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Allyssa Mae D.

Nido March 3, 2022

12- ABM (AYALA) Week-3


IV. Evaluation

V. Essay on the how to conduct oneself inside the company/ business establishment during the Immersion

Professionally conducting oneself can assist us in improving some characteristics of our personality as professional
employees. In my Online Business which is the clothing line, this can help me in identifying additional and more
significant possibilities in the future when I might begin working on my ideal job. As a student, I recall practicing
punctuality when I was an Elementary student. My teacher said that we must maintain our attendance because it will
assist us in making excellent remarks. Making it a priority demonstrates our dedication and commitment to our work.
Being adaptable is also an essential aspect of how we behave at work. Leaving our comfort zone and adapting to
changes in our surroundings is one approach to gain insight into our strengths and shortcomings. I firmly believe that
being competitive is one way to stay motivated, not in relationships with others but with oneself. Prove that I can do
things that aren't my forte to become a better version of myself. Develop the ability to balance this to prevent affecting
other people. Persevere; not everything comes easily.

Another step that I experience due to years past as an Online seller is to be on my best behavior or adhere to proper
etiquette and behavior. Being professional at work entails both my actions and observing appropriate workplace
etiquette. This is the most significant aspect that could affect my professional name. Wearing a smile at all times can
help demonstrate happiness at work. Maintain my mental acuity. Maintain vigilance and concentration on my work.
Avoid becoming easily sidetracked and be productive. Let rid of unpleasant thoughts. If you're dedicated enough, you
can quickly complete this phase. People's first judgment of us is based on our physical appearance. This will be an
accurate reflection of our personality. We should dress neatly and follow the dress code imposed at our place of
employment. We can develop the maturity and professionalism necessary to deal with our challenges by learning from
our mistakes. We should think about and implement our lessons from our professional experiences. Each of us has a
greater opportunity for growth and change. Don't forget to assist others who are in desperate need. When your
coworker requires assistance, there will be occasions, so do not hesitate to lend it. In the workplace, teamwork is still
necessary to maintain things in order.

Work may be stressful. At times, we become tired and feel as though we must burst. Remember to keep our temper in
check to avoid disagreement with our coworkers. Maintain control of our emotions, as we may offend someone if we let
our emotions rule us. There is a great deal of brainwork going on at the workplace. As a result, we all stated and
exchanged numerous ideas and opinions to determine which aspects of the organization may be improved. We must be
receptive to their perspectives and suggestions. Most importantly, we must respect one another. Every worker needs to
be treated with dignity and respect, especially at work. When employees develop mutual regard for one another,
communication and collaboration can improve.
There are multiple ways to conduct ourselves at work. However, the initial processes were only a portion of it. Serve as a
role model for our coworkers. In this manner, they can mimic your small movements. Be a responsible employee, as
everything will be different than what students are accustomed to. Always pray to God and believe in your ability to

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