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Crisleo John II E.

Martinito 11 - Aristotle

PRE-CALCULUS - Parabolas
Group 4 - Session 1

1. Determine the vertex, focus, directrix, and axis of symmetry of the parabola with the given
equation. Sketch the graph, and include these points and lines.
a. x2 = −4y b. 3y2 = 24x c. y2 − 12x + 8y = −40
2. A satellite dish is shaped like a paraboloid, with the receiver placed at the focus. It is to have a
depth of 0.5 m at the vertex, with the receiver placed 0.15 m away from the vertex. What should
the diameter of the satellite dish be?
3. The towers supporting the cable of a suspension bridge are 1200 m apart and 170 m above the
bridge it supports. Suppose the cable hangs, following the shape of a parabola, with its lowest point
20 m above the bridge. How high is the cable 120 m away from a tower?

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