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Rima Ramadani


Praise the author pray for the presence of Allah SWT who was bestowed His grace, konwledge
and guidance so that the author can complete the industrial Labor Practices Report (PRAKERIN) organized
by SMK N 10 Garut for about there mounths

This report is a manifestation of the responsibility of the writer in writing of the completion of
the students' work practice. Students doing Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin) in School Because og the
coronavirus pandemic

In completing this report, the writer have received help and guidance from the various parties.
Without the help and guidance of various parties, perhaps the writer will get difficulties in the preparation
of this report. The writer would like to say thanks to:

1. Both parents who have given their blessing and mandate

2. Mr. H. Asep Rudiana, M.Pd at the head SMK N 10 Garut

3. Mrs. Siti Suminar, S.E.. as a project-based task guide for Perbankan Syariah SMKN 10 Garut

4. Mrs. Dewi Sri Mulyani as an English Teacher

The writer also realized that in writing this paper is still far from perfection. Therefore,

criticism and suggestions from readers are needed by the writer to improve their skills in

report writing.
The Purpose Of Prakerin Implement

Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin) is a system of learning is done outside of Teaching

Learning and carried out at the company/ Industry or agencies that have been determined.

In general, the implementation of the Industrial Work Practices program aimed to improve

the knowledge and skills of students accourding to their field setting down to real work.

situations, and so forth.

Implementation of Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin) at SMK aims to

1. Produce a quality workforce, the workforce has a level of knowledge and skills in accordance with the
demands of the working world.

2. Strengthening the compatibility between vocational schools and the world of work

3 Improve process effiency and effectiveness of education and training.

4. Provive recognition of work experience as part of the educational process.


During the practical activities of industrial work in J1 H. Mahmud Cimahi, Bandung, Kthe authors do a fair amount of activity
everyday, including:

a. Division f working group this division of work group to done randomly by the coach. The purpose of c ose creating a working group is to
complete the project/product that will be made using discussion of collaboration method, so that a group fias the same goals as the goals of
its member

b. Product Planning

1) Select a product or service

2) Make apprenticeship proposals and reports

3) Practice according to the proposale

c.Product Workmanship

1) Tune up conventional gasoline engines

2) Fix the differential

3) Fixing conventional ignition systems

B. Result Obtained

As long as i practice SMK N 10 Garut writers get a lot of msight and knowledge that has never been writers get during the school
day, including the following s I got a lot experience while domg industrial work practices even though only at school. The experience that I
get during industrial wock practice is that I feel a solid collaboration with the team/group to make products that have been agreed with the


After doing internship activities, the knowledge and experience of students is more stable. especially in the practice that is obtained.
Students can also see an immediate picture of the job situation at the company.With this internship, I can add insight and experience to
develop what has been taught and

practiced in school. Suggestion

For students or students who do Internship, it is better to carefully prepare the material that has been taught in school. This aims to avoid
confusion when asked to work.

And for the most important advice is to maintain the good name of the school where thecompany carries

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