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Group leader : Ayman

A survey is research method used for collecting data from a predefined group of
respondents to gain information and insights into various topics of interest
Our goal is to find the noisiest place in the school
But first we need to:
Write down roles

Name Roles Responsibility

AYMAN Leader She has to keep and eye
on everyone and resolve
FAKEHA & MARJAN Interveiwers They will ask the people
questions about the noise
RAHIMEEN Impact on people She will ask people about
the effect the noise has on
TEHREEM Monitor They will watch the
corridor and record the
noise level
YUMNA AND HIBA questionnaire They will ask questions
related to the noise in the
form of mcqs

A Questionnaire is a mcqs filled paper which you give to people to solve

and collect data from it
1: Which areas the loudest?
A: canteen B: Corridor C: Playground
2: Can you continue your work when it noisy?
A: Yes B: A bit C: No
3: Do you find it annoying?
A: Yes B: A bit C: No
4: Can you finish your work on time with tall the noise?
A: Yes B: Sometimes C: No
5: Can you hear your teacher in all the noise?
A: Yes B: No C: Hardly
6: Can you focus on your work with all the noise?
A: Yes B: hardly C: not at all
7: What time is the noisiest?
A: 9:30
B: 11:30
C: 12:30
8: Do you like the noise when you are studying or teaching?
A: Yes B: Not at all
9: Where is the noisiest place in school at break?
A: Canteen B: Classroom C: Corridor
10: Who do you think is the busiest person in school?
A: Students B: Teachers C: Director
11: Who are noisier?
A: Student B: Teachers

Interview Q:
Interviews are open questions in which we can not answer in just yes or
no we have to briefly explain it
1: Are you able to study in the noise especially at break time?
2: What are the effects of noise on students?
3: What safety measures should we take against noise?
4: How much time will it take to complete work when its is noisy
5: What are the disadvantages of a noisy environment
Sound Level Average Level
1 Very low
2 Low
3 Medium
4 High
5 Very High!

Students can study peacfuly at the noise level of 1

Students can understand what the teacher is saying at
the noise level of 2
Students get distracted at the noise level of 3
Students cant focus at a noise level of 4
Students cant study or hear the teacher at a noise level
of 5
Time: Noise Level
8:00-8:30 1
8:30-9:00 2
9:00-9:30 4
9:30-10:00 3
10:00-10:30 2
10:30-11:00 5
11:00-11:30 1

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