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Crisleo John II E.

Martinito 11 - Aristotle

Group 4 - Session 2

1. Give the coordinates of the center, foci, vertices, and covertices of the ellipse. Sketch the graph,
and include these points.
a. 41x2 + 16y2 + 246x − 192y + 289 = 0.
b. (x + 3)2/24 + (y − 5)2/49 = 1
c. 9x2 + 16y2 − 126x + 64y = 71
2. An ellipse has vertices (2 −√61, −5) and (2 + √61, −5), and its minor axis is 12 units long. Find
its standard equation and its foci.
3. An ellipse has vertices (−10, −4) and (6, −4), and covertices (−2, −9) and (−2, 1). Find its
standard equation and its foci.
4. A tunnel has the shape of a semi-ellipse that is 15 ft high at the center, and 36 ft across at the
base. At most how high should a passing truck be, if it is 12 ft wide, for it to be able to fit through
the tunnel? Round off your answer to two decimal places.

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