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Tuaman Engineering Limited

Gas Cutting Tools Inspection Record

Project Name :……………………………. Sl No: ………………..
Location :…………………………….
Contractor Name :……………………………. Date :………………..
CYL are
Regulator Pressure gauges
CYL are placed located min CYL ,empty and Hoses are free Flash back
CYL are of Torches Proper Hoses are should be in
upright and are 10m away filled are from tape Hoses are arrestors are
Carry ISI/EN are in connections protected proper working
Cylinder chained/Sleeve from the segragated and wrapped as a protected provided for the
Sl.No Location Labels and in right are used for from the condition and
No/Id fixes to avoid source of the status visual temporary from assembly both
On right working fastening mechanica prescribed
dislocation ignition ,live displayed on a measure to burning for cylinders &
Body working condition and fixing l damage pressure should
when in use electric board plug leakage Torches.
condition be set & worked


site Supervisor Safety Officer

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