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Translated by Winatwarlord.

Special Thanks to @Hiperpig from ToI discord server for providing chinese raws
ID 品级 名称
700001 紫 妖术入门
700002 妖术进阶
700003 妖术精通
700004 紫 菊花烫
700005 菊花红
700006 菊花残
700007 紫 小跟屁虫
700008 橙 中跟屁虫
700009 红 大跟屁虫

700010 紫 小宝的盾
700011 中宝的盾
700012 红 大宝的盾
700013 小李飞剑
700014 橙 中李飞剑
700015 红 大李飞剑
700016 紫 火力四射
700017 紫 水力四射
700018 橙 咸猪手
700019 橙 媚骨
700020 红 脚底抹油
700021 橙 跑得很帅
700022 紫 鬼修入门
700023 橙 鬼修进阶
700024 红 鬼修精通
700025 橙 黄巾天师
700026 红 武神残诀
700027 红 青帝遗录

700028 紫 血魔大法
700055 橙 血煞大法
700056 红 血魇大法
700029 红 疯魔战意
700030 紫 肉博之交
700031 紫 煞气
700032 紫 双修大法
700033 橙 先受后攻
700034 橙 徒手专精
700035 橙 兵刃专精
700036 紫 风雷擎天
700037 紫 地火明夷
700038 紫 水木长生
700039 橙 红尘剑匣
700057 红 红尘剑魂
700040 橙 归一诀
700058 红 归一真诀
700041 橙 星耀尘寰
700059 星耀九霄
700042 紫 妒火中烧
700043 紫 灵果馈赠
700044 橙 老而弥坚
700045 紫 物尽其用
700046 红 疾速代谢
700047 红 通天之眼
700048 紫 察言观色
700049 橙 天地精华
700050 橙 双灵共生
700060 橙 三灵共生
700061 红 四灵共生
700051 红 灵蝶化茧
700052 紫 伴生蘑灵
700053 橙 蘑灵仙力
700054 红 蘑灵神力
700062 紫 速读秘法
700063 紫 钻研秘术
700064 紫 苦中寻乐
700065 紫 灵光一闪
700066 橙 若有道心
700067 橙 似有道心
700068 橙 略有道心
700069 小有道心
700070 感受道心
700071 领悟道心
700072 通晓道心
700073 心有道心
700074 传承道心
700075 紫 开心果
700076 紫 强健体魄
700077 紫 生龙活虎
700078 紫 机灵鬼
700079 红 幸运星
700080 紫 盾灵入门
700081 橙 盾灵进阶
700082 橙 盾灵精通
700083 紫 潜能入门
700084 潜能进阶
700085 潜能精通
700086 紫 金蝉无影
700087 金蝉假影
700088 金蝉血影
700089 紫 灵能之雨
700090 橙 灵能之泉
700091 橙 灵能之潮
700092 紫 血灵入门
700093 橙 血灵进阶
700094 红 血灵精通
700095 紫 灵力之种
700096 橙 灵力之芽
700097 红 灵力之树
700098 紫 体力之种
700099 橙 体力之芽
700100 红 体力之树
700101 紫 剑灵入门
700102 橙 剑灵进阶
700103 红 剑灵精通
700104 紫 血祭入门
700105 橙 血祭进阶
700106 橙 血祭精通
700107 橙 视灵
700108 红 猎灵
700109 橙 视精
700110 红 猎精
700111 紫 灵法入门
700112 橙 灵法进阶
700113 红 灵法精通
700114 紫 武法入门
700115 橙 武法进阶
700116 红 武法精通
700117 红 剑仙传人/李四来也!
700118 红 鹤仙传人
700119 紫 雷力四射
Special Thanks to @Hiperpig from ToI discord server for providing chinese raws
效果 备注 Grade
成长型 Purple
攻击时10%概率将目标及其周围的敌人全部变成愤怒小鸡(不分敌 成长型 Orange
我攻击附近单位,持续10秒(对大妖兽及修仙者无效,选择后替换妖 成长型 Red
屁股热的发红,战斗中移速+20%,自己背后受到的伤害+10%,且有 成长型 Purple
屁股失去知觉,反而变得刀枪不入,寒暑不侵,战斗汇总移速 成长型 Orange

+20%,背后受到的伤害-50%,且有10%概率朝伤害来源喷出更粗更 成长型 Red
获得一个奇怪的跟屁虫,体型很小很弱 成长型 Purple
获得一个奇怪的跟屁虫,体型正常,一般 成长型 Orange
获得一个奇怪的跟屁虫,体型贼巨大贼猛 成长型 Red
你的灵力凝练成了一枚盾牌,可以帮你抵挡敌人的弹道攻击 成长型 Purple
成长型 Orange
成长型 Red
成长型 Purple
成长型 Orange
成长型 Red
攻击时15%几率向随机一名敌人投射火球,造成70点火属性伤害 Purple
攻击时10%几率释放5秒的水柱,每秒造成40水属性伤害 Purple
其他修仙者会更喜欢你 Orange
逃跑必定成功 Red
成长型 Purple
成长型 Orange
成长型 Red
战斗中首次释放神通时,会召唤出一个巨大的黄巾力士为你战斗 Orange
对范围200内的敌人造成伤害时,可吸血7% Purple
对范围320的敌人造成伤害时,可吸血12% 成长型 Orange
对范围400的敌人造成伤害时,可吸血17% 成长型 Red
切磋胜利后,获得好感度大幅增加 Purple
双修时获得经验提升30%,且双修完成后获得一件道具 Purple
使用拳掌指功法的神通无需达成施展条件 Orange
成长型 Orange
成长型 Red
成长型 Orange
战斗中击杀25个敌人后,下一次释放神通时,可产生星耀之光,使 成长型 Red
战斗中击杀50个敌人后,下一次施展神通时,可产生星耀之光,使 成长型 Orange
范围400内敌人致盲,并受到雷属性伤害,持续30秒(选择后替换星 成长型 Red
对有道侣或丈夫妻子的修仙者造的伤害+15% Purple
你每年都会收到一次灵果馈赠 Purple
每一岁年龄+1点防御 Orange
你每次消耗灵石时,可以从灵石上吸取一些灵气来提升自身的修为 Orange
与其他修仙者交谈或论道时,可预知对方期望的回答 Purple
大地图中修炼时,回复部分体力、灵力、念力 Orange
释放绝技和神通时,25%几率额外释放1次,伤害为原来技能伤害的 成长型 Orange
释放绝技和神通时,25%几率额外释放2次,伤害为原来技能伤害的 成长型 Orange
周围飞舞,蝴蝶持续10s,消失时为角色恢复5%的最大生命值。角色 成长型 Red
你的头上长出了一个小蘑菇妖。(人物形象会产生改变)随机获得两个 Red
后天气运中的一个。1.掉粉蘑菇:魅力-500,免伤+5%。2.暗香蘑菇:魅 成长型 Purple
力-500,灵力上限+10%。 成长型 Orange
成长型 Red
学秘籍时,需要消耗的时间减少10天 Purple
学习秘籍时,需要消耗的灵石减少80% Purple
学习秘籍时,需要消耗的心情减少80% Purple
修炼技能时,可额外获得100%的经验 Purple
道点+30 成长型,无需前置 Orange
道点+50 成长型,无需前置 Orange
道点+80 成长型,无需前置 Orange
道点+140 成长型 Red
道点+200 成长型 Red
道点+300 成长型 Red
道点+450 成长型 Red
道点+700 成长型 Red
道点+1000 成长型 Red
心情上限+50 Purple
健康上限+50 Purple
精力上限+50 Purple
悟性 +50 Purple
幸运+50 Red
成长型 Purple
在战斗中濒临死亡时,可获得一个70%体力的护盾,并在10秒内, 成长型 Orange
对敌人造成200%的反伤,当护盾值为0时会发生爆炸,对范围400的 成长型 Orange
战斗中濒临死亡时,立刻回复50%体力,并且移动速度提升25%,伤 成长型 Purple
战斗中濒临死亡时,立刻回复80%体力,并且移动速度提升25%,伤 成长型 Orange

害提升15%,技能冷却-20%,持续5秒(选择后替换潜能进阶,每场 成长型 Red
战斗中濒临死亡时,立刻遁入地下,且每秒回复10%体力,持续5秒 成长型 Purple
,遁地时会在原地召唤1个幻影,造成60的伤害,持续60秒(选择替 成长型 Orange
换金蝉无影) 成长型 Red
战斗中,灵力低于10%时,立即回复60%灵力(每场战斗触发一次) 成长型 Purple
战斗中,灵力低于10%时,立即回复100%灵力,并刷新所有技能的 成长型 Orange
冷却,在接下来的10秒内,所有技能冷却-30%(选择后替换灵能之 成长型 Red
战斗中,灵力不足时,可消耗体力来释放技能,消耗数值为灵力的4 成长型 Purple

战斗中,灵力不足时,可消耗体力来释放技能,消耗数值为灵力的3 成长型 Orange
倍,通过消耗体力释放的技能,伤害提升20%,冷却时间-20%(选 成长型 Red
灵力上限增加10% 成长型,无需前置 Purple
灵力上限增加20% 成长型,无需前置 Orange
灵力上限增加30% 成长型,无需前置 Red
体力上限增加10% 成长型,无需前置 Purple
体力上限增加20% 成长型,无需前置 Orange
战斗中,可分散灵力操纵一把魔剑自动攻击范围600内的敌人,造成 成长型,无需前置 Red
自身特长灵根数值的属性伤害,每次攻击消耗22点灵力,灵力不足 成长型 Purple
自身特长灵根数值的属性伤害,每次攻击消耗9点灵力,灵力不足, 成长型 Orange
魔剑无法行动,每当使用是技能消耗1点灵力,可在7秒内提升2点魔 成长型 Red
下次攻击时放出,碰撞到敌人后爆开,对范围250的敌人造成特长功 成长型 Purple
下次攻击时放出,碰撞到敌人后爆开,对范围250的敌人造成特长功 成长型 Orange
法数值伤害,并在地上留下持续10秒的血阵,持续对敌人造成伤害 成长型 Red
及对自身进行恢复,每秒回复60体力,凝聚血爪每秒消耗60点体力 成长型 Orange
成长型 Red
成长型 Orange
成长型 Red
普攻距离+10% 成长型 Purple
普攻距离+20%(选择后替换灵法入门) 成长型 Orange
普攻距离+30%(选择后替换灵法进阶) 成长型 Red
武技冷却时间减少10% 成长型 Purple
武技冷却时间减少25%(选择后替换武法入门) 成长型 Orange
武技冷却时间减少40%(选择后替换武法进阶) 成长型 Red

你在使用绝技时,有50%的概率召唤6颗雷球环绕自身,持续10秒。 Purple

After the 0.8 Updat



After the 0.8.2010 Update we have another 2 new bonuses



as of 0.8.4000 the haven chosen have element specific fates
as of 0.8.4032 players are supposedly allowed to get them(stated Orange
in changelog) but i cant seem to be able to do it
Spear Orange
Sword Orange
Fist Orange
Palm Orange
Finger Orange
Fire Orange
Water Orange
Wind Orange
Thunder Orange
Earth Orange
Wood Orange

Sect exclusive fates

700183 Orange
700182 Orange
700156 Red
700185 Orange
700137 Red
700155 Red
700140 Orange
700184 Orange
700160 Orange
700153 Orange
700162 Orange
700158 Red
700186 Orange
700157 Orange
700152 Orange
700159 Orange
700144 Orange
Russian translation will be made someday, someday, perhaps maybe

Witchcraft I*
Witchcraft II*
Witchcraft III*
Burning butt I*
Burning butt II*
Burning butt III*
Following bug I*
Following bug II*
Following bug III*
Following bug IV*
Mysterious shield I*
Mysterious shield II*
Mysterious shield III*
Jo's flying sword I*
Jo's flying sword II*
Jo's flying sword III*
Quick escape*
Fleeting beauty*
Commander of the dead I*
Commander of the dead II*
Commander of the dead III*
Havenly giant*
Warlord's phantom*
Emperor's legacy*
Blood Power I*
Blood Power II*
Blood Power III*
Respectable oponent*
Killer vibe*
Training partner*
Combat expertise(bare hand)*
Combat expertise(weapon)*
Combat expertise(wind/thunder)*
Combat expertise(earth/fire)*
Combat expertise(water/wood)*
Sword shadows I*
Sword shadows II*
Shield stance*
Shield stance II*
Starlight I*
Starlight II*
Burning jealousy*
Spiritual Fruit Gift*
Old but strong*
To the fullest*
Elixir recycler*
Fight and learn*
watch a person's every mood
natural essence*
Spirit Fusion I*
Spirit Fusion II*
Spirit Fusion III*
Spirit butterfly turns into a cocoon
Shroom power I*
Shroom power II*
Shroom power III*
Speed reading*
Efficient learning*
Motivated study*
Spark of genius*
Realization I*
Realization II*
Realization III*
Realization IV*
Realization V*
Realization VI*
Realization VII*
Realization VIII*
Realization IX*
Source of joy*
Physical fitness
Lucky star
Shield spirit I*
Shield spirit II*
Shield spirit III*
Hidden Potential I*
Hidden Potential II*
Hidden Potential III*
Burrow I*
Burrow II*
Burrow III*
Rain of energy I*
Rain of energy II*
Rain of energy III*
Blood energy I*
Blood energy II*
Blood energy III*
Energy Seed I*
Energy Seed II*
Energy Seed III*
Vitality Seed I*
Vitality Seed II*
Vitality Seed III*
Spiritual sword I*
Spiritual sword II*
Spiritual sword III*
Blood Claw I*
Blood Claw II*
Blood Claw III*
Energy essence I*
Energy essence II*
Vitality essence I*
Vitality essence II*
Enchanced spiritual skill I*
Enchanced spiritual skill II*
Enchanced spiritual skill III*
Martial skill specialization I*
Martial skill specialization II*
Martial skill specialization III*
Jo's here!*
Chicken king here!*
Lightning burst*
names with* are official translation as of game ver 0.8.4006
After the 0.8 Update we have 2 new bonuses

Wind burst*

Wood burst*

War drum*

Mirage Pot*

ver 08.3000 we have 5 more

Forge apprentice*
Forge master
Grandmaster Forger
Free spirit*

Wild desert blade

Shadowchase pill
King of Foxhill
Regained strenght, scatered elements
Transmuted strenght
Golden needle point
Fiery Bristle
Floating illusion
Quick wit
Lightning rumble
Virtue and acceptance
Medicine for everyone
Dipper Tail footwork
Unity of haven and Human
Concealed nirvana
Halberd Lightning Rod
The world together
Tiger's sprint dragon soul
Blade of havenly eye
Rolling World
Always someone better
Cold divine light
Murderous Rise
Karmic attraction
Earth shattering
Cloud piercing lightning
Alchemic Taoist Perfection
No Traces left on snow
Raging Flames
Russian translation will be made someday, someday, perhaps maybe

When attacking, there is a 10% chance of turning Effect the target into a harmless chicken for 10
(attack nearby units regardless of enemy or friend) for 10 seconds (it is invalid for big
become angryand immortal cultivators,
chickens (Attack after
nearby selecting
units it, it will
regardless replaceorthe
of enemy Introduction
friend to Hex)
for 10 seconds (it
is invalid for big monsters and immortal cultivators)
a 10%rear smoke, speed
probability of movement
of spraying a smelly+15%
revengein battle,
flame damage to your
at the source of back +10%
damage (choose to
replace burning chrysanthemum)
and there is a 10% probability that a thicker and longer revenge flame will be sprayed
toward the source of the damage (replace the red chrysanthemum)
Obtained a weird follower, very small and weak
Got a weird follower, normal, average
Obtain a weirdfrequency
and its attack follower, will a huge thief increased for 3,5s. Triggering this effect multiple
be greatly
times will stack its duration.(select
Your spiritual power is condensed into to replace
a shield, Following
which can Bug III) you resist enemy ballistic
to surrounding enemies with the addition of earth roots, and making the enemy's
Your shield speed
emits a-30% forshock
larger 3 seconds
wave, which can knock the enemy back and cause -25% of
the damage done for 8 seconds
automatically attack the enemy unit, causing(replace Zhongbao’s shield after
sword damage equalselection)
to the value of your own
special skill.
poison, stun, slow, burn, freeze, paralysis, lifesteal, knockback, loss of spiritual power,
sheath, and shoot silence
a large number of flying swords around, causing damage and random
effects to the enemy
When attacking, there is a 15% chance to throw a fireball at a random enemy, causing (70)
When damage
attacking, there is a 10% chance to release a column of water for 5 seconds, causing
(40) water
When you want damage per second
to steal items from a cultivator with a realm not lower than you, it will
surely succeed, but it will surely be discovered.
Other cultivators will like you more
Escape is always
Your escape successful
posture is very handsome. When you escape successfully, it will make the other
person have a great impression
After killing an enemy with a 10% ofprobability
you it will resurrect as your corpse puppet warrior
(there are at most 2 on the field)
After killing an enemy with a 10% probability it will resurrect as your corpse puppet warrior
or corplse
corpse puppet
puppet archerarcher(there
or corpseare at most
puppet mage 3 on the field)
(there are at 4most
after40.8.2008 update
on the field) 6 after
0.8.2008 update
When the magical powers (Ultimate) are released for the first time in the battle, a huge
a shieldwillthat beequals
at leastto30%
fightoffor you.max HP, and the unconsumed shield
is converted
flower stamina
At the after
end of the
thebattle is over
battle, if any flower monster survives, you will be

When dealing
dealing damage
damage to to an enemyinwithin
enemies 200,of
the range you canyou
320, drain
can7% of life
drain 12% of blood (14%
after 0.8.2008)
When dealing damage to an enemy within a range of 400, it can drain 17% of life. (21% after
When your HP is lower than 20%, you will become a combat madman (the damage taken is -
50%, the damage caused +100%, but will chase the enemy frantically, uncontrolled).
Whenwinning the battle with
you communicate withcultivator, the favorability
other immortal cultivators,gained
there greatly increased
is a chance that you will be
Gained experience increased by 30% during dual cultivation, and get an itemisafter
by the other party; the probability of you being attacked by monsters reduced
cultivation is completed
In battle, for all damage accumulated that equals 6% of your max HP, you can increase your
Theredamage by 1%,
is no need up tothe
to fulfill 100%
conditions for using the magical powers (Ultimate) of the Fist,
Palm and Finger skills
conditions for casting (only the restrictions on the magical powers that need to detonate
conditionsunits are the
(only lifted, and special
restrictions onunits will notpowers
the magical be generated)
that need to detonate special units
will be lifted, and special units will not be generated)
conditions (only the restrictions on the magical powers that need to detonate special units
will be lifted,
conditions andthe
(only special units will
restrictions onnotthebe generated)
magical powers that need to detonate special units
will be lifted, and special units will not be generated)
the sword box, releasing 6 sword shadows to automatically attack enemy units for 15
After hiting enemy 400 times, the next release of magical powers can summon the sword
being hit12 50sword
times, shadows to automatically
release magical attack enemy
powers (Ultimate) units forshields,
to generate 30 seconds
damage by 80% for 15 seconds (triggered once per battle)
damage by 90% for 30 seconds (replace normalization tactic after selection, and trigger 1
battle)take thunder attribute damage for 15 seconds (each battle can only be
triggered once)
damage from the thunder attribute for 30 seconds (replace star and the dust after selection,
every time you fight Can only be triggered once)
15% additional damage to the cultivator who has a Dao partner or a husband and wife
You will receive a spiritual fruit gift once a year
time +1youpoint of defense
consume every
a spirit yearyou can draw some aura from the spirit stone to
improve your cultivation
fighting of or
being discharged
competing withfromotherthe body within
cultivators, there10 is
seconds when taking
a 20% chance a pill a skill
of acquiring
of the opponent,
When which willwith
talking or discussing be triggered every 6 months
other cultivators, you can predict the answer that the other
party expects
When cultivating in theand
releasing stunts big supernatural
map, part of the physical,
powers, therespiritual,
is a 25%and mental
chance power is1 restored
to release
When releasingtime, stunts
the damage is 30% of thepowers,
and supernatural originalthere
skill damage
is a 25% chance to release 2
When releasing stunts and supernatural powers, there isskill
times, and the damage is 30% of the original a 25%damage
chance to release 3
additional times, and the damage is 30% of the original skill damage
character's health. This effect has only one effect per battle. (That is, the effect disappears
After cocooning)
death resurects you as shroom man, after the duration of shroom man expires you will
resume your normal
The mushroom demon apearance
spirit on and
yourskill set,
head hasworks onceto
a chance perthrow
battlea small mushroom to your
monster. when you attack,
If the little mushroommaking it stronger.
monster survives at the end of the battle, you will be
When learning skills, the time it takes is reduced by 10 days
When learning skills, the consumption of spiritual stones is reduced by 80%
When learning skills, the mood consumed is reduced by 80%
When practicing skills, you can get an additional 100% experience
Dao understanding points +30
Dao understanding points +50
Dao understanding points +80
Dao understanding points +140
Dao understanding points +200
Dao understanding points +300
Dao understanding points +450
Dao understanding points +700
Dao understanding points +1000
Maximum Mood +50
Maximum Vitality +50
Maximum Stamina +50
Comprehension +50
When+50 receiving fatal damage in battle, you can get a shield equal to 30% of your max HP,
can only
and within be10 triggered
seconds, once percause
it will battle200% damage to the enemy. Each battle can only be
within 10 once
seconds it will cause 200% damage to the enemy. When the shield value becomes
0, it will explode
When dying in a battle, and cause physical damage
immediately resurrecttowith
30% ofwithin
movement speed by 25% for 10 seconds (only triggered once
movement speed by 25%, and damage increases by 15% for 10 seconds (replaces potential per battle)
by 25%,selection,
increase only triggered
damage once skill
by 15%, per cooldown
battle) by -20%, last for 5 seconds (after
selection, the replaceces potential in advance,
When receiving fatal damage in battle, immediately escape and each battle
theonly be triggered
ground, once)
and restore 5%
of max HP per second for 5 seconds (triggered once per battle)
on the spot, causing (60) damage for 60 seconds (choose to replace Golden cicada return to
when it dies for (400) magic water damage (choose to replace the golden cicada phantom,
In battle,1 time
whenper thebattle)
MP is lower than 10%, immediately restore 60% MP (triggered once per
In battle, when the MP is lower than 10%, immediately restore 80% MP and refresh all skill
after 0.8.2008) (replaces Psychic
(replace raim, triggered
the psychic fountainonce afterper battle) every game The battle is
triggered once)
to castwhenskills the MP isisinsufficient,
damage increased by you can use after
15%(20% 5 times the HP (replace
0.8.2008) to cast skills
introduction to
blood spirit)
HP to cast skills damage is increased by 20% (25% after 0.8.2008) and cooldown is reduced
by -20% (replace advanced blood spirit)
Max MP +10%
Max MP +20%
Max MP +30%
Max HP +10%
Max HP +20%
Max HP +30%
attribute damage (attribute of your primary attack skill). Each attack consumes (22) spiritual
power, the
seconds (select magic sword
this advanced cannot move
level andif replace
you have the0 sword
MP. spirit entry) (Sword damage is
equat to 5% byof 20% after 0.8.2008)
damage it dealt (select this advanced level and replace the advanced sword
spirit) (Sword damage
enemy, causing special skill is increased
damageby to40% afterin
enemies 0.8.2008)
the range of 250. Condensing Blood Claw
enemy. The blood claw consumes (32) HP per second. Whenwhen
(17) HP per second, and will no longer condense HPisislower
the HP lowerthan
20% it will
the condense
HP is lower (replace
than 20%, the it blood sacrifice
will no longerentry after (replace
condense selection)advanced blood sacrifice
time you kill an enemy in the battle, there is a 15% chance of dropping a spirit, and
the spiritupcantherestore
spirit can
of max 1% MPof andmax MP the cooldown by 1 second of body skills
Every time(replace
you killinspect
an enemy spiritinafter
the selection)
battle, there is a 15% chance of dropping an Essence.
Picking up an Essence can restore 1% of
up an Essence can restore 1% of your
your max
max HP.HP and increase your movement speed by
30 points for 10 seconds (replace inspect vitality selection)
Basic attack distance +10%
Basic attack distance +20% (replace Distant Strike entry)
Basic attack distance +30% (replace advanced Distant Strike)
Martial arts cooldown reduced by 15% (god knows when it was buffed from 10 to 15)
Martial arts cooldown reduced by 25% (replace introduction to martial arts after selection)
When your artsphysical
cooldown reduced
strength by 40%
is less than(replace
30% in advanced
the battle,martial
there isarts after selection)
a certain probability of
getting help from the mysterious man Li Si.
When your physical strength is less than 30% in the battle, there is a certain probability of
getting help from Hexian.
When you use your stunt, there is a 50% probability that you will summon 6 thunderballs to
surround yourself for 10 seconds.
names with* are official translation as of game ver 0.8.4006
2 new bonuses

Every cast of RMB skill has 30% chance to cause a suction force drawing enemies
closer to you

Every 12 seconds summons a flower demon that lasts 7 seconds

Every 10 seconds spawns a drum near the enemy that has the highest HP. Drum
lasts for 5 seconds and does very rapid aoe damage (163) to nearby enemies, while
also giving you a 25 damage resistance buff when you are in its range.

Your movement speed is reduced by 15%, the damage you take from the back is
reduced by 15%. Every 12 seconds throws a random mob (or summon, not sure) into
the pot, you get further 15% damage reduction from the back and additional damage
reduction depending on mob type (10$ for small, 25% for medium, 30% for large),
damage reduction gained from throwing mobs in the pot lasts 10 seconds

for every equiped artifact increase maximum HP by 7%

increase artifact refining skill by 20, increase maximum divine sense by 500
increase artifact refining skill by 50, increase maximum divine sense by 2000
increase artifact refining skill by 100, increase maximum divine sense by 5000
allows artifact spirits to use skils without reiquirments
All enemies take damage that is 1% of their max HP per second (only 0.1% to boss),
and their touch
enemies speedthem,is reduced
-40%. golden
Lasts 60 seconds
core, scales with cultivation realm)
damage. Cooldown 120s
kisses turn enemies to frogs with -60agility, -60 rojectile ratio, and -60 reduced
current HP Effect
to put lasts 3s, over
shield cooldown 120s
all allies in the room. Shield value is equal to sacrificed
50%, all enemies in the room deal -80% Lasts
and is not affected by control skills. damage60 seconds, cooldown
and take +20% more120 seconds.
Chance 60s, cooldown
to trigger when 120s
there are multiple Cultivator teammates. Reduces damage
Dangkang, Cooldown 120s. deal
by -50% and all allies +20%Dangkang
(Feemale damage. Lasts
picks 60s,
up a cooldown 120s and
random enemy
returns to the
Within 40s lair, throwing
of activation, the enemy
1 bubbles out and
fall from thedealing
sky on ahigh damage.)
random location every 3s.
Enemies that touch the bubbles get wrapped up by them for 3s. Cooldown
medical team will appear with a stretcher to save the ally. The saved ally rejoins 120s the
battle after
damage 10 sally
to the andandrecovers 100% of
the enemies HP. range of 500 take 160(at foundation,
scales wuth
activates thisrealm) damage.
skill. Lasts 60 s,Cooldown
cooldown120s 1200s(altho i am pretty sure its 120 but
game says
reduced by 1200)
50% and all ally units receive effects of any Elixirs used. Lasts 60 s,
cooldown 1200s(same as above it should be 120)

if anyone finds fates that i missed pls pm me the screenshot or ping in ToI
discord server
stacked5 up seconds of casting
to 50 times. The motion
next timeskillRMB
damage taken
skill is used-50%
all celestial marks are used
up and each stack gives 1% damage increase
fixed at 15% and all enemies are frozen for 5s, Triggers up to 1 time every 50
damage, a stack of thundercall is used and lightning is sent to all enemies within a
Gainrange, dealing
invincibility 20(at
when onqitherefining,
verge ofscales
for realm) damage
2s, dealing damage to all enemies
that is 15% of their max HP. Triggered 1 time per battle
Dragon roar deals 50% of total Martial skill in damage. Tiger howl deals 50% of total
The minimum root indamage
by the up to 1 is
attack time per 2 seconds
changed to 260. The damage increases
with realm levels
fear in all units, dealing -20% damage. Max -60% damage, each stack lasting 10
While Ultimate skill is active, every 1s increases damage by 4% and reduces
When status takenends
by -4%.
afterThe effect
3s, the has a max
damage takenofis5released
stacks. as AoE damage and hits all
Each within
time thea 350 range.skill is triggered, all enemies take an increased 15% of
After every and50stuned
times for 5s, Cooldown
damage dealt, the40s attacks in the next 5s are guaranteed crits
and crit damage
Activates is increased
a link every 30s to theby enemy
with thewith realm).
highest HP.Cooldown 3s
50% of damage taken
by theevery
After player100is transfered
times damage to the target,
dealt, theLasts 10s.
attacks in the next 5s are guaranteed crits,
Cooldown 20s
Every 30 agility increases damage by 1%. Max increase of 30%
LMB damage increase by 25%
damage bymodifier
20% andofimune to damage
ult skills you cast every
by 50%,10severy time you cast ult skill
you also pay HP = to 10% of your max HP
Remarks Additional remarks
Growth Type LV1
Growth Type LV2
Growth Type LV3
Growth Type LV1 You DO NOT want to know what Chrysanthemum terrace means!
Growth Type LV2
Growth Type LV3
Growth Type LV1, Summon All Follover series growth trais had their low damage bug fixed
Growth Type LV2, Summon and also subsequently buffed their stats after 0.8.2008
Growth Type LV3, Summon
Growth Type LV4, Summon
Growth Type LV1 One small shield rotates around you
Growth Type LV2 Two small shields rotate around you
Growth Type LV3 Three small shields rotate around you
Growth Type LV1
Growth Type LV2
Growth Type LV3
Damage modifier scales with cultivation realm
Damage modifier scales with cultivation realm

The Ultimate Joestar family technique!

Its called tactical retreat with style!
Growth Type LV1, Summon
Growth Type LV2, Summon
Growth Type LV3, Summon
Summon may seem that the shield reset was fixed in recent versions but nobody
BLOOD SACRIFICE BONUS the HP drain while charging Blood Claw will

Growth Type LV1

Growth Type LV2
Growth Type LV3 Blade spin go brrr
When this bonus triggers you will not be able to controll your
character till the battle ends
Allows to cast ultimate abilities without having certain buffs but this
Allows will not ultimate
to cast summonabilities
Sword or Spear shadows
without by itself
having certain buffs but this
bonus will not summon Tornadoes or Lightning clouds by
Allows to cast ultimate abilities without having certain buffs itself
but this
bonus will not summon Boulders or Lingering flames by itself
Allows to cast ultimate abilities without having certain buffs but this
bonus will not
This bonus wassummon
in oneorofmana
recentlakes by itself
updates from now on its only
Growth Type LV1 Once per battle, damage scales with cultivation realm
This bonus was changed in one of recent updates from now on its only
Growth Type LV2 Once per battle, damage scales with cultivation realm
Growth Type LV1 Once per battle
Growth Type LV2 Once per battle
Growth Type LV1 Once per battle, damage scales with cultivation realm
Growth Type LV2 Once per battle, damage scales with cultivation realm

Muda, Muda,Muda,Muda! Its Useless!

Can become very OP, the longer you play the more use you can get from it especially on
every time you spend spirit crystals you gain cultivation experience
equal to 10% of spirit crystals spent

Every time you use absorb spirit option you restore a bit of HP, MP and
with finger secondary skills, restoring more health with blade skills,
Growth Type LV1 additional
with fingerstun triggerskills,
secondary chance for palmmore
restoring skills,health
summoning additional
with blade skills,
Golems, Mana
additional stun lakes, Plants,
trigger chance Thunder
for palmclouds,
skills, Lingering
summoning flames,
Growth Type LV2 with finger secondary skills, restoring more health with blade skills,
Golems, Mana
additional stunlakes,
chance Thunder
for palmclouds,
skills, Lingering
summoning flames,
Growth Type LV3
Golems, Mana lakes, Plants, Thunder clouds, Lingering flames,
Growth Type LV1, Summon
Growth Type LV2, Summon buff
Growth Type LV3
Instead of spending 15 days to read skill books you spend 5, zero use on higher difficultie

Is only availible at certain realms Muda, Muda,Muda,Muda! Its Useless!

Is only availible at certain realms Muda, Muda,Muda,Muda! Its Useless!
Is only availible at certain realms Muda, Muda,Muda,Muda! Its Useless!
Is only availible at certain realms Muda, Muda,Muda,Muda! Its Useless!
Is only availible at certain realms Muda, Muda,Muda,Muda! Its Useless!
Is only availible at certain realms Muda, Muda,Muda,Muda! Its Useless!
Is only availible at certain realms Muda, Muda,Muda,Muda! Its Useless!
Is only availible at certain realms Muda, Muda,Muda,Muda! Its Useless!
Is only availible at certain realms Muda, Muda,Muda,Muda! Its Useless!
Do not even bother with it as increasing max mood raise
Do not even bother with it, you never run out of
After you reach region 3 and have access to Pill furnace that has no energy used to make
Do not even bother with it if you have more then 100 on easy and co
Do not even bother with it if you have more then 100 on easy and co
DO NOT use this bonus together with Fist skills on older versions. Fist
Growth Type LV1 skills reset your shield HP so you will just be killing yourself as it only
Growth Type LV2 triggers Once per batttle. While the issue should have been fixed in
more recent versions you must take caughtion and never use it with
Growth Type LV3 blood claw bonus.
Growth Type LV1 Once per battle
Growth Type LV2 Once per battle
Growth Type LV3 Once per battle
Growth Type LV1 Once per battle
Growth Type LV2 Once per battle, damage scales with cultivation realm
Growth Type LV3 Once per battle, damage scales with cultivation realm
Growth Type LV1 Once per battle
Growth Type LV2 Once per battle
Growth Type LV3 Once per battle
Growth Type LV1
Growth Type LV2
Growth Type LV3
Is only availible at certain realms Its Useless!
Is only availible at certain realms
Is only availible at certain realms Depends on build
Is only availible at certain realms Its Useless!
Is only availible at certain realms
Is only availible at certain realms Depends on build, great for fist builds as shields scale with max HP
Damage of the summoned sword and its mana consumption scales
Growth Type LV1, Summon with yourofcultivation realm sword and its mana consumption scales
Damage the summoned
Growth Type LV2, Summon with yourofcultivation realm sword and its mana consumption scales
Damage the summoned
Growth Type LV3, Summon with your cultivation realm
Growth Type LV1 Damage modifier and hp consumption scales with cultivation realm
Growth Type LV2 Damage modifier and hp consumption scales with cultivation realm
Damage modifier, hp consumption and HP leech scales with cultivation
Growth Type LV3 realm
Growth Type LV1
Growth Type LV2
Growth Type LV1
Growth Type LV2
Growth Type LV1
Growth Type LV2
Growth Type LV3
Growth Type LV1
Growth Type LV2 Godly must have for every SPEAR/SWORD/BLADE/FI
Growth Type LV3
Massive AOE attack across the entire map, has a chance to trigger but
only Once
Massive perattack
AOE battleacross the entire map, has a chance to trigger but
only Once per battle
while it has good synergy with some skills but you will need to be and experience
text: Do not even bother wi

This flower demon is rather very

weak by itself but is perfect for while it has good synergy with some skills but you will need to be and experience
constant triggering "on summon" text: Do not even bother wi
and "on summon death" effects


Can be obtained from GC realm REALM as it would make the Most splendor bird Soul boss
advancement or above almost impossible to beat SOFTLOCKING your cultivation realm
at Nascent Soul

I tried it around but could not trigger its throw into pot buff, cant
Can be obtained from GC realm
really tell why tho. after you get this bonus you will get an azure
advancement or above
turtle shell on your back in combat

Crystalization or above Up to 35% max hp from 5 artifacts on hotbar, a new must have for fist shield deto
Growth lv1
This is something that may look like trash on paper but at just crystalization with b
Growth lv2 making road to soul formation rather trivial while also allowing to equip a lot of art
Growth lv3

Thats a lot of damage my friends, if the chosen also has "Old but
Strong", you are royally fkd

Death by snu-...

FFS they still continue to buff wind into unreasonable ways

1 wind chosen + 1 earth chosen + N lightning chosen is the

suicide squad

interesting bit of trivia, just because its the same sect does not
mean that a branch and headquarters will have the same
exclusive fate
the % damage of martial/spiritual roots depends on realm
example it will be 179% instead of 50% at enlightenment

this is the perfect fate for ult centric builds, cant belive its not red
its best paired with multy palm skills that have sh*t ton of
projectiles for very quick crit buff acumulation

the bootleg ver of Murderous rise

pretty good fate in the long run
Some more additional coments on what bonuses are good or just not
worth picking on different difficulties that are based on my personal
experience after 200+ hours of gameplay. A lot of them can be biased
so take it with a grain of salt
boses or npc tho. Very helpfull when dealing with large number of mobs
like in Turtle defence in region 2, first 2 rooms in Dao dungeons in
region 4, God conferrent ladder in region 3 or just any common
Instance dungeons in general. LV 3 of it has some insane crowd
There are many other sources of movement speed other then this
bonus so wasting a bonus on this is bad regardless of difficulty you play

A fairly expensive growth fate that needs 4 fates to showcase its

proves, in most cases its still not worth it

Can tank quite a bit of incoming damage coming from normal mobs and
has decent crowd controll unfortunately its mostly useless against many
bosses as later on the bosses start dealing mostly AOE attack rather
then projectile or single target, good for dao dungeons and turtle
Level 3 is incredibly
defencegood, as sword
but only at lv3,attack speed becomes
too unreliable imho faster the
more status effects it can inflick on the enemy and best part is that it
works even on bosses. A good bonus, the swords damage is not that
big but status effects on bosses make a very big difference on higher
Not that good but way better then water beam
Not good at all
steal can be amazing source of income in 1st to 4th regions, the
affection loss is negligible as long as you do not rob npc with:
Do not even bother with it
Helps to run away from npc fights but otherwise not much usefull so do
not waste time on this bonus
Do not even bother with it
the number of possible summons(boss distractions) has increased
since before but the summons made by this bonus are still so weak,
that wasting 3 levels for maximum of 6 summons is not worth it, If you
want to use a summon build go learn some Earth RMB skills and get
Quad Soul Simbiosis bonus
on higher difficulties it dies in ouple seconds so totaly not worth picking
While its a bad skill to use with common fist skills that give you shield its
It acts likeamazing to use
a "OH SH*T" it withhelping
button fist skills
youthat detonate
survive shield
but is very unreliable
Incredibly good bonus regardless of what element you are playing as it
one imho, not worth picking
gives you lifesteal on ALL DAMAGE as long as enemy hitbox center is
within its rang, has incredible sinergy with Blade skills that already give
you lifesteal and pretty much always have skill range within this bonus,
its also very good for fist skill builds due to range. IMHO taking at least
2 levels of this bonus is a must on hardcore or chaos difficulties (3-5)
with how "dumb" npc combat ai is you will most likely just die from
also has INSANE OP synergy with Turtle Guardian beast Soul
walking into a stun lock combo so its very bad on higher difficulties
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
not worth bothering on higher difficulties but a neat little boost to your
Incredibly and daowith
good synergy experience gainor+free
blade skills Bloodjunk from bonus
Demon npc can
A must have become a backbone skill
for Fist/Palm/Finger of any blade/fist
users build that want to
or beginers
start playing with such skills in general
A must have for Sword/Blade/Spear skill users or beginers that want to
A must have for start playing with
Wind/Thunder such
skill skills
users in generalthat want to start
or beginers
playing with
A must have for Earth/Fire such
skill skills
users or in generalthat want to start
playing withskill
A must have for Wood/Water suchusers
general that want to start
playing with such skills
becomes better and better on chaos (5th) in general
difficulty as boss hp
increases into the stratosphere and you need to hit them more and
more to kill. it also has great synergy with sword statue Ultimate skill
the once per battle make this very not worth it

the once per battle make this very not worth it

Do not even bother with it

Do not even bother with it
can get from it especially on chaos where every little bit of stat gain counts
Do not even bother with it
imho its not good but some people think its good
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
of additional skills that are cast from it only being 30% is a little, the
main feature of this bonus is to trigger as many special effects as
possible, like stacking 16 layers of internal emptines on a boss and then
The itcrits
for almost 10 seconds
in this game are so from detonating
inconsistent them with
especially just 1 RMB
on higher
difficulties that this bonus is not much use unless you are going
completely into a crit build
Good when using a summon build as at lv 2 it will start buffing the
sumons, do not bother with upgading it to Lv 3 as its very unreliable

, zero use on higher difficulties

Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it
ncreasing max mood raises the half mood debuff threshold
ith it, you never run out of vitality in my experience
t has no energy used to make pills effect this becomes pretty much completely useless
re then 100 on easy and completely do not bother on higher difficulties
re then 100 on easy and completely do not bother on higher difficulties
While its a bad skill to use with common fist skills that give you shield its
amazing to use it with fist skills that detonate shield but that would ruin
its purpose of being a reliable "OH SH*T" option

The reliable "OH SH*T" option, on chaos you really need to have one of
those to save yourself some nerves and keyboards but no more then 1

The reliable "OH SH*T" option, on chaos you really need to have one of
those to save yourself some nerves and keyboards but no more then 1
never run out of mana again and dont even bother with mana regen
pills, Lv 3 can be usefull on chaos to instantly refresh the cd on skills
but will need to be timed properly otherwise it would be a watse of
bonus. for chaos having 1 level of this can also be nice but do not force
good when paired with skills that already have cd reduction and spirit
cost reduction modifiers, great with blade builds or Blood Demon
Technique bonus, great synergy with Quad Soul Simbiosis bonus and
Dragon Guardian beast Soul
Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it

Do not even bother with it

Do not even bother with it
max HP
A decent damage option that can carry through 1-3 difficulty all by itself,
but be wary that this sword has low attack speed and its ai attacks the
nearest enemy
but be wary that this sword has HP cost to maintain on Lv 1 and 2 but
starts doing some crazy AOE lifesteal at Lv 3, DO NOT USE THIS
while charging Blood Claw will instakill you at the start of the battle

Do not even bother with it

Do not even bother with it

the range is such an etherial property in this game that i cannot even
gauge how usefull it might be


Do not even bother with it

Do not even bother with it
Do not even bother with it

need to be and experienced player to make good use of it so for those that read this
ext: Do not even bother with it

need to be and experienced player to make good use of it so for those that read this
ext: Do not even bother with it

I would not recomend picking it as it reduces your movement speed in

battle which is very important in higher cultivation realms

ust have for fist shield deto

at just crystalization with both, it will allow to use pills and spirit fruits from region 4
llowing to equip a lot of artifacts at a time etc
here is op combo made with this bonus on chaos difficulty made by @Q1N
Thanks to @Phàm Nhân Tu Tiên for finding the
War God synergy issue
Thank you @lawz for finding it

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