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Bacoor Campus

Department of Management Studies

A Market Research Paper on:

Impulsive Buying Behavior of Consumers through Online Shopping during Pandemic
in Bacoor Cavite

Submitted to:

Mr. Emmanuel P. Paulino

In partial fulfillment of the course

Market Research

Submitted by:





22 January 2021

This study aims to determine the impulse buying behavior of a consumer in todays
pandemic through online shopping. This research carried out among the consumers who
shop online in the midst of pandemic in Bacoor Cavite. A structured questionnaire is used to
collect data from the respondents of sample size of 80. Researchers use Google Form as
their primary tool to gather data. Findings shows that the Consumers buying behavior is
neutral, even they facing a pandemic situation they can manage and adjust their behavior
when it comes buying through online. Influencing reveals that it is not all sub-variables
affects them to buy impulsively. Consumers tend to buy in online shopping because of the
conveniency and benefits it offers that attracts the consumers to buy. This study will
recommend to the future researchers as a related study. With this study, this will help the
researchers to study the buying behavior of a consumer especially in this kind of event and
also to help them to know influencing factors that affects the consumer buy impulsively.


During this pandemic there're several affected businesses that cannot be negotiated
through face to face and went down. People are at home quarantined which is mandatory to
avoid spreading the virus. The internet and mobile devices, as instant tools, favor impulsive
purchases. Through social media and any other platform of online shops there is an
adjustment of interaction between consumer and seller. During this crisis some consumers
prioritize their wants instead of their needs. Impulse buying has become a more regular
concurrence in today’s society because of how shopping is more blended with regular life.

As we can see, some consumers buy sales discounts, grabbing an opportunity to have
that certain product and most of them don't even think if those products they bought is one of
their needs or its just because of the sale discount. During this crisis consumers have
modified their consumption and purchase habits. It's evident that many consumers have had
to test e-commerce as a result of this crisis, and they've likely realized how comfortable and
safe it is for them.

Our purpose is to determine the reason why consumers buy impulsively and to
completely understand the impact of influencing factors to the impulse buying behavior of a
consumer. Aside from determining the factors why they buy impulsively, we would like to
form this research as a message that transports information towards the positive and
negative effects by nurturing this kind of behavior.

This study will help the marketers about the idea of this behavior of the consumer in
terms of relevant consumer traits and influencing factors to the consumer to buy impulsively.
This study will determine the consumer impulsiveness if it is caused by the pandemic crisis
and sales discount in any platform of online shopping.

Research Objective

The researchers expect to determine the impulse buying behavior of a consumer in

purchasing decisions and to determine an influencing factor to the consumer that affects
them to buy impulsively through online shopping during this pandemic.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study "Impulsive buying behavior of consumers through online
shopping during pandemic in Bacoor Cavite" specifically, sought to answer the following

What is the profile of the consumers in Bacoor, Cavite in terms of:

a. Age
b. Gender
c. Income
What is the level of impulse buying behavior and variety seeking in purchase decision in
terms of:
a. Consumer Impulsiveness
b. Self-Monitoring
c. Optimum Stimulation Level
What are the influencing factors to the consumer buying impulsively in terms of:
a. Product characteristic
b. In-stores stimulation
c. Flash Sales (Time-Limited)
d. Post-Pandemic

Review Related Literature Synthesis

It is also a matter of intuition to purchase new goods, but customers who find out the
details about the outside world in an intuitive way also prefer to buy new products based on
temptation (Dittmar2005). Xiao and Nicholson (2013) note that impulsive purchase is one of
the many topics in marketing and consumer behavior that have generated enormously
conflicting results in previous research. Earlier studies, addressing consumer behavior crisis
influences, suggested that consumers adapt their consumption to the conditions that reduce
materialism and overall spending (Rindfleisch, Burroughs, & Denton 1997; Roberts, Manolis
& Tanner Jr 2003;Sneath, Lacey & Kennett-Hensel 2008).

Impulse buying was described by Rook and Fisher (1995) as a consumer trend that
leads to buying behavior in various circumstances spontaneously and unexpectedly.
Impulsive buying behavior is typically referred to as an easy, convincing and hedonically
complex buying behavior that does not require contemplating alternative options and current
information carefully (Parboteeahetal.,2009)..

According to Rook, Impulsive buying behavior, which means a consumer experiences a

sudden, often powerful, and persistent urge to buy something immediately, is the main focus
on research on consumer behavior and marketing activities, In the succeeding paragraph Li
and Jing (2014), have said that Scholars first paid attention to consumer impulse buying 60
years ago when they focused on the definition of impulsive buying behavior (Li, 2015)

The definition of the Optimal Stimulation Level was simultaneously introduced in

psychological literature, according to researchers in Hebb & Leuba (1955). In their studies,
they argued that each organism, whether animal or human, prefers certain stimulation
known as its Optimum Stimulation level. Although individual behavior for McReynolds in
1971 is affected by the intrinsically driven urge to reach a particular degree of stimulation,
called the 'optimal level of stimulation.' OSL is a personality trait that refers to the amount of
stimulation that people prefer in life (Sapra & Mor, 2012)

Self-monitoring can be defined as a fundamental behavioral self-control skill related to

monitoring positively valued behaviors that one is encouraged to increase, and negatively
valued behaviors that one is encouraged to decrease (Piwek, Joinson, & Morvan, 2015).

According to Verplanken (2001), from the point of view of the company, it is valuable to
simultaneously hit several senses of the user. Such success leads to a better consumer
experience and thereby enhances the ability to distinguish the brand and accomplish
something that appeals to the customer. In addition, an in-store experience may have a
greater effect on if the consumer's mind thinks the sound, the presence of the product and
the overall environment in the store are in symbiosis, the consumer's mind (Peck & Childers

Mattila and Wirtz (2008) found that, coupled with social effects, customer stimulation in
the retail environment promotes impulsive purchasing activity. Style in the store should not
be taken into account in its isolation, but in combination with friendliness and perceived
crowding of the contact workers. A highly stimulating and friendly store atmosphere leads to
a rise in consumer impulsive shopping, as enthusiasm appears to decrease the ability of
consumers to evaluate their behavior consciously. (Virvilaite et al. 2012)

Flash sales are time-limited sales that are used to promote impulsive shopping most
frequently in e-commerce. The shopper has to make a fast decision, created by an enticing
offer but limited in time, if he or she does not want to miss the opportunity. Flash sales work
very well, particularly when people are willing to spend more cash in particular seasons.
Goldman (2020).

Changes in consumption arise as a result of reactions to life events and psychological

and financial pressures, according to Mathur et al. (2008). Consumers adapt their
consumption to current conditions, reducing materialism and spending overall (Rindfleisch,
Burroughs & Denton 1997; Roberts, Manolis & Tanner Jr 2003; Sneath, Lacey & Kennett-
Hensel 2008). In general, the consumption of luxury goods is significantly affected by the
crisis, while it is less affected by the purchasing of necessities. In addition, customers tend to
be less materialistic during unpredictable times, switching from established brands to generic
brands and buying in bulk (Ang, Leong & Kotler 2000), as well as fixing and maintaining stuff
themselves instead of buying the service or a new product (Milanova 1999).

Online shopping is an important model in e-commerce (LiuandGuo,2008). In the early

pandemic, this crisis consumers have modified their consumption and purchase habits.
Many consumers have had to test e-commerce as a result of this crisis, and they have likely
realized how comfortable and safe it is for them.(Goldman 2020)

Conceptual Framework

Consumer Self- Product In-

Impulsiveness Monitoring Stimulation StoresStimulat

StimulationLev Post Flash Sales
el Pandemic (Time-Limited)

Consumer Buying

Significance of the Study

The researcher believes that this research would be beneficial to these individuals:
For Students: to become more aware in terms of using their money wisely and must
not depend on the trend online in accordance with their buying perception.

For Consumers: to become more aware of choosing what they need and not they
want for their own sake that using money and buying impulsively may become their habit
and lose their control when they encounter the trends and fads on these days.
For the Future researchers: the result of this study can serve as a basis for the
further study and learning activities.


Research Locale and Sampling

In this quantitative research we’re assigned to conduct our research along-side the
Bacoor vicinity. And for our corresponding respondents and with the use of convenient
sampling, they’re characterized as individuals who constantly buying through online
shopping platforms. And lastly, for our sample size we agreed to have 80 respondents.

Time frame of the study

  This study entitled “Impulsive buying behaviour of consumers through online shopping
during pandemic in Bacoor, Cavite” covered the consumer as the respondents. The
researchers started their research from March 2020 up to December 2020.


The researchers used Likert Scale (5-point scale) questionnaire with a style of Partial and
Informal. The questionnaire has an item containing a demographic profile of the respondents
and variable questions that are divided into sub-variables. It is answerable by checking into a
column/box with attitude statements that asked for their level of impulsiveness in purchase


First, the researchers construct a research problem and research objective about the
topic we want to propose and produce a title that will state the general problem and specific
problem that will answer through the results of the study. The researchers study the review
literature to know what information is needed to gather and then validate their framework to
their professor. Researchers make a questionnaire using Likert Scale in the style of Partial
and Informal and the items contain variables that are divided into sub-variables. We ensured
that the instructions were clear. The Researchers will conduct the study to the 80
respondents and the questionnaire will distribute through Google Forms. Then analyze the
data collection and will report or compile data.

Statistical Tools per SOPs

The statistical tools that we are going to use for specific problems are frequency
table, means or average table. We’re using a frequency table, and means or average table
to analyze categorical data and for screening data for data entry errors.

SOP NO.1 Profile of the respondents

Researchers used the tool Frequency table method in acquiring the outcome of the
study. The frequency of a particular data value is the number of times the data value occurs.
A percentage is another way of expressing a proportion. A percentage is equal to the
proportion times 100.

The formulas obtain the frequency and percentage are as follows:

P = f X100/ N


P = percentage for a category

f = frequency or number of response per category

N = total number of respondents

The percentage and frequency were used in obtaining the results of the profile of the
respondents, which includes the following: age, gender and income.

SOP NO. 2 Level of Impulse Buying Behavior

In this study mean was used to measure central tendency or the weighted average of
the responses. Mean can prove to be an effective instrument when comparing set of data.
Means is also to attenuate the average and the sum of a set data over by the number data.

The formula used or the weighted mean as it follows:


Mean = sum of the values/ number of the values

Where: X = Mean

∑ x = sum of the values

N = number of values

SOP NO. 3 Influencing factors

The researchers used the mean in order to acquire the average of factors that
influence the consumer to buy impulsively. The mean expected value or average is the
central value of a discrete set number, specifically the sum of the value divided by the
number of values.

The formula used for the Mean is as follow:

M= sum of the terms/ number of terms

M = X/Y

Where: M = Mean

X = sum of the terms

Y = number of terms

The computed Average Mean was expressed into the corresponding verbal interpretation.

Interpretation of Mean values

In this table, it shows how the gathered data will be interpreted with their corresponding
range of mean values.

Range of mean values Interpretation

4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree
3.40-4.19 Agree
2.60-3.39 Somewhat Agree
1.80-2.59 Disagree
1.00-1.79 Strongly disagree
Chapter III

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the presentation and discussion of the data obtained from the
Eighty Respondents (80) through questionnaires followed by an analysis and interpretation
of data.

1.Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

Table 1
Frequency and Percent Distributions of the Respondents
according to Age
Category Frequency Percentage
15-20 years-old 59 74%
21-25 years-old 19 24%
26-30 years-old 1 1%
31-35 years old 1 1%
Total 80 100%

In this table, it shows that the age ranging 15 to 20 years old has the highest
percentage with 59 respondents or 74%. While the respondents with the age of 21-25 holds
the 24% or 19 individuals. And lastly, respondents with the age of 26-30 years old only got
1%, same for an individual who is 31 years old-above that also gain 1% in total.

1.2 Gender

Table 2
Frequency and Percent Distributions of the Respondents
according to Gender
Category Frequency Percentage
Female 62 77%
Male 18 23%
Total 80 100%

For this table, it clearly shows that the majority of our respondents are
females. 62 females or 77% of the total. Out of 80 respondents18 of them are males that
holds the 23%.

1.3 Average Income

Table 3

Frequency and Percent Distribution of the Respondents

according to Average Income

Category Frequency Percentage

100 – 900 pesos 45 56%
1000 – 5000 pesos 18 24%
6000 – 10000 pesos 9 11%
11000 – 15000 pesos 7 8%
16000 pesos and above 1 1%
Total 80 100%

In this table, 45 respondents claims that they have monthly income ranging to
100-900 pesos, and it holds the majority of total percentage which is 56%. While 18 or 24%
of the total respondents declares that their average income is ranging to 1000-5000 pesos.
And out 80 respondents 9 of them stated that they have the average income of 6000 to
10000 pesos, and it holds the 11% of the total percentage. While 7 respondents said that
their average income is 11000 to 15000 that covers the 8% of the total. And lastly, a single
person who’s earning 16000 pesos and above.
2. The level of impulse buying and variety seeking in purchase decision.

2.1 Consumer Impulsiveness

Table 4

Level of Impulse Buying and Variety Seeking in purchase decision in terms of

Consumer Impulsiveness

Items Mean Interpretation SD

I like to indulge myself by buying things for 3.01 Somewhat Agree 1.02
I like to make planned decisions when
3.84 Agree 1.15
buying goods.

I have my self-control when it comes to

hoarding essential products and 3.71 Agree 1.13
sell online/offline.

The table above shows that consumers agree on making planned decision when
buying goods and have a self-control when it comes in hoarding essential products and sell
online/offline. Some consumers are Somewhat agreed in indulging their selves by buying
things for purchase. In this table shows that consumers impulsiveness in making a planned
decision when buying a goods and has self-control in hoarding an essential product to sell in
the middle of pandemic. Also, consumers are somewhat agreed in indulging their selves in
buying things in purchase.

2.2 Self-Monitoring

Table 5
Level of Impulse buying and Variety seeking in purchase decision in terms of

Items Mean Interpretation SD

I have found that I can adjust my behavior to meet the

requirements of any situations I find myself in.
3.56 Agree 1.07
Once I know what the situation calls for, it’s easy for me to
regulate my actions accordingly.
3.56 Agree 1.06

In crisis situation, I can adjust and change my behavior if I felt

3.44 Agree 1.16
that the product will be sold out immediately.

Table 5 states that most of the consumers are Agree in founding out that they
can adjust their behavior to meet any requirements and change their behavior if they
felt that the product will be sold out immediately especially in today’s pandemic
situation it’s easy for them to regulate their actions in what the situation is. According
to the results, consumers are self-monitored especially in pandemic situation that
they faced in.

2.3 Optimum Stimulation Level

Table 6
Level of Impulse Buying and Variety Seeking in purchase decision in terms of
Optimum Stimulation Level

Items Mean Interpretation SD

I like taking risks on the products that’s been served in 2.60

the publicwithout having experience on it.
Somewhat Agree 1.21

I like to try new products, especially if it’s sale or on a

cheap price
2.85 Somewhat Agree 1.25

When things got boring, I tend to visit online shops. 3.41 Agree 1.40

The table shows that most of the consumers are somewhat agree in taking
their risk on the products that is been served in the public without having experience
on it and trying new products especially if its sale or on a cheap price. Some
consumers are agreed that when they are bored, they tend to visit online shops.

3.Influencing factors for the consumers buying impulsively

3.1 Product Characteristics
Table 7
Influencing Factors to the Consumers buy Impulsively in terms of Product

Items Mean Interpretation SD

3.33 Somewhat agree

The brands that are more appealing bring a symbolic value. 1.18

I choose cheapest product. 3.21 Somewhat agree 1.25

I see the high quality of a product through their

3.29 Somewhat agree 1.25

The table shows that most of the consumers are somewhat agree in terms of
buying product that can be hook their attention in a small thing like packaging and it’s
also the product inside. They also preferred the cheap price product but also have a

3.2 In-store Stimulation

Table 8
Influencing Factors to the Consumers buy Impulsively in terms of
In-store Stimulation

Items Interpretation SD
I like to check any recommendations and review of a
product or services by a friend.
3.95 Agree 1.18

I like to check and evaluate the posted photos from the 1.17
respective buyer.
4.09 Agree

I easily persuade of my friend to navigate or find what I want

to buy.
3.04 Somewhat agree 0.97

The table shows that most of the consumer agrees, consumers are more
likely to be attracted to the reviews they seen in other buyers of its product. They
also believe what their friend says because they also tried it.

3.3 Flash sales (Time Limited)

Table 9
Influencing Factors to the Consumers buy Impulsively in terms of
Flash Sales (Time Limited)

Items Mean Interpretation SD

I have found that flash sales give discounts. Agree 1.05

I think flash sales is more convenient. 3.23 Somewhat agree 1.03

I have found that flash sales had a limited quantity. 3.44 Agree 1.04

The table shows that most of the consumer agrees that flash sales give
discounts with a limited quantity. They also taking risk in what in flash sales because
they know in flash sale are there’s a lot of product that are cheapest in its regular
price and have a quality product, and they know also that it is in running out of stock.

3.4 Post Pandemic

Table 10
Influencing Factors to the Consumers buy Impulsively in terms of Post

Items Mean Interpretation SD

I feel safe buying through online because of the pandemic 3.44

crisis that we experience today.
Agree 1.10

I acknowledge that buying online this pandemic is helpful for

3.59 Agree 1.11

I actually keep purchasing on the online item this post-

pandemic on the chance that they have great services.
3.44 Agree 1.08

The table shows that most of the consumer agrees that they see the online
shopping are more helpful and safe to buy during this pandemic. They think that
purchasing online have a great service. It is a good way to buy online this pandemic,
all of the products that they need can be seen online.
Conclusion and Recommendation


Consumer Impulsiveness is somehow part of the consumer buying behavior and

affects their buying decisions, in that case, we researchers conduct a research that focuses
on the factors that affects the buying behavior and decisions of consumers to buy
impulsively. As we observe on today’s events and situation, it clearly shows that the
widespread of pandemic affects the buying decision and behavior of consumers in terms of
online shopping and it turns out as we conduct our research, we tend to see impulsive
buyers differs in factors that affects them. We come up in these terms, measure the level of
their impulse buying and variety seeking decisions and also the influencing factors for the
consumers to buy impulsively. And as per data said, it shows that the level of their impulse
buying behavior and variety seeking decisions varies in different aspects. For the results, it
reveals that their answers fall only on agree and somewhat agree meaning to say it is
neutral. For the influencing factors it is same as the result for the first variable, it is neutral.
For many researchers, impulsive purchase is always referred as unplanned purchase
(Jeffrey & Hodge, 2007; Tinne, 2010). There are four characteristics to further explain
impulsive purchase. First of all, impulsive purchase is unplanned purchase in which people
decide to purchase goods without any plans in advance. Secondly, impulsive purchase is a
result of exposure to the stimulus in which people purchase impulsively is triggered by the
external stimulus such as the design of the good or the price of the good. Thirdly, impulsive
purchase is an immediate nature of behavior in which people purchase without considering
the information search, alternative evaluation and consequences of making purchase.
People purchase goods is the result of sudden and powerful urge or desire that forces them
to purchase immediately. Last but not least, impulsive purchase causes people to
experience emotional or cognitive reactions such as guilt. However, some studies have
reported that impulsive purchase could be the lack of reflection as well (Tinne, 2010;
Madhavaram &Laverie, 2004; Muruganantham&Bhakat, 2013).

Therefore, we conclude that after conducting our quantitative research it reveals that the
impulsive buying behavior of consumers in midst of pandemic is neutral or in between of
buying impulsively and buying for necessities as we perform data gathering for 80
respondents. And for the influencing factors it also reveals that it is not all sub-variables
affects them to buy impulsively but they tend to buy in online shopping because of the
conveniency and benefits it offers that attracts the consumers to buy.

This research is primarily recommended for future researchers that will conduct same
research as ours, or will serve as their reference on the topic of impulse buying behavior of
consumers. For online sellers, a basis of perceptual and cognitive reference on how a
consumer behave on a particular event especially in a midst of pandemic. On the other hand
some online stores will predict how to strengthen their approach, how to affect their
customers more on purchasing impulsively, making the shop more special and interesting. In
addition, to drive shopper habit preferences through channel, they can add differentiated
product offerings, attractive price points and unique promotions and advertising.


Goldman, A. (2020, september 23). Impulsive Shopping and Post-Pandemic Consumer

Behavior. Retrieved from
Legaspi, J. L., Galgana, I. L., & Hormachuelos, C. (2016, July 22-23). IMPULSIVE BUYING
Ling, L. P., & Yazdanifard, R. (2015). What Internal and External Factors Influence
Impulsive. Globals Journal Inc.
Modin, Z., & Smith, Q. (2020). Impulsive buying behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Retrieved from
Verdon, J. (2020). Will Coronavirus Drive Permanent Shifts in Shopping Behavior? Retrieved


Dear Respondents,

Good day! With the permission granted from our professor and by using convenient
sampling we ended up choosing you as our respondents for our quantitative research
entitled "The Impulsive buying bahaviour of consumers through online shopping during
pandemic in Bacoor Cavite". With your cooperation, we ensure the confidentiality of your
answers. Thank you and have a good day!

Yours truly,

Manlangit, Abbygail A.

Almonia Jr. Cesar

Barbacena, Nicole

Mutya, Ruffa May

Reboquio, James Cedrick

Ronquillo, John Czedrick

I. Demographic profile
A . Age C. Average Income/Monthly
15-20 years old 100 – 900 pesos
21-25 years old 1000 – 5000 pesos
26-30 years old 6000 – 10000 pesos
31-35 years old 11000 – 15000 pesos
35 years old and above 16000 pesos and above

B . Gender

Instructions: The following questions below aims to determine the impulsiveness

behavior of consumers. Please put a ( ) on a column/ box that corresponds with
your answer and would best indicate how
1- Strongly Disagree; 2- Disagree; 3- Somewhat Agree; 4- Agree; 5-
Strongly Agree.

II. Level of Impulse Buying and variety seeking in purchase decision

a. Consumer Impulsiveness

Items: 1 2 3 4 5

I like to indulge myself by buying things for purchase.

I like to make planned decisions when buying goods.

I have my self-control when it comes to hoarding essential products and

sell online/offline.

b. Self-Monitoring

Items: 1 2 3 4

I have found that I can adjust my behavior to meet the requirements

of any situations I find myself in.

Once I know what the situation calls for, it’s easy for me to regulate my
actions accordingly.

In crisis situation, I can adjust and change my behavior if I felt that the
product will sold out immediately.

c. Optimum Stimulation level

Items: 1 2 3 4 5

I like taking risks on the products that’s been served in the public
without having experience on it.

I like to try new products, especially if it’s sale or on a cheap price

When things got boring, I tend to visit online shops.

III. Influencing factors for the consumers buying impulsively

a. Product Characteristics

Items: 1 2 3 4 5

The brands that are more appealing bring a symbolic value.

I choose cheapest product.

I see the high quality of a product through their appearance/packaging.

b.In-store simulation

Items: 1 2 3 4 5

I like to check any recommendations and review of a product or services

by a friend.

I like to check and evaluate the posted photos from the respective buyer.

I easily persuade of my friend to navigate or find what I want to buy.

c. Flash Sales (Time-Limited)

Items: 1 2 3 4 5

I have found that flash sales give discounts.

I think flash sales is more convenient.

I have found that flash sales had a limited quantity.

d. Post-pandemic

Items: 1 2 3 4 5

I feel safe buying through online because of the pandemic crisis that
we experience today.

I acknowledge that buying online this pandemic is helpful for me.

I actually keep purchasing on the online item this post-pandemic on the

chance that they have great services.

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