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Lesson Plan
Science 4
(Properties and characteristics of sound)

Submitted by:
Richard W. Estrada

Submitted to:
Mrs. Jonalyn D. Salvador
Cooperating Teacher
Performance standard
Demonstrate conceptual understanding of properties/characteristics of light,
heat and sound
Content standard
How light, heat and sound travel using various object
Learning competencies
Investigate properties and characteristics of light and sound S4FE-IIIh-5
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
a. Identify the characteristics of sound;
b. Demonstrate how sound produce;
c. Appreciate the importance of sound to our daily life.

II. Subject Matter

Quarter 4: Lesson 54-55
a. Topic: Investigating the properties and characteristics of sound
References: MELC Grade 4 S4FE-IIIh-5
Science Learner’s material (Science 4) pp. 216-226
b. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and laptop Instructional materials
c. Process skills: Observing, describing, comparing and measuring
d. Values Integration: Appreciation and understanding



1. Prayer
“Let us pray first. Sacrlit can you lead Opening Prayer
“Yes, Teacher.”
the prayer’’ Dear lord


2. Greetings
Good morning class,
Good morning teacher.
How are you?
We’re good teacher.
That’s nice to hear.
3. Checking of attendance Yes, teacher! We’re glad to say that no one is
Is everybody present today? absent today.
That’s glad to hear!

4. Classroom management
Please pick up all the pieces of paper
and candy wrapper under your chair and
throw it in the trashcan and arrange your
chair and sit properly.

5. Recalling of Classroom Rules

Before we proceed, make sure that
you are in a proper seat.
So here are our classroom rules that
everyone should always follow:

1) Raise your hand if you know the

2) Listen when the teacher is
3) Follow every instruction of your
Yes teacher!
Is that clear class?

Very good!

B. Engagement activities
1. Review
Game: Pass the Ball, Yes, teacher.
The pupils will pass the ball. If the music
stops and whoever holds the ball, he/she will Teacher, the sun is the main source of heat
answer the given question. and light.
 What is the main source of heat and
light? Teacher, light is very important to living things
That’s correct! because it provides vitamin D and warm us.

 Why is the light important to living

To allow more light to pass through.
Very Good!

 Why is there a need to open our

Teacher, no living things can exist on Earth.
doors and windows widely?
Nice answer!
 What do you think would likely to Teacher, Flash light
happen if there would be no sun to
give heat and light to the Earth?
 Can you give me an example of
instrument that produce light?

That’s great!

C. Motivation
“Class let’s have an activity.”

“This is called How Good Is Your

(Pupils will do the activity)
“I need 5 volunteer to please come in
front and follow my instructions.”

 Blindfold a volunteer.
Some of the students will stand
forming a circle around the volunteer.
 The students will take turn making
gentle noises, such as a clap, a click
of the fingers, a whisper or a quiet
 After each sound, the person with the
blindfold should point to where they
think the sound is coming from.
5. Try it again and this time with a “Teacher, we have noticed that even if you
cotton ball on the ears of the cannot see, you can still locate the
blindfolded volunteer. where the sound comes from.”
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
“What have you noticed or observed
on this activity?”
“Sir, if we cannot see and hear it’s
hard to tell where the sound comes
“Okay, very good.”

“What else do you observe?”

That’s, great.”
D. Lesson Proper
so now lets proceed to our next lesson
the sound. (Pupils read)

So now class what is sound?

“Sound is a type of energy made by

How sound is produce? “Sound is produced
when an object vibrates, creating a pressure

The loudness of a sound refers to how strong

the sound seems to us when it reaches to our

The softest and loudness of sound is called

(different answer)
Some sound may be too loud while others
may be too soft. The volume of the sound
depends on the strength of a vibration.
(different answer)
Who give an example of a loud sound?

Very good!
How about soft sound?

Great! All your answer is correct.

When sound come in contact with different

materials like walls or carpets, they are
reflected or absorbed.
Some materials reflect sound and cause
echoes, hard surface like flat concreate walls
are good at reflecting sounds.

Loudness is a measure of a how strong a

sound seems to us. If we apply greater force
in an object, we produce loud sounds. If we
apply lesser force in an object, we produce
soft sound.

The five characteristics of sound

Wavelength: A wavelength is the distance
between a part of a wave of energy such
as light or sound and the next similar part.

Amplitude: The amplitude is the size of a

given wave.

Frequency: The frequency refers to the

number of sound waves a sound produces
per second.

Time Period – The time period is almost the

opposite of the frequency.
Velocity – finally, the velocity of the wave,
sometimes referred to as the speed.

Now here are the examples of animals using


Sound is a type of energy made by vibration

Sound is produced when an object vibrates,

creating a pressure wave

Echolocation occurs when an animal emits a Wavelength, amplitude, frequency, time

sound wave that bounces off an object, period, and velocity.
returning an echo that provides information
about the object's distance and size.

E. Generalization

What is sound?
(Pupils will create a sound)
How does sound produced?
What are the characteristics of sound?

Very good class! Give your self a very

The world will be quiet and peaceful.
good clap
The world will be boring.
We cannot understand each other.
We will just use signs and symbols to
F. Application express our thoughts, feelings and
Group the class into four. Let them identify emotions.
the picture and the ways on how it create a

Very good! You will know how sound is

being created.

 Values
So now I want you to close your eyes and
imagine our world without sound.
Reflect yourself wherein there’s no
sound at all.

Direction: Identify the following. Choose your answer inside the box
Volume Sound frequency

object vibrates wavelength amplitude Echolocation

time period velocity Loudness

1. ___________ is a type of energy made by vibration

2. Sound is produced when an ____________, creating a pressure wave
3. The softest and loudness of sound is called _________.
4. A ___________ is the distance between a part of a wave of energy such
as light or sound and the next similar part.
5. The ___________ is the size of a given wave.
6. The _____________ refers to the number of sound waves a sound
produces per second.
7. The ________ _________ is almost the opposite of the frequency.
8. The ___________ of the wave, sometimes referred to as the speed.
9. ____________ is a measure of a how strong a sound seems to us.
10. ____________ occurs when an animal emits a sound wave that bounces
off an object, returning an echo that provides information about the object's
distance and size.
V. Assignment
Search, cut and paste some pictures that show the properties and
characteristics of sound.

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