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Module 7,

Most Essential Learning Competencies

Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on a global level (S9ES-IIIf-30)

To the Learner
This module was specially designed to help you understand and apply the
lesson objectives. Read and follow the simple instructions as your guide.
1. Set a conducive learning space at home so you can focus on your studies.
2. Seek assistance from your parents or guardian to guide you in doing the
3. Takedown important concepts and list questions you would like to ask from
your teacher.
4. Reflect and apply the concepts that you have learned.
The Writer
In this module, you will describe how climatic phenomena occur on a global level.
Specifically, this module will help you to:
• Differentiate El Niño and La Niña phenomena;
• Explain the effects of El Niño and La Niña Phenomena on global climate; and
• Create a 15-minute infomercial on the mitigation of the effects of climate change to be
posted on social media.

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it
on the space provided before the number.

_____1. What is an El Niño?

A. The neutral phase of the ENSO cycle.
B. The average sea-surface temperatures that periodically develop across the east-central
equatorial Pacific.
C. The below-average sea-surface temperatures that periodically develop across the east-
central equatorial Pacific.
D. The above-average sea-surface temperatures that periodically develop across the east-
central equatorial Pacific.
_____2. What is the difference between El Niño and La Niña?
A. El Niño is the cool phase and La Niña the warm phase of the ENSO cycle.
B. El Niño is the warm phase and La Niña the cool phase of the ENSO cycle.
C. El Niño is the neutral phase and La Niña the cool phase of the ENSO cycle.
D. El Niño is the warm phase and La Niña the neutral phase of the ENSO cycle.
_____3. The following are the effects of El Niño EXCEPT
A. coral bleaching C. severe drought
B. increased crop yields D. wildfires
_____4. Which of the following is the effect of La Niña?
A. coral bleaching C. reduce crop yields
B. decreased cloud production and rainfall D. severe drought
_____5. Which of the following slogan shows awareness and information about climate
A. Only if we understand.. can we care. Only if we care.. will we help. Only if we
help.. shall they be saved.
B. Let’s nurture the nature so that we can have a better future.
C. There are more dangerous humans on earth than dangerous animals.
D. The time is past when humankind thought it could selfishly draw on exhaustible
resources. We know now the world is not a commodity.

Looking Back
Directions: Fill-in the blanks with the correct term being described in each number. Use the
words from the box below.

1. It is a natural heating process that occurs when certain gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap
heat. _______________________________________

2. It refers to the recent and ongoing rise in global average temperature near Earth’s
surface. _______________________________________

3. It refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended
period. _______________________________________

4. A gas in the atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared
range. _______________________________________

5. It refers to the average of all weather conditions of an area over a long period of time.

Brief Introduction
Over the last 50 years, there is stronger evidence that most of the warming observed is
attributable to human activities. Humankind’s increasing emission of greenhouse gases will
induce a long-term change in the world’s climate.
ENSO, which is short for El Niño-Southern Oscillation, is a recurring climate cycle that
occurs across the tropical Pacific Ocean, affecting global weather patterns and influencing the
probability of floods, droughts, heatwaves, and cold periods for different regions. El Niño and
La Niña, which are two effects of climate change, are the two extreme phases of the ENSO
cycle; between these two phases is a third phase called ENSO – neutral. The extreme phases
of the ENSO cycle, the warm El Niño, and cold La Niña phases alter atmospheric and oceanic
circulation, weather patterns, and extreme events, affecting human and natural systems around
the world. Each phase lasts between 9–12 months, and, on average, occurs every 2–7 years.
1. During El Niño, a Spanish term that represents “little boy”, trade winds weaken and
blow from east to west; and above-average sea-surface temperatures across the east-
central equatorial Pacific periodically develop. El-Nino prevents water from deep
within the ocean, which is rich in nutrients to come up, causes the fish in the ocean to
migrate further south. El Niño phenomenon usually starts between December to
February when the temperature reaches 0.5˚C or higher for at least “5 consecutive
overlapping 3-month seasons.
The surface waters of the Pacific Ocean become extremely warm from the International
Dateline to the west coast of South America. In Australia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia,
and the Philippines, higher-than-normal surface air pressures develop, producing drier
conditions or even droughts. Same in Hawaii, parts of Africa, and northeastern Brazil

and Colombia. Heavy rains and flooding are often produced when lower pressures
develop over the central and eastern Pacific, along the west coast of South America,
parts of South America, and southern parts of the United States in winter.
2. During La Niña, a Spanish term which represents ‘little girl’, trade winds strengthen,
the pool of warmer water is confined to the far western tropical Pacific, resulting in
warmer than usual sea surface temperatures in the region north of Australia. The sea-
surface temperature decreases of more than .5 degrees Celsius (.9 degrees Fahrenheit)
for at least five successive three-month seasons indicates a La Niña event. Sea surface
temperatures across the central and eastern Pacific Ocean become cooler than usual and
the thermocline moves closer to the surface – cool waters from the deep ocean are
drawn to the surface as upwelling strengthens. There is a decreased in cloud production
and rainfall in the central and eastern Pacific because of higher-than-normal pressure
in that region.

Activity 1
Objective: Differentiate El Niño and La Niña phenomena.
Directions: Fill-up the T-Chart below with information about El Niño and La Niña. Use the
statements found inside the boxes below.

sea surface temperature

the cooling phase of the El
Derived from the Spanish term which increases of more than 0.9°
Niño-Southern Oscillation
represents “little boy” Fahrenheit for at least five
successive three-month seasons
sea surface temperature
the warming phase of the El
Derived its name from the Spanish term decreases of more than 0.9°
Niño Southern Oscillation
which represents ‘little girl’ Fahrenheit for at least five
successive three-month seasons
westward-blowing trade winds weaken eastward-blowing trade winds It is laden with high air surface
along the Equator strengthen along the Equator pressure in the western Pacific.
Reduced upwelling of
Enhanced upwelling of nutrient-rich It contains low air surface
nutrient-rich water leading to
water leading to more fish pressure in the eastern Pacific
less fish
It is warmer than normal sea-surface It has a great impact on the
Winters are wetter and cause
temperatures. It is a warming of the season pattern because it makes
above-average precipitation
Pacific Ocean between South America warmer and drier than average
across the Northwest of the
and the International Date Line, centered in the Northwest of the Pacific
pacific and drier and below
directly on the Equator, and moves during winters and wetter in the
average precipitation in
towards several degrees of latitude to Southwest of the Pacific and
Southwest of the Pacific.
either side of the equator. experiences reduced snowfalls.
It is cooler than normal sea-surface
temperatures. It originated when cooler the warm pool of water moves the warm pool moves westward,
than usual ocean temperatures occur on eastward, and the slope of the and the slope of the thermocline
the equator between South America and thermocline flattens steepens
the International Date Line.

El Niño Phase La Niña Phase


Objective: Explain the effects of El Niño and La Niña Phenomena on global climate.
Directions: Complete the graphic organizer below. Choose the lists of words or phrases inside
the boxes below the different effects of El Niño and La Niña. You may add more rectangles.

Catastrophic floods High risk of forest and grass fires

Grow crops in mountainous areas
Coral bleaching and those areas that are unreachable
by irrigation
Severe tropical storms and hurricanes Reduced rainfall

Formation of more tropical cyclones Massive drought

Increased rainfall Reduce crop yields



Activity 3

Objective: Create a 15-minute infomercial on the mitigation of the effects of climate change
to be posted on social media.

In response to the effects of climate change, you are tasked to have an information drive
to increase awareness and educate your fellow students about the impacts and how to reduce
the effects of climate change. You may refer to the block diagram indicating primary causes
and wide-ranging effects, including feedback, of global warming and climate change.

RCraig09, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

refer to
the rubric Missing Poor Fair Good Excellent
below as (1 pts) (2 pts) (3 pts) (4 pts) (5 pts)

Audience Audience Student Student Student

cannot has presents presents presents
understand difficulty information informatio information
the following but the n in a in a logical,
presentation the sequence is logical interesting
because presentation not logical, sequence sequence
there is no because making it which which the
sequence of student hard for the audience audience can
can follow. follow.

information jumps audience to
. around. understand.

Content is Content is Student is Student is Student

missing and weak. Facts uncomfortabl at ease demonstrates
student did are e with with full
not do inaccurate. information; content and knowledge of
research. Student however, the has an easy the topic and
should have message can flow within engages the
research in be heard. the audience
more depth. message. with

Unable to Student Student's Student's Student uses

hear student mumbles, voice is low. voice is a clear voice
and incorrectly Student clear. and correct,
information pronounce incorrectly Student precise
goes terms, and pronounces pronounces pronunciatio
missing. speaks too terms. most words n of terms.
quietly for Audience correctly. Student is
the viewing members Most enthusiastic.
audience to have audience All viewing
hear difficulty members audience can
hearing can hear hear without
with little effort.

Length 1-2 minutes 3-5 minutes 8 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes.

Student is Student is Student Student Student

unable to unable to explains explains explains the
explain explain commercial the content content,
n content of commercial but does not and makes makes eye
the . make eye eye contact and
commercial contact and is contact. keeps the
and doesn't hard to audience’s
present. understand. attention.

El Niño – a condition occurs when abnormally warm waters accumulate in tropical latitudes
of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean associated with a weakening of the low-level easterly
ENSO - El Niño-Southern Oscillation, is a recurring climate cycle that occurs across the
tropical Pacific Ocean
Extreme event - an event that is rare within its statistical reference distribution over a certain
period of time (e.g. rainfall over a season, frequency of floods, droughts)
La Niña - a condition occurs when cooler-than-average waters accumulate in the central and
eastern tropical Pacific, associated with a strengthening of the low-level easterly winds over
the central tropical Pacific. Heavy rainfall occurs over Indonesia and Malaysia.
Mitigation - an intervention aimed at reducing the severity of climate change by controlling
emissions of greenhouse gases and/or enhancing carbon sinks.
Sea surface temperature - refers to the temperature of the water at the ocean surface.
Thermocline - refers to the boundary between the cold deepwater and the warm upper layer.
It is a layer of water in which there is an abrupt change in temperature separating the warmer
surface water from the colder deep water.
Upwelling - is a vertical motion of water. When wind or currents displace water at the surface
of the ocean, water from deeper in the ocean is drawn up to replace the displaced water. Deep
water is generally cooler and richer in nutrients than surface water so upwelling is important in
supporting productivity in the oceans of the world.

Check Your Understanding

Direction: Answer the following questions.
1. What is the difference between El Niño and La Niña?

2. What are the global effects of El Niño and La Niña? Briefly explain your answers.

3. What can you contribute to mitigating the impact of climate change?

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it
on the space provided before the number.

_____1. Which of the following best describes El Niño?

A. It is the unusual warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
B. It is the unusual cooling of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
C. It is the usual warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
D. It is the usual cooling of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
_____2. What is La Niña?
A. The neutral phase of the ENSO cycle.
B. The average sea-surface temperatures that periodically develop across the east-central
equatorial Pacific.
C. The below-average sea-surface temperatures that periodically develop across the east-
central equatorial Pacific.
D. The above-average sea-surface temperatures that periodically develop across the east-
central equatorial Pacific.
_____3. Which of the following is the effect of El Niño?
A. Catastrophic floods C. Increased crop yields
B. Increased cloud production and rainfall D. Severe tropical storms and hurricanes
_____4. What are the effects of La Niña?
A. I, II and III I. Catastrophic floods
B. II, III and IV II. Decreased cloud production and rainfall
C. I, II and IV III. Increased crop yields
D. I, III and IV IV. Severe drought
_____5. Which of the following slogan shows awareness and information about climate
A. Climate change is an economic, public health, and environmental issue that we
have a moral responsibility to address.
B. If you want to live a few more years, start doing it today to save Environment.
C. There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares
D. We have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation.

Let’s reflect on your learning journey about La Niña and El Niño by completing the table

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