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Title Acetic Acid [CH ₃COOH] delution
Name and SIN
1) Pronika Saragih (2113031004)
2) Anak Agung Nyoman Lestari (2113031006)
3) Otniel Telos Djoni (2113031021)

Study Program Chemistry Education

Objectives 1) Students are able to prepare simple experiment of
urea solvation in water.
2) Students are able to conduct simple experiment of
urea solvation in water.
3) Students are able to observe and write observation
results of experiment.
4) Students are able to ask questions base on
observation results.
5) Students are able to answer questions base on
observation results.
Materials 1) Tap water 200 mL
2) Acetic Acid 25% ± 10 mL

Equipment 1) Plastic glass 250 mL 1 pieces

2) Plastic spoon

Procedures 1) Pour ± 200 mL tap water into a plastic glass.

2) Pour ± 10 mL acetic acid 70% into the glass and stir gently
using plastic spoon.
3) Observe the result and write observation techniques and
results on the space provided (use all senses optimally).
4) Write the description of observation results and matter
changes on the space provided.
5) Write three questions base on observation results on the
space provided.
6) Present and discuss the techniques and results of
observation, the description of observation results and
matter changes, and the questions in classroom.

Observation Techniques and Results

No. Techniques In English In Bahasa Indonesia
1 Seeing  Colourless  Tidak berwarna

2 Touching  Sticky  Lengket

 Cold solution  Larutan dingin
3 Smelling  Odourless  Tidak berbau

4 Hearing  Soundless (without  Tidak bersuara

Observation Results Description
No. In English In Bahasa Indonesia
1  Colourless means that the  Tanpa berwarna berarti
solution has no colour or is larutan tidak memiliki
clear/transparent, looks the same warna atau bening/
as pure water. transparan, terlihat sama
seperti air murni.
 There is dew on the surface of
the glass, such as ice dew, dew  Terdapat embun di
is only on the outer surface of permukaan gelas, seperti
the glass and only at the level of embun es, embun hanya
the solution contained in the terdapat pada permukaan
glass. bagian luar gelas dan
hanya pada setinggi
larutan yang terdapat
pada gelas.
2  Urea solution feels sticky when  Larutan urea terasa
it touched. sticky when touched lengket ketika dipegang
by the fingers, and like there is a atau di sentuh. Lengket
tug between the two fingers jika disentuh oleh jari,
dan seperti ada tarikan di
 The cold feeling felt on the antara kedua jari
hands, which is given by the
urea solution when we touch it.  Rasa dingin yang
dirasakan pada tangan,
yang diberikan oleh
larutan urea ketika kita
menyentuh itu
3  When smelled the solution does  Ketika dicium larutan
not have any odour just like tidak memiliki bau
pure water. apapun sama seperti air
4  No sound means that the  Tidak bersuara berarti
solution does not make any pada larutan tidak
sound for the result of the memiliki suara dari hasil
solution (without sound) larutan urea
Matter Changes Identification
Physical Changes Chemical Changes
In English In Bahasa In English In Bahasa
Indonesia Indonesia
Physical changes occur when Perubahan fisika There are no Tidak ada reaksi
urea which has a solid phase, terjadi ketika chemical kimia, karena
then when dissolved turns into urea yang changes, because pada reaksi ini
a liquid memiliki fase in this reaction tidak terjadi
padat, kemudian there is no pemecahan reaksi
ketika dilarutkan breakdown of menjadi ion-ion
berubah menjadi the reaction into dan reaksi tidak
cair ions and the terurai menjadi
reaction does not zat baru.
break down into
new substances.
In English In Bahasa Indonesia
1. Why does the urea solution feel cool? 1. Mengapa urea terasa dingin?
2. Why is the urea solution sticky? 2. Mengapa larutan urea
3. What causes dew on the outside of the lengket?
glass? 3. Apa yang menyebabkan
adanya embun pada luar
In English In Indonesia
1. The urea solution feels cold because the 1. Larutan urea terasa dingin
urea solution is an endothermic reaction karena larutan urea termasuk
where the reaction that occurs absorbs heat reaksi endoterm dimana
from the environment to the system. This is reaksi yang terjadi menyerap
proven if the urea solution is measured with kalor dari lingkungan
a thermometer that is more accurate in kesistem, hal tersebut terbukti
measuring temperature, it will be proven jika larutan urea di ukur
that there is a decrease in temperature. dengan termometer yang
lebih akurat dalam mengukur
2. Urea solution feel sticky because the urea suhu, akan terbukti terjadi
solution comes from urea which has the penurunan suhu.
property of being easy to bind to water, the
strength of this water binding causes the
urea solution to stick to each other so that 2. Larutan urea terasa lengket
the solution feels sticky, even though the karena larutan ureayang
level of stickiness of the solution is not so berasal dari urea yang
palpable. memiliki sifat mudah
mengikat air, kekuatan
pengikatan air ini
3. The dew on the glass surface is caused by menyebabkan larutan urea
the effect of decreasing the temperature of saling melekat satu sama lain
the urea solution. At first the water has the sehingga larutan menjadi
same temperature as the room temperature, terasa lengket, walaupun
when it is mixed with urea there is a rapid tingkat kelengketan larutan
and quite drastic decrease in temperature. tidak begitu teraba.
The drastic difference in temperature
between the outside of the glass and inside
the glass causes the gas or water vapor on
the surface of the glass to condense and 3. Adanya embun pada
create dew on the surface of the glass. permukaan gelas disebabkan
karena efek penurunan suhu
larutan urea. pada awalnya air
yang memiliki suhu sama
dengan suhu ruangan, ketika
dicampurkan urea maka
terjadi penurunan suhu yang
cepat dan lumayan drastis.
perbedaan suhu yang drastis
antara di luar gelas dan di
dalam gelas menyebabkan gas
atau uap air yang ada pada
permukaan gelas mengalami
kondensasi dan terciptalah
embun pada permukaan gelas.
Addition Tasks
1) Describe the macroscopic and Macroscopic phenomena are everything that can
microscopic phenomena of urea be observed without the aid of tools or can be
solution. observed directly. The macroscopic phenomenon
of the urea solution is odourless, the solution is
colourless, feels sticky, feels cold.

Microscopic phenomena are sequences of events

that are symbols. In this case, the microscopic
phenomenon in urea solution is the dissolution
reaction with the reaction result CO(NH2)2(aq).

2) Describe the physical properties of The physical properties of urea are urea has a
solid (urea) and liquid (water). fairly coarse texture, form of white crystals, easily
soluble in water so that it is easily absorbed by
plants. Easily binds to water (hygroscopic) so it
must be stored in a place
Easily soluble in cold or hot water and urea easily
sucks or draws moisture from the air.

The physical properties of water are that it has 3

phases, namely solid liquid, gas, colourless,
tasteless and has anomaly properties of water.
3) Describe the acidity properties of Urea solution has base pH which is proven by the
urea solution. pH measurements contained in the pH
measurement video, where in the video it is proven
that checking pH has increased from before and
after being added with urea, urea is a weak base as
evidenced by the presence of NH.

4) Describe the electric conductivity In the urea solution there is no ionization into its
of urea solution. constituent ions that should be able to conduct
electricity (anions and cations), so there is no
movement of ions that can conduct electricity. This
causes the urea solution to not conduct electricity
and is called a non-electrolyte solution
5) Describe the changes of matter Physical changes occur when urea which has a
that are occurred on the solid phase, then when dissolved turns into a
experiment. solution, and in this reaction has no chemical
changes because when urea dissolving the result
just to be a urea solution without changes the result
to be a new reaction. Urea can decompose into
new substances when reacted with strong acids or
special liquids

6) Describe the molecular structure The molecular structure of water:

of water, urea, and urea solution. The molecular structure of water are water has a
different molecular structure when in solid and
liquid phases, shows that water has polar
properties because of the difference in
electronegativity between hydrogen and oxygen
atoms, which consist of two H atoms and one O
atom which has a degree between H atoms and
other H atoms of 104.5°

The molecular structure of urea:

The urea molecule is assembled on one carbon
atom, four hydrogens, one oxygen, and two
nitrogen atoms and forms a urea CO(NH2)2(s) which
has a double amide bonded to the carboxylate

The molecular structure of urea solution:

The structure consists of CO(NH2)2(aq), the urea
solution does not change, only changes in phase, in
the form of a solution which has a lower density
than the solid phase.

7) Describe the reaction equation of Urea when dissolved in water cannot decompose
urea solvation in water. into new substances if it is only reacted with water,
therefore the reaction results only produce
CO(NH2)2(aq) in the form of a solution.
CO(NH2)2(s) + H2O(l)  CO(NH2)2(aq)

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