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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

National Service Training Program – Literacy Training Service

Basic First Aid / Basic Life Support

At any moment, you or someone around you could experience an injury or illness. Using
basic first aid, you may be able to stop a minor mishap from getting worse. In the case of a serious
medical emergency, you may even save a life. That’s why it’s so important to learn basic first aid
skills. To build on the information you learn here, considering taking a first aid lesson.

When you provide basic medical care to someone experiencing a sudden injury or illness,
it’s known as first aid. In some cases, first aid consists of the initial support provided to someone
in the middle of a medical emergency. This support might help them survive until professional
help arrives. In other cases, first aid consists of the care provided to someone with a minor injury.
For example, first aid is often all that’s needed to treat minor burns, cuts, and insect stings.

First aid refers to the emergency or immediate care you should provide when a person is
injured or ill until full medical treatment is available. For minor conditions, first aid care may be
enough. For serious problems, first aid care should be continued until more advanced care
becomes available.

First aid is the immediate care given to person who is injured or suddenly becomes ill. When
there is an emergency, minutes are very important, so first aid has a vital function. Immediate
action is necessary when there is a lot of bleeding, when breathing has stopped for any reasons,
when there is poisoning, or irritating chemicals come in contact with the skin or get in the eyes.

People should be trained to care properly for injuries to themselves and others at home, at
work, or in the community. Even a small injury can be very serious and cause death, so everyone
should know first aid techniques. When the first aiders face an emergency, they must be able to
keep calm and organize other people to do like them. He or she must know how to supply artificial
respiration, control bleeding and protect injuries. Medical assistance has to be arrange. Knowing
how to carry the victim without causing more injuries is very important.

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The decision to act appropriately with first aid can mean the difference between life and
death. Begin by introducing yourself to the injured or ill person. Explain that you are a first aid
provider and are willing to help. The person must give you permission to help them, do not touch
them until they agree to be helped. If your encounter a confused person or someone who is
critically injured or ill, you can assume that they would want you to help them.

The first step in any emergency is the recognition of the problem and providing help. When
in doubt or when someone is seriously injured or ill, you should always activate the emergency
response system by calling 911, or your own locality’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) number.
If you’re not sure how serious the situation is, the 911/EMS operator will ask you a series of
questions to determine the severity of the situation. Remain on the line until additional help
arrives, or until the 911/EMS operator tells you to hang up. Emergency system dispatchers can
guide you through the steps of performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), using an
automated external defibrillator (AED), or delivering basic care until additional help arrives.

Whether you are at home, work, or school, know where the first aid kit and the AED are
kept and be familiar with their contents. Know how to activate the Emergency Medical Services
(EMS) in your area. Be aware of any policies in the workplace regarding medical emergencies.

After determining the problem, the next step in providing help is to determine the
responsiveness of the injured or ill person. The best way to determine this is to tap the person
and talk loudly to them: “Are you okay?” After determining responsiveness, yell for help. Look for
any medical identifications, such as a necklace or a bracelet. This may provide a valuable clue to
the cause of the situation.

Assessing the safety of the surroundings is critical when approaching any scene. You do not
want to become another person who is injured or ill, so look for any potential dangers. Remove
the person from any dangers, such as the presence of water at the scene. Be especially alert to
avoid danger from automobile traffic.

In short, effective first aid depends on prevention, recognition and organization. In our
country hundreds of people die in traffic accidents every year because most people don’t have first
aid information. If more people were trained in first aid, the number of dead people would
decrease. You may face an emergency anywhere. One day somebody from your family may be
injured or suddenly become ill. In order not to be helpless in such a situation, you have to know
first aid techniques.

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Topic Outline:

1. Basic First Aid / Basic Life Support

a. Search and Rescue

Try This!


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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016

Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not correct.

________ 1. Look, listen and feel to work out if an unconscious person is breathing.

________ 2. Scream loudly when you arrive at the scene of an accident.

________ 3. Jump into the water to help someone who is drowning.

________ 4. Remain calm and talk quietly to someone who has been hurt.

________ 5. Check for dangers as the first step in helping at an accident or injury.

________ 6. Try to catch a spider if it has bitten someone, so you can show it to a doctor.

________ 7. When someone is injured, you can run and approached him/her directly.

________ 8. Nosebleeds occur from eating or getting too little rest.

________ 9. When the nose bleeds we should put the head forward.

________ 10. Time is very important when there is an emergency.

________ 11. When first aiders face an emergency they should be calm and organized.

________ 12. Everybody should not know first aid techniques.

________ 13. When you have nose bleed, you should lean forward and pinch your nose.

________ 14. For an ankle sprain you should apply cold compress.

________ 15. A COVID-19 vaccine can cause infertility.

________ 16. Vaccines can cause autism.

________ 17. Vaccines can change your DNA.

________ 18. A COVID-19 vaccine has a microchip embedded in it.

________ 19. A COVID-19 vaccine can kill 700,000 people.

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Directions: For each search and rescue during natural and man-made disaster listed below, state
one possible incident and how to conduct rescue (5 points each item).

Search and rescue Incident Happened How They Rescued

Flash flood





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Think Ahead!

Directions: Write the letter of the answer on the blank before each number

________ 1. Due to the essential nature of washing your hands, how much time is
recommended to wash your hands?
a. 10 seconds c. 1 minute
b. 20 seconds d. 4 minutes
________ 2. You come upon a person who has lost a significant amount of blood, has a very
pale skin colour, and is confused. What do you suspect the cause to be?
a. seizure c. low blood sugar
b. stroke d. shock
________ 3. While dining out in a restaurant you hear a mother cry out that her six-month-old
child, who was given some marbles by an older child, is gagging. His mouth area is
turning blue and he’s unable to take a breath or cry out. What would you do first in
this scenario?
a. Begin CPR
b. Attempt rescue breaths then compressions
c. Deliver back blows and chest thrusts
d. Blind finger Sweep
________ 4. While performing CPR on an infant, another rescuer appears on the scene, what do
you do next?
a. Immediately transport the patient
b. Wait until exhausted, then switch
c. Have the second rescuer help with CPR, to minimize fatigue
d. Have the second rescuer begin ventilations; ratio 30:2
________ 5. After finding an unresponsive child, yelling for help, and confirming the child isn't
breathing what would be your next course of action?
a. Leave the child and search for an AED
b. Deliver rescue breaths as most cardiac arrest occur due to breathing
c. Begin back blows and chest thrusts
d. Deliver 30 chest compressions

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________ 6. In case of burn, apply __________

a. oil c. antiseptic lotion
b. bandage d. ice
________ 7. You might get electric shock, if you touch any electrical appliance with ________
a. wooden scale c. dry hand
b. wet hand d. leather belt
________ 8. How will would you treat a scraped knee?
a. Give the injured person candy
b. Give them an aspirin and water
c. Put an ice pack on it
d. Put a band - aid on it
________ 9. If someone had a sprained an ankle, what would you do?
a. Put an ice on it
b. Put a band – aid on it
c. Wrap it with an ace bandage
d. Both A and C
________ 10. If someone has heat exhaustion, which has symptoms of sweating, nausea,
dilated pupils, and vomiting, how would you treat it?
a. Move to a cool place
b. Apply ice packs
c. Give them water to drink
d. All of the above
________ 11. When you are providing first aid you should
a. Wear personal protective equipment (PPE)
b. Only wear PPE if the person is someone you do not know.
c. Not to be concerned about PPE if you wash your hands.
d. Use cloth gloves to protect your hands
________ 12. After giving first aid, you ___________
a. can talk about what happened with anyone you want
b. cannot discuss anything with co-workers, you must keep things privately
c. can speak to a reporter about the incident
d. can discuss the incident with your immediate co-workers only

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________13. When assessing the scene, you should consider which of the following?
a. danger to yourself and others
b. how many people are injured or ill
c. where the location is
d. where the nearest telephone is
________ 14. How should you open the airway of an unconscious casualty?
a. Head tilt and chin lift c. Head tilt and jaw thrust
b. Jaw thrust d. Lift the chin
________ 15. How long would you check to see if an unconscious casualty is breathing
a. No more than 10 seconds c. Exactly 10 seconds
b. Approximately 10 seconds d. At least 10 seconds
________ 16. What should your first action be when treating an electrical burn?
a. Ensure that the casualty is still breathing.
b. Wash the burn with cold water.
c. Check for danger and ensure that contact with electrical source is broken.
d. Check for level of response.
________ 17. What is an open fracture?
a. A fracture in which the bone ends can move around.
b. A fracture in which the bone is exposed as the skin is broken.
c. A fracture which causes complications such as punctured lung.
d. A fracture in which the bone has bent and split.
________ 18. What names are given to the three different depths of burns?
a. small, medium and large burns
b. First. Second and third degree
c. Minor, medium and severe
d. Superficial, partial thickness, full thickness
________ 19. Can you always tell if someone has COVID-19?
a. No – not everyone with COVID-19 has symptoms
b. Yes – it will be obvious a person with COVID-19 coughs a lot
c. Yes – you can tell just by where a person comes from their race
d. No – because the person does not feel anything change in his body

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________ 20. How is COVID-19 passed on?

a. Through droplets that come from mouth and nose when cough or breath
b. In sexual fluids, including semen, vaginal fluids or anal mucous
c. By drinking unclean water
d. All of the above
________ 21. What is the safest way to celebrate your birthday during the COIVD-19 pandemic?
a. Sharing a meal with relatives only
b. Having a virtual party using an online conferencing application.
c. Hitting your favourite bar when it’s less crowded.
d. Gathering at a friend’s house with people you know well.
________ 22. Staying apart from other people when you have been exposed to coronavirus ___
a. physical distancing c. isolation
b. quarantine d. lockdown
________ 23. Which of these is not a common COVID-19 symptoms?
a. blurred vision c. continue cough
b. on – off fever d. inability to taste or smell
________ 24. When is it safe to be closer than 6 feet to another person who is not sick with
a. When the person is related to you.
b. When you have already had COVID-19.
c. When the person normally lives with you.
d. When you are outdoors.
________ 25. What does the “19” in the “COVID-19” refer to?
a. There are 19 variants of the coronavirus.
b. There are 19 symptoms of coronavirus disease.
c. This is the 19th coronavirus pandemic.
d. The coronavirus and the disease it causes were identified in 2019.
________ 26. The “corona” in the word coronavirus means ________
a. sun c. strong
b. beer d. crown
________ 27. An effective hand sanitizer contains at least this percentage of alcohol to kill the
coronavirus and other germs.
a. 30% c. 60%
b. 45% d. 80%
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See if you can do this!

Directions: Circle the things that used into a first aid kit.

Directions: Read the situation below and answer the questions.

Unconscious and Breathing

You have found somebody unconscious. You have

checked, and they he is breathing. What position should
you put him in? ________________________________

1. What can happen if you leave someone who is unconscious and breathing lying on his back?

2. What is the purpose of recovery position?


3. What is the point of lifting the knee?

Prepared by:
Prof. Joebert P. Alberto
WMSU NSTP LTS Facilitator
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