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Title: Kwentong Jollibee Kahera

Definition: It’s all about the love and support of grandmother who always visit her grandchild on
her workplace.
The communication process starts from the attendee who asked order on her costumer
which is her grandmother. The old lady give corrections on the proper pronunciation and gestures
she should placed on in faced costumer. The next day the lady applied those words she received
from her grandmother. Her grandmother entered the fast-food chain and order a food, the lady
replied her with the application of the given suggestion. After, the grandmother received her order
she turned back and in just a second she raised her hand by an okay sign.
The Attendee is the speaker who channel her message by the greetings and the old lady her
prospect receiver. Who gives feedback by words of enhancement. In return the attendee applied
those words and later on the old lady were satisfied on the performance given by the latter.

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