero.

_________________ 1. This refers to using ideas of others as your own without acknowledging the author

_________________ 2. These are verbatim words (exact words with no changes or corrections). These are exact words of
the author directly copied from the sources set off with quotation marks.

_________________3. These are author’s thoughts or ideas but restated in a researcher's own words. In paraphrasing, do
not just change the words but change the structure of the sentence. The same with quotations, it is introduced with signal
phrases and ends with a quotation.

_________________4. These are studies or investigations that have been conducted which is similar or related to the
present research study.

_________________5. This is a discussion of facts and principles that is closely related to the present research study.

Answer Key
A. B.
1. D 1.
2. A 2.
3. D 3.
4. D 4.
5. A 5.
6. B 6.
7. C 7.
8. B 8.
9. B 9.
10. B 10.

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. F
10. F
11. T
12. T

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