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Educational Bridges Academy School and Kindergarten

‫مدرسة و روضة أكاديمية الجسور التربوية‬

Parents Weekly Plan / International Program

Week 4 Grade 5A Date 20-24/2/2022

Subject Class Work Homework


English Unit 3: Getting from Here to There -Do your 5 vocabulary

Week 5: Into the Past
-Practice reading
Reading/ Writing Workshop
“What Was the Purpose
-Weekly Opener & Vocabulary (Pgs. 218-221) of the Inca's Strange
Things? ”
Your Turn Practice Book (Pg. 141)
-Vocabulary Worksheet
-Introduce the genre and Start reading “What Was the Purpose of the Inca's Strange
Things? ” (Pgs. 222-223)

Math Lesson (6-5): Dividing by a Decimal, page 245 (part 1).

Science Topic 6: Solar system:L.2: Inner solar system/ pg. 246, 247

Arabic 96/97 ‫ المحادثة للمادة المرحلة من الفصل األول وحدة (تحقيق األحالم ) صفحة‬+ ‫االستماع‬ ‫الدفتر المطلوب للمادة هو دفتر‬
‫واحد فقط مقسم لجميع مهارات‬
.‫اللغة العربية‬

)‫ امالء‬/ ‫ تعبير‬/ ‫ قواعد‬/‫( نسخ‬

Islamic ‫ من كتاب الجزء االول‬103-100 ‫) صفحة‬74-41( ‫ تالوة وتريد سورة الواقعة‬+ ‫شرح درس المسح على الجبيرة‬

PE ‫اعداد بدني‬

Subject Class Work Homework


English Unit 3: Getting from Here to There -Do your 5 vocabulary

Week 5: Into the Past

-Practice reading “What

-Continue reading “What Was the Purpose of the Inca's Strange Things? ” (Pgs. 222-225)
Was the Purpose of the
-Comprehension Skill & Vocabulary Strategy (Pgs 227,229) Inca's Strange Things? ”

Your Turn Practice Book (Pgs. 142,147)

Math Lesson (6-5): Dividing by a Decimal, page 245 (part 2). Independent Practice

Page 247

Science Topic 6: Solar system Lesson check/ pg. 251

L.2: Inner solar system/ pg. 248, 249,250, and 251

Social Studies ) ‫المرحلة من الفصل األول ( كتاب االجتماعيات الجزء األول‬

61 ‫ لصفحة‬59 ‫البدء بشرح درس جاللة الملك عبد هللا الثاني ابن الحسين من صفحة‬

Arabic 99 ‫قراءة درس (احالم رندة) واستخراج القواعد المختلفة صفحة‬ ‫الدفتر المطلوب للمادة هو دفتر‬
‫واحد فقط مقسم لجميع مهارات‬
.‫اللغة العربية‬

( ‫ امالء‬/ ‫ تعبير‬/ ‫ قواعد‬/‫)نسخ‬

Subject Class Work Homework


Eng -Do your 5 vocabulary

Phonics: r-controlled Vowel Syllables (Pgs. 87-89)
-Practice reading “What
Was the Purpose of the
Inca's Strange Things? ”

Practice Book Pg. 146

Math Lesson (7-2): Find Common Denominators, page 273 (part 1).

Science Topic 6: Solar system:L.3: outer solar system/ pg. 254, and 255

Social Studies ) ‫المرحلة من الفصل األول ( كتاب االجتماعيات الجزء األول‬ ‫حل أسئلة الدرس‬

63 ‫ لصفحة‬62 ‫متابعة شرح درس جاللة الملك عبد هللا الثاني ابن الحسين من صفحة‬

Arabic 100 ‫اإلجابة عن الفهم واالستيعاب صفحة‬

Islamic ‫ كتاب‬109-105 ‫) صفحة‬96-75( ‫ تالوة وتجويد سورة الواقعة‬+ ‫شرح درس حقوق األخوة واألخوات في اإلسالم‬
‫الجزء االول‬

Art ‫الرسم والتصوير المائي‬ ‫ كرتون رسم‬/‫الوان مائية‬

Subject Class Work Homework


English -Grammar: Irregular Verbs (Pgs. 71-73) -Do your 5 vocabulary

Writing: Argument Essay
-Practice reading “What
Was the Purpose of the
Inca's Strange Things? ”

Math Lesson (7-2): Find Common Denominators, page 273 (part 2). Independent Practice

Page 275

Science Topic 6: Solar system L.3: outer solar system/ pg. 256, 257

I.C.T Session 3 , Assignment 6

Arabic 100/101 ‫اإلجابة عن التراكيب واألساليب اللغوية صفحة‬

PE ‫اعداد بدني‬

Subject Class Work Homework


English Dictation


Math Lesson (7-3):Add Fractions with Unlike Denominators, page 277 (part 1).

Science Topic 6: Solar system

L.3: outer solar system/ pg. 258, 259, 260, and 261

P.S: Your science projects should be submitted next week

Arabic 102 ‫اإلجابة عن الكتابة صفحة‬

English Language Art Activities


Word Example Word Example

1 archeologist An archeologist examines ancient objects 11 knots Don't cut the string, untie the knots.
for clues about early cultures.

2 era The people sitting for the photograph wore 12 dangling Loose electric wires were dangling
clothes from an earlier era. from the wall.

3 fragments The dropped pottery vase was in 13 statistics Statistics show that 50% of new
fragments on the floor. businesses fail in their first year.

4 historian A good historian finds interesting stories 14 mystery Mystery surrounds the Inca
by studying past objects and events. civilization.

5 intact Cardboard cartons help protect eggs so 15 handwritten The letter was handwritten in black
they arrive at the store whole and intact. ink.

6 preserved Foods from our garden have been 16 splendor A butterfly emerged in its full splendor
preserved in jars for enjoying all year. a week later.

7 reconstruct A skilled craftsman can reconstruct broken 17 vapor Water vapor is water in the form of a
china so that it looks like new. gas.

8 remnants Divers discovered the remnants of a 18 shatter This type of glass won't shatter no
sunken ship. matter how hard you hit it.

9 horizontal Draw a horizontal line across the bottom 19 remainder Fifteen divided by four gives you a
of the page. remainder of 3.

10 cord Where's the cord that ties back the 20 terrible Their son had been injured in a
curtains? terrible accident.

Formal Writing Topic( To be done every other week in the class with the teacher's guidance).

Write an argument essay about one of the topics:

1. When are children old enough to stay home alone?

2. Is bullying a crime or not?

3. Is Artificial intelligence dangerous?

Speaking Prompt( To be done on Thursdays)Dear parents, please let your child prepare his/her speaking prompt.


Assigned Dictation( Words, sentences or paragraphs )

Spelling Words in the Phonics and Spelling reproducibles (Pg. 85)

Assigned Copying( Sentences or paragraphs )Done at home for those who badly need it and to be submitted at the end of the week to

“What Was the Purpose of the Inca's Strange Things? ” Pg. 223

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